Guide for Authors

Düzce University Journal of Science & Technology is published every 3 months (January, April, July, October). This journal is an international medium for the publication of original research papers, subject reviews, letters and short communications about science and technology. Düzce University Journal of Science & Technology aims to present scientific studies to national and international experts by publishing these experimental or theoretical studies. Publishing to our journal is free of charge.

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Papers are firstly checked for their suitability for the journal’s style. The papers that do not suit the journal’s standards are sent back to authors for them to make necessary changes. The papers that passes technical check are sent to reviewers (at least two). In case reviewers request a revision, the paper is sent back to authors for revision. It is authors’ responsibility to submit a revised version in the allocated time. If reviewers request, the revised version of the paper is sent back to reviewers again. The revised papers that are confirmed by reviewers are accepted and published online.


Düzce University Journal of Science & Technology is published in every 6 months (January and July). This journal is an international medium for the publication of original research papers, subject reviews, letters and short communications about science and technology. Düzce University Journal of Science & Technology aims to present scientific studies to national and international experts by publishing these experimental or theoretical studies.

The language of the manuscripts to be published in the journal can be Turkish or English. Manuscripts can only be submitted for review through the online system of the journal. Authors are supposed to fill Copyright Form file, which is necessary for the reviewing process to begin, and submit it through the online system. This journal does not require any page charges.


This is a peer-reviewed journal which supports and embodies the scientific method for the articles published in the journal. Authors are expected to write their paper in a way that there is sufficient detail and references for the others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate reports are unacceptable considering ethical issues. The authors should make necessary citations if they use the work or words of others in their paper. Thus, it is ensured that the work is entirely original. There are various ways of plagiarism, and any form of plagiarism is unacceptable since it is unethical. All papers will be checked to prevent plagiarism. Regarding authorship, it should be limited to those who made a significant contribution during the paper preparation.

For the works involving hazardous chemicals, procedures of equipment, authors must clearly state these in the manuscript, and for the works involving the use of animal or human subjects, authors should ensure the work is not in conflict with any laws including human rights and animal rights. Regarding the ethical issues for reviewing process, this journal ensures the evaluation of manuscripts is not affected by race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors. Moreover, editors and referees are forbidden to oblige authors to cite his/her journal or article through implying or explicitly requesting. Any citation recommendation should be made on the basis of direct relevance to the authors’ article.

All authors are required to disclose any conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations. Authors should be aware that the submission of paper will mean that their work has not been published previously, nor is it under review for publication elsewhere in its current language or another.

Please write your text in Turkish or English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). The journal does not provide any English Language Editing service.When the article is uploaded to the system, the author name should not be specified in the article file, the version with the author names added after the article is accepted.


Authors are required to download the template file (Please clickhere to download the template) and write their papers on this template file through MS Word. Predefined style formats are available for all the necessary structures that are supposed to be part of the manuscript (e.g. tables, figures, etc). When the article is uploaded to the system, the author name should not be specified in the article file, the version with the author names added after the article is accepted. A single main font should be used for the entire text. We recommend Times New Roman. For special characters, please use Symbol or Arial. Please set emphasized words or phrases in italic type. Authors are advised to use the 'spell-check' and 'grammar-check' functions of Microsoft Office Word in order to prevent any typing or spelling errors.

A concise and informative title should be chosen for the paper, and if possible it is to your best interest to avoid abbreviations and formulae in the title. A short title not exceeding 70 characters (with spaces) should be supplied within “Cover Letter” file for further use. Abstract should be concise and factual, and should present briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. Use a maximum of 250 words for Abstract. At most a number of 6 keywords should follow the abstract. The purpose of the work should be provided with adequate literature background in the Introduction section. Sufficient detail of the methodology of experimental settings used along with necessary references should be provided in order for others to replicate the work. Results should be clear and concise and discussion of the results should argue the importance or meaning of the results. If the work is supported financially by any agency, it should be stated in the Acknowledgements section, along with authors’ thanks to those who have contribution to the work.

Any acronym or abbreviation, except for very commonly ones, should be clearly defined at their first mention there. Be careful about the consistency of accronyms or abbreviations throughout the paper. All units used should be consistent throughout the paper. Simple equations can be presented in the line of normal text (i.e. F=m.a). Equations of other types should not be given in the form of graphics. For such equations, it is required to use MathType or the Microsoft equation editor. Keep in mind that powers of e are often more conveniently denoted by exp.

Make sure the use of uniform lettering and sizing of your artwork/figures/illustrations, and number them according to their sequence in the text. Refrain using files with low resolution and low quality files types that are optimized for screen use (e.g. GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG). If there is more than one part to a figure, the parts should be identified by a lower-case letter in parentheses close to or within the area of the figure. Captions should be included in the text and not in the graphics files. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text, and vertical rules should not be used in tables unless they are truly necessary. Each table should have a heading.

Ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list and vice versa. References should be indicated by number(s) in square brackets in line with the text. Even though the actual authors are mentioned with names in the text, the reference number(s) must always be given. For example, '... However, Yıldırım [7] obtained a different result …'. It is recommended to avoid referencing unpublished articles unless it’s status is 'in press'. In some cases a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number could be available for articles 'in press'. In such cases, authors should reference with the DOI number. Examples of reference to a journal publication, book, thesis, etc. are provided in the template file. As seen in the template file, journal names should be abbreviated. Links below can be visited for this purpose.

Index Medicus journal abbreviations:;
List of title word abbreviations:;
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service):;
UBYT Journal List Search Engine:

This journal aims to provide scientific results to the public free. Names and e-mail database of the journal will only be used for the paper publishing purposed; the data will not be shared with a third party for any purposes.

Authors are required to fill Copy Right form for their papers. This form is delivered through an online system or e-mail to the journal. Copyright of all manuscripts must be filled out by all authors of the manuscript and submitted to the editor. Publications of the Authors that do not signed the Copyright Agreement Form are not processed. No add-ons can be made by the authors on the articles that were decided to be published.The copyrights agreement is terminated by the journal unilaterally if the Author's papers are rejected from the journal. Once this happens, authors can submit their papers elsewhere. However, they are required to not submit their papers elsewhere while the paper is already considered for publication in DUBITED.

Each article is sent to at least two reviewers in terms of form and content. The articles that are determined to be published in the journal are prepared for publication.

Authors are required to download Copy Right form and fill it. This form should be scanned and be converted to a pdf file, after this file is required to be sent to via e-mail or should be uploaded to the journal format while submitting the manuscript.

Plagiarism Policy

Each uploaded article is scanned primarily through the iThenticate or Turnitin programs. The articles that exceeded 20% of the results of the search are rejected.

Last Update Time: 9/30/20, 12:23:58 PM