The articles should be formatted according to the "DSJOURNAL Article Template." In order for your work to be considered for evaluation, it must be prepared using the Article Template. The DSJOURNAL Article Template will facilitate the preparation of your work in compliance with our journal's writing guidelines. The creation of headings, word count for the abstract, keywords, formatting of the main text, details of tables and graphs, and the organization of the bibliography should all be done according to the Article Template.
The citations and bibliography of the articles should be created following the (reference guide) "DSJOURNAL Citation Style Guide."
When uploading the article to the DergiPark system, please fill in both the Turkish and English sections for the title, abstract, and keywords. Make sure to capitalize the first letters of the words while filling in the sections. For example, it should be written as "A Terrorism Discourse as a Securitization Practice." It should not be written in all capital letters or in a different format.
If necessary, the last part of the article should include an explanation of the researchers' contribution statement, a "acknowledgment statement," and a "conflict of interest statement."
Starting from 2023, DSJOURNAL has decided to publish research articles with an Extended Summary. For articles written in Turkish, the Extended Summary should be in English. For articles written in English, an Extended Summary is not required. The Extended Summary should follow the Abstract section.
When uploading the article, the author(s) should make a reviewer suggestion and upload the Author Declaration Form ("makale taahhütnamesi") form (accessible in the 3rd stage of the article submission process) to the system.
Citations should be provided following the rules of The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition. To minimize potential issues with citation, it is recommended to use reference management software such as "Mendeley."
Online sources should include a DOI or URL.
It is preferred that articles be between (minimum) 3,000 and (maximum) 8,000 words, but the upper limit is not mandatory. Only the main text is included in the word count; abstract, extended English abstract, bibliography, figure captions and tables are not included in the word count.