Owner on behalf of Dicle University Faculty of Theology
Editor in Chief
Religious Studies (Other)
Field Editors (Basic Islamic Sciences)
Religion, Society and Culture Studies, Tafsir
Field Editors (Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences)
Social Media Studies, Sociology, Body Sociology, Sociology (Other)
Field Editors (Department of Islamic Arts and History)
Language Editors (Arabic)
Arabic Language and Rhetoric
Language Editors (Turkish )
Persian Language, Literature and Culture, Turkish Islamic Literature, Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field
Language Editors (English)
Sociology of Religion, Religion, Society and Culture Studies
Responsible Managing Editor
Calligraphy, History of Islam, Religion, Society and Culture Studies, Hadith, Recitation of the Qur'an and Qiraat
Layout & Design
Ottoman Institutions and Civilization, History of Islam, Late Modern Ottoman History
Ethics Editor
Editorial Board
Religious Studies (Other)
1968 Şırnak Silopi'de doğdu. 1990'de Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesinden mezun oldu. 1996'da Yüksek Lisans eğitimini, 2004'te doktorasını bitirdi. 2014'te doçent ve 2020'de profesör oldu.
Religion, Society and Culture Studies, Islamic Studies, Hadith
Late Modern History, Late Modern History of Middle East, Late Modern Ottoman History
Turkish Islamic Literature, Turkish Language and Literature, Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field, Classical Turkish Literature
Linguistics, Persian Language, Literature and Culture, Philosophy
Scientific and Advisory Board
History of Religion, Historical Religions, Jewish Studies
Political and Civilization History of Islam, History of Islam
Prof. Dr. Adnan DEMİRCAN
Division of Islamic History, İstanbul University, Faculty of Theology, İstanbul, Türkiye
History of Islam, Religion, Society and Culture Studies
Arabic Language and Rhetoric
Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture, Tafsir