Düzce University Journal of Science and Technology is published four times a year (January, April, July, and October) by the Institute of Science and Technology of Düzce University. This journal is an international platform that publishes research articles, topic reviews, letters, and compilations in the field of science. The language of the articles to be published in the journal is English. As of the January 2024 issue, the peer review process has been initiated for manuscripts written in English. Articles can only be submitted for review through the journal’s online system. To initiate the article review process, it is necessary to complete and upload the Copyright Form (click here) through the online system. The journal follows a double-blind peer review process. There is no submission fee for sending articles to our journal.
The Düzce University Journal of Science and Technology is a peer-reviewed journal that encompasses and supports the scientific method for published articles. Authors must write their studies with sufficient details and references to allow other researchers to replicate them. Fabricated or deliberately erroneous studies will not be accepted for ethical reasons. Authors must properly cite the works or sentences they use from others to ensure the originality of their work. Plagiarism exists in various forms, and no type of plagiarism is accepted as it is unethical.
Regarding the authors listed in the manuscript, only those who have made significant contributions during the preparation of the study should be included. If the study involves hazardous chemicals or procedures, authors must explicitly state this in the article. If human or animal subjects are used, authors must ensure that their study complies with all applicable laws, including animal and human rights regulations.
To ensure an ethical review process, the Düzce University Journal of Science and Technology ensures that article reviews are not influenced by authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or political beliefs. Additionally, editors and reviewers are prohibited from explicitly or implicitly pressuring authors to cite their own journals or publications. Any citation suggestions must be directly relevant to the author’s work.
All authors must disclose any financial or personal conflicts of interest, as well as any affiliations with other organizations. Authors should be aware that submitting their work to the journal implies that the related study has not been previously published elsewhere (in Turkish, English, or any other language) and is not under review for publication elsewhere.
Please ensure that your manuscript is in English (both American and British English are accepted, but a mix of both is not). Our journal does not provide English language editing services. When uploading the manuscript to the system, the authors’ names should not be included in the manuscript file. Once the article is accepted, a version including the author names should be prepared.
Authors must download the template file (click here for the English template) and prepare their work using this file in Microsoft Office Word. In addition to the template, please refer to the writing guidelines (click here). The formats and styles for various structures (e.g., tables, figures, etc.) to be used in different sections of the manuscript are shown in the template.
Only one font type should be used throughout the manuscript, and Times New Roman is recommended. For special characters, Symbol and Arial fonts may be used. Words and phrases that need emphasis should be italicized. Authors are encouraged to use Microsoft Office Word’s spelling and grammar check features.
A concise and informative title should be selected for the article, and if possible, abbreviations and formulas should be avoided in the title. The abstract should be concise and factual, summarizing the research’s purpose, key findings, and main conclusions. The abstract should not exceed 250 words. Up to six keywords should be provided below the abstract. As seen in the template, the abstract and keywords must be included in both Turkish and English.
The study’s objective should be explained in the Introduction section with sufficient background literature. The methodology and experimental setup, along with necessary references, should be detailed to allow other researchers to replicate the study. The Results section should be clear and concise, and the Discussion section should explain the significance of the findings. If the study was financially supported by an institution, this should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgments section, along with gratitude to contributors.
Abbreviations that are not commonly known should be clearly defined when first mentioned. Ensure that abbreviations remain consistent throughout the manuscript. Units should also be consistent. Simple equations, such as F = m.a, can be presented in normal font, while more complex equations should not be presented as images. Instead, they should be created using MathType or the Microsoft Equation Editor. Note that exponents of “e” should be represented using “exp”.
Use a consistent font and size in figures, and number them sequentially according to their order in the manuscript. Avoid using low-resolution or low-quality files (e.g., GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG). If a figure consists of multiple parts, label them with lowercase letters in parentheses within the figure. Figure captions should be written below the figure, not inside it. Tables should be numbered sequentially and should not include vertical lines unless absolutely necessary. Each table must have a title positioned above the table.
Ensure that every reference cited in the manuscript is included in the References section and that each reference in the References section is cited in the manuscript. In-text citations should be indicated by numbers in square brackets. If an author’s name is mentioned in the text, the reference number should appear immediately after their name, e.g.,
"… However, Yıldırım [7] obtained a different result …"
Avoid citing unpublished manuscripts unless they are explicitly marked as "in press." If a digital object identifier (DOI) is available for a reference, it should be used. The citation formats for journal articles, books, theses, etc., are provided in the template file. As seen in the template, journal names are abbreviated. For journal abbreviations, you may refer to:
Medicus Journal Abbreviations Index
Word Abbreviations
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service)
UBYT Journal Search Engine
Plagiarism Policy
All submitted manuscripts are checked for similarity using iThenticate, Turnitin, or intihal.net. Manuscripts with a similarity rate exceeding 20% will not be considered for evaluation.
Number of Articles Published per Issue
As of the second issue of 2020, a maximum of 40 articles will be published per issue. Articles will be published in the order of acceptance.