e-ISSN: 2791-609X
Founded: 2021
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Dear esteemed researchers and readers, 2025, Issue 1, Volume 5 of our journal has been published . Click for the latest issue.

Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovation Studies owned by the Istanbul Arel University, Graduate School is an open-access scientific journal that publishes original research that solve the problems of humanity, ensure its development and transform into innovations in the fields of Science, Social, Health, Art, Engineering and Architecture. Publication plan of Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovation Studies is twice in a year and the journal accepts Turkish and English manuscripts. All accepted papers are published electronically in the journal website for the public use. For the issue of July 2025, you can send your article by clicking "Submit Article" on the right side. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) will be given to articles in the type of research article, review and case report accepted and published in the journal.

All articles submitted to Journal, should comply the in 8/1-3. rules specified in TR Index Journal Evaluation Criteria. The relevant rules are given in the Ethics Committee Approval and Conflict of Interest Statement at the bottom of Author Guidelines page.

Evaluation Principles: All research submitted to Istanbul Arel University Graduate School Interdisciplinary Innovation Research Journal are evaluated by at least 2 referees. All procedures related to the studies are carried out with "Blind Review", preventing both authors and referees from communicating with each other. As a result of the evaluation process, the final decision on the article is made by the Editor or Associate Editors, depending on the reviews of the referees and the Field Editors.

2025 - Volume: 5 Issue: 1

Research Article

Pazarlama faaliyetlerinde yapay zekâ uygulamaları ve farkındalık durumları: KOBİ’lere yönelik bir araştırma