ISSN: 1302-1842
e-ISSN: 2587-005X
Founded: 1999
Cover Image


Dumlupınar University, Journal of Social Sciences was first issued in January 1999 and publishes both theoretical and applied articles which offer original contribution(s) to social sciences. The journal does not demand any fees from the author(s) for sending or publishing the articles.

The journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal published trimonthly in January, April, July and October. The journal accepts articles written in Turkish and English. 

DPUJSS is an international peer-reviewed journal indexed by EBSCOhost, ULAKBİM/Social Sciences Database, SOBİAD and ASOS Index. 

The journal is an “open access” journal and the online versions are provided free of charge to all users. Users might access, read, download, distribute, and print the articles and provide links to the articles giving full credit to the journal. 

The publication procedure is carried out on DERGİPARK and submission of new articles are not permitted in January, April, July and October due to page layout / publication work of the issues to be published in the related months. 

The articles sent to our journal for publication are not given any type of assurances for publication in a specific issue, neither reviewers nor period of publication can be prearranged. All the publication procedures follow the ethic codes and the completion of a double-blind peer-review process and the permission of the authorised board(s)/commission(s). 

2025 - Issue: 83

Creative Commons

Dergimiz EBSCOhost, ULAKBİM/Sosyal Bilimler Veri Tabanında, SOBİAD ve Türk Eğitim İndeksi'nde yer alan uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir.