Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cansu Yildirim received her Bachelor’s Degree from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Izmir University of Economics in 2009. After getting her MSc Degree in Operations, Project, and Supply Chain Management from University of Manchester (2010), she took a scholarship from Izmir University of Economics, and received her PhD Degree in 2015, with a Marketing major. In 2016, she was assigned as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Maritime Business Administration at Dokuz Eylul University. She has publications in Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Brand Management, Production Planning & Control, and Journal of Service Theory and Practice.
Prof. Dr. Nil Kula has been graduated from Istanbul Bilgi University School of Law in 2005.
She has acted as a maritime lawyer in between 2006-2010 in Sacaklioglu Law Firm in İzmir.
In 2008, she has completed her master thesis named “The execution of the prevention of the
marine pollution and compensation of the damages occurred upon the pollution by Turkish
public authorities” that has been prepared in Dokuz Eylul University Social Sciences Institute
Public Law Program, The same year, she has commenced her doctorate education in the
same university and same institute under Maritime Business Administration Program and
concluded the program in 2012 with her doctorate thesis named as “An Evaluation on the
Liabilities and Liability Insurance Cover of Freight Forwarder as a Multimodal Transport
Operator”. In 2013 she has studied in University of Texas School of Law with TUBITAK Post-
Doctorate Scholarship and in 2018 she has studied in University of San Francisco School of
Law with FULBRIGHT Academic Scholarship.
In 2010 she has been appointed as researcher to Dokuz Eylul University Maritime Faculty. In
2013 she has been appointed to the same institution as assistant professor. In 2016 she has
been granted as Associate Professor in Maritime Law and in 2022 she has been appointed
as Professor to Dokuz Eylul University Maritime Faculty Department of Maritime Business
Administration. Still she is Head of Department of Maritime Economy and Policy.
Prof. Dr. Nil Kula is a member of the board of directors of Ankara University National Center
for the Sea and Maritime Law (DEHUKAM). The same year she has been appointed as
director of the Dokuz Eylul University Eagean Region Application and Research Center. In
2021 she has also been appointed as director of the Dokuz Eylul University Institute of
Marine Sciences and Technology. She is still in charge with her all duties. She is giving
lectures on maritime law, transport law, marine insurance law in Turkish and English
languages. She has 6 books and 32 single author articles and many papers that has been
submitted to national and international conferences.
Demir Ali Akyar graduated from the Department of Maritime Business Administration at Dokuz Eylül University in 2016. Continuing his academic career at the same university, he completed his master’s degree in 2022 with a thesis titled "Benchmarking Operational Efficiency of Container Terminals in Turkey." He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the Department of Maritime Business Administration at Dokuz Eylül University. His academic research focuses on logistics management, port management, and ship management.