Publication Principles
1. Law Journal of the Faculty of Law of Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University (EBYU-JoL) is a scientific, peer-reviewed and national journal.
2. The publication language of the journal is Turkish, English, German and French.
3. 3. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December. The latest deadline for submission of the June issues of the Journal is at 31st of April; and the latest deadline for submission of the December issue is at 31st of October. The studies submitted after these dates will be contained in the publication evaluation list for the next issue.
4. Studies submitted to the Journal should be related to the public law, private law or economy-finance fields and should not been published in any other Journals or sent for the publication. Any works that have been sent to the Journal will be accepted as the commitment of the author on this matter.
5. The Journal contains studies, such as article, case analysis, translation, evaluation of legal rules and book criticism. Whether all these submitted studies will be published or not is decided by the Editorial Board. A copy of the translations in the original language should be sent. In translations, it is also essential to get a writing permission from the rights holders on the original work in accordance with the Intellectual Property Law for the translating authors.
6. The papers should be sent via dergipark as the Microsoft Word format and should be prepared in accordance with the writing rules of the Journal. The submitted paper should not contain any statement that would identify the author. In the cover file the author should indicate his/her name, academic title (if any), the ORCID number, the institution he/she works for, contact details, telephone number and e-mail address.
7. In the submitted papers only the name of the author should be included under the title of the work on the first page. Academic title, the university, the faculty and department, ORCID number and the official e-mail address should be indicated respectively in the footnote that should be created with the (*) symbol next to the name.
8. The first examination of the papers will be completed by the Editor and then submitted to the Editorial Board. If the result of the plagiarism report exceeds the rate determined by the Editorial Board; if there are unusual and major spelling and writing mistakes; if the submitted study is non-compliance with the scientific criteria; if it is determined that the work does not match with the publication principles, the submitted study will be rejected by the Editorial Board. The final discretion about the publication of the submitted works belongs to the Editorial Board of the Journal.
9. In accordance with “the objective evaluation principle”, after the initial examination of the submitted works that is completed by the Editor, all of the studies are submitted to the review of at least two referees in the relevant interested areas, who have a higher academic degree than the author. The authors are not informed about the peer-reviewed process. The studies to be published in the journal are subject to the double blind refereeing. According to the referees report, the submitted works can be published or can have minor/major corrections or can be rejected. The authors are informed as soon as possible about the referees report.
10. If one of the reports from the referees is negative and the other is positive, the Editorial Board has a discretion on whether to send it to a third referee or not. The study shall not be published if the third referee report is also negative. In case the referees request corrections in their reports, the author cannot make any substantial changes other than the corrections that are specified by the referees. After these corrections are completed by the author, peer review can be applied again in accordance with the recommendations of the referees. Unpublished works shall not be sent back to the authors.
11. Papers, the peer review process of which are not completed within the time limit, may be published in the next issue of the Journal, unless the work is not withdrawn by the author.
12. If the papers are accepted for the publication, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Faculty of Law will have all copyrights on the submitted works including publishing them as full text in any format. It is deemed to be accepted by the authors that no royalties will be paid.
13. Responsibilities for the views and opinions in the published studies of the Journal belong to the author or authors.
Citation and Writing Rules
1. The manuscripts to be submitted should be in Times New Roman, 1.5 lines spacing of the main text and 12-type size. Footnotes should be prepared in 10-font size and the work should not be exceed 50 pages (this number of pages is valid for the specified format, it may increase after the layout). Footnotes should be indicated at the bottom of the page. Footnote text should be justified and written with 3 pt spacing. At the end of the work, there should be a bibliography, where all the sources used in the study are listed according to the surnames of the authors.
2. In the studies submitted to the Journal, both Turkish and English titles, abstracts consisting of at least 150 and maximum 250 words, and key words consisting of at least 5 and maximum 10 words must be indicated.
3. The text should be written as justified on both sides. Automatic titles of Microsoft Word should not be applied in the studies. Direct or abbreviated quotations should be italics and indicated in quotation marks. One character space should be left after all punctuation marks.
4. In the first time using of abbreviations for the name or title, the abbreviations should be specified in parentheses after the original word.
5. The introduction, conclusion and bibliography should be written in bold and with the all capital letters without numbering.
A. First Letters Capitalized
1. First Letters Capitalized
a. First Letters Capitalized
1) First Letters Capitalized
a) First Letters Capitalized and Italicized.
In cases where there is no rule in the citation method detailed below, the TÜHAS citation system should be followed. For the integrity of the Journal, the examples shown below should be followed. For more examples, see ErLR Writing Rules (
Book with a Single Author
1. In the Footnote
Ayhan Döner, İnsan Haklarının Uluslararası Alanda Korunması ve Avrupa Sistemi, 1. Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara 2003, s. 24.
2. Repetitive citations
Döner, s. 24.
3. Cites to different works of the same author
Döner, s. 24.
4. In the Bibliography
Döner, Ayhan, İnsan Haklarının Uluslararası Alanda Korunması ve Avrupa Sistemi, 1. Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara 2003, s. 24.
Book with Two Authors
İbrahim Özbay/Taner Emre Yardımcı, Tebligat Hukuku, Adalet Yayınevi, Ankara 2018, s. 60.
Book with Three Authors
Bihterin Vural Dinçkol/Mehmet Akad/Nihat Bulut, Genel Kamu Hukuku, 15. Baskı, Der Yayınları, İstanbul 2019, s. 34.
Book with More than Three Authors
Cem Baygın ve diğerleri, Medeni Hukuk Pratik Çalışmaları – III (Eşya Hukuku), 1. Baskı, Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara 2020, s. 10.
Sururi Aktaş, “Hukuk Kavramının Analizi”, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C. 67, S. 2, Y. 2018, (227-252), s. 25.
Muhammet Emin Ruhi, 1982 Anayasası Çerçevesinde Sosyal Devlet ve Özelleştirme, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1999, s. 79.
Judicial Decisions
Yarg. 4. HD., E. 2008/1699, K. 2008/13767, 10.11.2008, (Erişim kaynağı ya da bağlantısı)
AYM, E. 2015/17, K. 2015/20, 05.03.2015.
ECtHR, Ttt/Turkey, 2020/1257, 05.05.2020.