All articles sent to Düzce University Journal of Technical Sciences for evaluation must be submitted in accordance with the writing template and the rules written here. Articles that do not comply with this will be returned to the author for re-editing.
The header and article information sections should not be tampered with.
Cambria font must be used throughout the article.
The title of the article should be Cambria, 12 point, italic and no more than 20 words.
The abstract should be a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 200 words and should be prepared in Cambria, 10 point font.
Keywords should be a maximum of 5, listed alphabetically and written in Cambria 10 point italics.
In the studies carried out, do not leave a space with the enter key when creating a line break or paragraph initiation within the text.
Figures should be numbered and figure titles should be centered below the figure. Figure titles should be in Cambria 8 point font.
Tables should be numbered and table titles should be centered above the table. Table titles should be in Cambria 8 point font.
Page numbers, headers and footers should not be used.
The title of the References section should not be numbered. All reference elements should be 8 point font. Please use Regular and Italic styles to distinguish different fields as shown in the References section. List the reference elements alphabetically, one after the other.
When citing a reference item in the text, if the study has a single author, indicate the reference as (Author Name, Year) for studies written in Turkish or English (Example: Gürel, 2023). If the study to be cited has two authors, indicate the reference as (First Author and Second Author Name, Year) for studies written in Turkish or English (Example: Gürel and Yıldız, 2023). If the study to be cited has three or more authors, indicate the reference as (First Author Name et al., Year) for studies written in Turkish and English (Gürel et al., 2023; Gürel et al., 2023).
If there is an institution or organization that needs to be thanked, it should be stated in the Acknowledgement section. This section should not be numbered.
The Copyright Transfer Form must be uploaded to the system along with the article. This form must be signed by all authors. Click here to access the Copyright Transfer Form.
All articles submitted for evaluation in our journal must have a similarity report obtained from Click for detailed information about the similarity report.