East Black Sea Journal of Health Sciences is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to disseminating qualified scientific knowledge and enhancing the field of health sciences literature. Scientific articles submitted to our journal undertake a quick and thorough editorial and double-blind peer review procedure before being published. For this purpose, the journal is published three times a year in March, July, and November.
EBSHealth accepts articles in Turkish and English. The journal publishes scientific research, review, and case reports from the fields of nursing, midwifery, medicine, nutrition and dietetics, veterinary medicine, physiotherapy, social work, and other health sciences. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been previously published or accepted for publication in another journal. Studies presented at the congress or symposium should be indicated as footnotes on the title page. The plagiarism rate of the submitted articles should be at most 20%. Authors should check the plagiarism through related softwares (Turnitin, ithenticate etc.) before submitting an article to the journal and uploading this report from the journal panel.
Doğu Karadeniz Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi - EBSHealth
Giresun Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi © 2024
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