Aim & Scope

Aims, Scope, and Audience

Dynamics in Social Sciences and Humanities aims to enrich the existing literature by publishing research articles, reviews, and book reviews across a diverse range of subjects including Banking and Insurance, Econometrics, Finance, Public Relations, Economic Thought, Economic History, Communication Management, Microeconomics, Accounting, Quantitative Decision Methods, Organization, Psychology, Marketing, Advertising, Social Work, Social Politics, Social Psychology, Sociology, Tourism, International Economics, International Relations, International Trade, Applied Psychology, Production Management, Management Information Systems, as well as Management and Strategy.

The journal's intended audience comprises specialists, researchers, and professionals actively engaged or interested in the expansive fields of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Dynamics in Social Sciences and Humanities is covered in the following indexing database;
Gale Cengage

To guarantee that all papers published in the journal are maintained and permanently accessible, articles are stored in Dergipark which serves as a national archival web site and at the same time permits LOCKSS to collect, preserve, and serve the content.

Period Months
March September
Last Update Time: 1/27/25, 9:21:01 AM

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