Writing Rules

• Program: Microsoft Word
• Paper size: 210x297 mm
• Top: 2.5 cm
• Bottom: 2.5 cm
• Right: 2.5 cm
• Left: 4 cm
• Top: 2 cm
• Bottom: 2 cm
• Font: Times New Roman, 12-point
• Paragraph indent: 1.25 cm
• Paragraph spacing: Before: 0.6 nk
• Line spacing: Single
• Text quotes: Italic
• Font: Times New Roman, 9-point
• Line spacing: Single
• Hanging: 0
The article can be written in either Turkish or English. An abstract of no more than 200 words should be written in both Turkish and English.
The article should contain up to seven keywords in both Turkish and English that describe the topic.
The author must include an asterisked footnote on the first page, beside their name, with their academic title, institutional affiliation, email address (in parentheses and italicized), and ORCID number.
• Prof. Dr., Dokuz Eylül University, Atatürk Principles and Revolution History Institute, (abc@deu.edu.tr), (ORCID: 0001-0000-0000-000X).
The main headings in the article should be numbered as 1, 2, 3, and the subheadings as 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, according to the content of the topic.
Any maps or images to be included in the article must be placed in the Word (.doc, .docx) document, and these maps and images should also be numbered and submitted separately from the article.
Graphs should be prepared in Microsoft Office Excel (.xls) or Word (.doc, .docx) documents and should be inserted into the document in an appropriate format.
Our journal uses the latest version of the Chicago style for footnotes and bibliography.
When citing a source for the first time, the author's full name must be provided.
The title of the work should be written in italics.
The publisher, place of publication, year, and page number of the source must be provided.
Footnotes should be formatted in Times New Roman, 9-point font.
Shortened Footnotes (For subsequent references after the first citation)
After the first reference to a source, subsequent citations to the same source should be shortened. The shortened form should remind the reader of the full title or direct them to the relevant entry in the bibliography. The format of the shortened citation may vary depending on whether other sources are cited between references:
1. Andrew Mango, Atatürk: The Founder of Modern Turkey, 7th ed. (Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 2004), 324. (First citation of the source in the footnote)
2. Mango, Atatürk: The Founder, 325.
3. Mango, 326.
4. Naşit Hakkı Uluğ, Üç Büyük Devrim (Istanbul: Ak Yayınları, 1973), 27.
5. Mango, Atatürk: The Founder, 325.
Italics and Quotation Marks
Whether in the text or in the bibliography, titles of books, journals, plays, and other standalone sources (works that can be considered a source on their own) should be written in italics. Articles, book chapters, or sections within a novel should be enclosed in quotation marks.
• We read A Separate Peace in class. (book title)
• The article titled "Your Brain on Drugs" in Time magazine was very impactful.
• The phrase “in the magazine” is not italicized, as it is not part of the publication's title.
• His article titled "Death by Dessert" was published in The New York Times Magazine. In this example, both "The" and "Magazine" are part of the publication's title, so they are italicized.
Block Quotations
• Quotations that exceed 100 words should be formatted as block quotes. Even if a quotation is under 100 words but consists of two or more paragraphs, it should still be formatted as a block quote.
• Additionally, information presented in list format or special text formats like poetry should also be shown as block quotations. Block quotations do not use quotation marks. A block quote always begins on a new line.
Single-Author Book
• Footnote:
1Andrew Mango, Atatürk: The Founder of Modern Turkey (Istanbul: İletişim Publishing, 2005), 324.
• Bibliography: Mango, Andrew. Atatürk: The Founder of Modern Turkey. Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 2004.
Two or Three-Author Book
• Footnote:
1Selim İlkin and İlhan Tekeli, İkinci Dünya Savaşı Türkiyesi (Istanbul: İletişim Publishing, 2005), 324.
• Bibliography: İlkin, Selim, and Tekeli, İlhan. İkinci Dünya Savaşı Türkiyesi. Istanbul: İletişim Publishing, 2005.
Editor Instead of Author
• Footnote:
1Sina Akşin, ed., Türkiye Tarihi (Istanbul: Cem Publishing, 2002), 352.
• Bibliography: Akşin, Sina, ed. Türkiye Tarihi. Istanbul: Cem Publishing, 2002.
Translated Book
• Footnote:
1Berthe Gaulois, Çankaya Akşamları, trans. Firuzan Tekil (Istanbul: Cumhuriyet, 2001), 324.
• Bibliography: Gaulois, Berthe. Çankaya Akşamları, translated by Firuzan Tekil. Istanbul: Cumhuriyet, 2001.
Multi-Volume Book
• Footnote:
1Şerafettin Turan, Türk Devrim Tarihi, vol. 2 (Ankara: Bilgi, 2008), 20.
• Bibliography: Turan, Şerafettin. Türk Devrim Tarihi, vol. 2. Ankara: Bilgi, 2008.
Book Chapter
• Footnote:
1Celal Şengör, “Lozan Barış Antlaşması ve Türkiye’nin Entelektüel Gelişmesindeki Önemi,” in İlk ve Son Barış 100. Yılında Lozan, ed. Bülent Özükan (Istanbul: Boyut, 2021), 40.
• Bibliography: Şengör, Celal. “Lozan Barış Antlaşması ve Türkiye’nin Entelektüel Gelişmesindeki Önemi.” In İlk ve Son Barış 100. Yılında Lozan, edited by Bülent Özükan, 34-46. Istanbul: Boyut, 2021.
Author's Full Name, “Article Title,” Journal Name volume no., issue no. (Publication Year): page number, DOI or URL.
• Footnote:
1Zafer Toprak, “Gazi, Afet Hanım ve Kadınların Siyasal Hakları,” Toplumsal Tarih 247 (July 2014): 34.
2Toprak, “Gazi, Afet Hanım,” 35.
• Bibliography:
Toprak, Zafer. “Gazi, Afet Hanım ve Kadınların Siyasal Hakları.” Toplumsal Tarih 247 (July 2014): 30-50.
Two-Author Article
• Footnote:
1Aziz Ogan and Arif Müfid Mansel, “Rhegion – Küçükçekmece Hafriyatı 1940-1941 Çalışmalarına Dair İlk Rapor,” Belleten 6, 21 (January 1942): 10.
• Bibliography:
Ogan, Aziz, and Mansel, Arif Müfid. “Rhegion – Küçükçekmece Hafriyatı 1940-1941 Çalışmalarına Dair İlk Rapor.” Belleten 6, 21 (January 1942): 1-18.
Newspaper/Magazine Article
• Footnote:
Kemal Salih Sel, “Yeni Gün’den Cumhuriyet’e,” Cumhuriyet, May 7, 1984, 1.
• Bibliography:
Sel, Kemal Salih. “Yeni Gün’den Cumhuriyet’e.” Cumhuriyet, May 7, 1984.
• Footnote:
Nevzat Artuç, “Ahmed Cemal Paşa (1872-1922) Askeri ve Siyasi Hayatı,” (PhD diss., Süleyman Demirel University, 2005), 60.
• Bibliography:
Artuç, Nevzat. “Ahmed Cemal Paşa (1872-1922) Askeri ve Siyasi Hayatı.” PhD diss., Süleyman Demirel University, 2005.
Web Content
• Footnote:
Steve Johnson, "The Whole Brain Atlas," Harvard University Medical School, accessed April 29, 2011, http://www.med.harvard.edu/AANLIB/.
• Bibliography:
Johnson, Steve. "The Whole Brain Atlas." Harvard University Medical School, accessed April 29, 2011, http://www.med.harvard.edu/AANLIB/.
Symposium Paper
• Footnote:
Ali Engin Oba, “Büyük Taarruz’un Arka Planı: Tek Cepheli Savaş ve Diplomasi,” 100. Yılında Uluslararası Büyük Taarruz ve Başkomutan Meydan Muharebesi Sempozyumu, ed. Gürsoy Şahin (Afyonkarahisar: Afyon Kocatepe University Press, 2023), 20.
• Bibliography:
Oba, Ali Engin. “Büyük Taarruz’un Arka Planı: Tek Cepheli Savaş ve Diplomasi.” 100. Yılında Uluslararası Büyük Taarruz ve Başkomutan Meydan Muharebesi Sempozyumu, edited by Gürsoy Şahin, 19-32. Afyonkarahisar: Afyon Kocatepe University Press, 2023.
Encyclopedia Entry
• Footnote:
Şerif Mardin, “Atatürkçülüğün Kökenleri,” Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye Ansiklopedisi, ed. (Editor’s Name) (Istanbul: İletişim Publishing, 1983), 1:87.
• Bibliography:
Mardin, Şerif. “Atatürkçülüğün Kökenleri.” Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye Ansiklopedisi, edited by (Editor’s Name), 1:87-90. Istanbul: İletişim Publishing, 1983.
Archive Sources
Archive sources should primarily include the location where the document was obtained, the file number, and the folder number (if available).
• Archive Source Format:
[Name of the Archive], [File Number], [Folder Number] (if available).
Newspapers and Periodicals
Newspapers and magazines should be listed in alphabetical order.
• III. Periodicals
Tarih ve Toplum
The order of works to be included in the bibliography should be as follows:
1. Archive Sources
2. Official Publications
3. Research Works
4. Periodicals (Newspapers and Magazines)
5. Articles
6. Internet Sources
7. Oral History Interviews
Bibliography Format
Only sources cited in the text should be included. Bibliography entries should be listed in alphabetical order based on the first author's last name. If a source has more than one author, only the first author’s last name is placed first.
If multiple works by the same author are listed, after the first entry, the author's name should be replaced with three long dash marks (―――), and the author’s name should be repeated in each new entry.
In such cases, the bibliography entries should be alphabetized according to the title of the book/article/book chapter. The bibliography entry should always end with a period, even if the entry includes a website address.

Last Update Time: 11/19/24, 10:37:55 AM