One of the iʾjāz aspects of the Qurʾān is undoubtedly the differences in recitation, which are evaluated under the sub-headings of the science of recitation. In this respect, the differences in recitation draw attention because it is one of the indispensable interpretation aspects of classical tafsīr. Naturally, the approaches of the schools of language, fiqh and mysticism to the differences in recitation and the methods of interpreting them also vary as well. Tafsīr al-Maẓharī, which is mentioned in the category of ishārī/ṣūfī tafsīr, also draws attention with this aspect. This book, which has not been studied in the academic field in terms of the phenomenon of recitation, will be presented to the attention within the framework of the science of recitation. In this study, answers to the following questions will be sought basically: Is there a school that Senāullah Pānīpatī follows in recitation? Is there a mystical effect in making sense of the differences in fersh and method? What is his approach to the shādh recitations? Are there any specific definitions of the science of recitation? Did he make a choice while evaluating the recitations? If so, has he criticized the other? Has he classified the recitations in terms of isnāds? What is his approach about the seven letters? Like this, issues that are included in the basic problematic of the science of recitation will be mentioned and their answers will be tried to be revealed with the approach of the author. The main goal of our study will be to present this tafsīr, which is not in the foreground today, from the perspective of the science of recitation.