e-ISSN: 2148-0494
Founded: 2015
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Dergiabant is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Faculty of Theology.

Dergiabant, which is published in May and November in two issues (Spring/Fall), publishes original research articles, translations and book reviews written in the fields of religious sciences, philosophy, history, language, literature and fine arts, provided that they are related to the field of theology. Article acceptance dates are (December 1-March 1) for the May issue and (June 1-September 1) for the November issue. If the number of articles reaches a sufficient level, the article acceptance process may be closed before the announced date.

Academic studies submitted to the journal for publication should be prepared according to the ISNAD Citation System (ISNAD II Footnoted Version) and organized in accordance with the journal's writing rules. Submitted articles should not have been previously published or sent to another journal for publication. The publication language of the journal is Turkish. However, studies written in English and Arabic are also included in the journal, provided that they do not exceed 1/3 of the total number of articles published in each issue. Translation and research articles should not exceed ten thousand words in total, and review articles should not exceed two thousand words.

Articles published in Dergiabant reach the reader through processes in accordance with the "Principles of Research and Publication Ethics". A written declaration is obtained from the authors that research ethics are complied with. For studies that require "Ethics Committee Approval", a board approval document is also requested. Articles submitted to the journal are scanned with a special software to determine their originality and plagiarism-free status. They are evaluated by at least two expert referees in accordance with the double-blind refereeing system.

Opening Date for Article Submission: June 1, 2025

2024 - Volume: 12 Issue: 2