It is expected to create your document by downloading and editing the article template given below to your computer.
Article template: English_template.docx
Cover Page
Cover page has a bold title, 12 pts Times New Roman font, capitalized first letters, centered and 1.5 line-spaced. Except for the title, use 10 pts Times New Roman and 1.5 line spacing for all content on the cover. Leave a blank line after each section. The names of the authors should be added under the title with the first letters in capitals, in the middle, and with a comma between them. Institutional information of the authors should be centered. Each author must have an ORCID id. ORCID id is a unique number for each author. You can easily obtain this number from for free. Add ORCID ids justified to the left under the author information. Then add the corresponding author information in the template. Specify the type of article (research, compilation, etc.). In the "Information" heading, add information such as "the article is an expanded version of a paper presented at a conference". If this is not the case, do not use this title. If the research is carried out with a research/project support, please indicate the institution supporting the project and the project number in the "Research/Project Support" heading. If this is not the case, do not use this title.
Create your article using the "English_template.docx" document. After you put the article in journal format, clear the author information and upload your article to the journal system. To clear personal information in the article, follow these steps in Microsoft Word. Click File > Prepare to Share > Check for Issues > Examine Document. In the window that opens, "Document Properties and Personal Information" should be checked, and all other options should be unchecked. Then click "Check". If the document contains personal information, a warning will appear. Click "Remove all" in the window that comes up. Then save the document.
Article Title: Bold, 12 pts, Times New Roman, capital letters, centered, double-spaced.
Abstract Title: 11 pts, Times New Roman, capitalized first letter, centered, double-spaced.
Abstract: Between 200 and 250 words, 10 pts font size, Times New Roman, left justified, single-spaced.
Keywords: 3-5 keywords, 10 pts, Times New Roman, only the first letter of each keyword is capitalized, left aligned, single-spaced [please give keywords in alphabetical order]
Headings in the Text
o First Level Heading: 12 pts, Times New Roman, capitalized first letter, centered, double-spaced.
o Second Level Heading: 12 pts, Times New Roman, capitalized first letters, left justified, double-spaced.
o Third Level Heading: 12 pts, Times New Roman, capitalized first letters, left justified, double-spaced, italic.
Other Explanations
o Your article should not exceed 7,000 words, all inclusive (including title, abstract, English summary, main text, tables, figures, graphs and references; excluding English long summary and appendices, extra explanations, survey questions, long comparisons, etc.). Please use A4 size, 2.5 cm margin for the article. The writing style should be 12 point, Times New Roman, double line spacing. Each paragraph should consist of at least three sentences. A maximum of three level headings should be used in the article. The first paragraph after the title should start from the beginning of the line.
o Beginning from the second paragraph, each new paragraph should be indented at 1.25 cm from the first line. No spaces should be left between paragraphs. For in-text citations and references, APA6 Style has been used until the end of 2021, and APA7 Style should be used as of 2022. In direct quotations, you must include up to 40 words in the paragraph as "quoted text".
o For direct quotations of more than 40 words, you must give the quotation as a separate paragraph, indented 1.25 cm from the left, 11 font size, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing.
o Table, figure, and graph titles should be arranged in 11 points font size, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing. The inside of the tables should be written in 10 font size, Times New Roman, single line spacing. You can create tables, figures, and graphs in horizontal page layout when necessary. You can put your tables, figures, and graphs in the appropriate places in the article, or you can place them after the references by specifying their places in the text. Do it according to the APA 6 format. Sample table, figure and graph can be accessed from the document "English_template.docx".
o You can give your footnotes as numbered, in 10 pts Times New Roman font with single line spacing.
o At the end of the article, there should be an Extended Summary between 750 and 1,500 words, containing only the first level headings, without any references.
In-Text Citation Examples
Explanation: The author(s) should cite their own publications in FULL, according to the rules below, and indicate with the color RED. For example: Çoruk (2017) or (Çoruk, 2017) or (Şişman, 1981, cited in Çoruk, 2017)
You can arrange your citations in the text as follows.
1 author: Şimşek (2017) or (Şimşek, 2017) – Şimşek (2017, p. 279) or (Şimşek, 2017, pp. 279-280)
2 authors: Yıldırım and Gürbüz (2017) or (Yıldırım & Gürbüz, 2017) – Yıldırım and Gürbüz (2017, p. 395) or (Yıldırım & Gürbüz, 2017, pp. 395-396)
3 or more authors: Razı et al. (2017) or (Razı et al., 2017) – Razı et al. (2017, p. 287) or (Razı et al., 2017, pp. 287-288)
If the author(s) is unclear (with the first few words of the study title): “Learning Skills” (2017) or (“Learning Skills”, 2017) – “Learning Skills” (2017, p. 46) or (“Learning Skills”) , 2017, pp. 45-46)
If the date is not known: Özbaşı (n.d.) or (Özbaşı, n.d.) – Özbaşı (n.d., p. 14) or (Özbaşı, n.d., pp. 14-15)
Quotations from secondary sources: Vygotsky (1911, cited in Tekin, 2017) or (Vygotsky, 1911, cited in Tekin, 2017) [include both works in the References when citing secondary sources. In case the old dated work cannot be accessed, only include the cited source in the References.]
Institutional citations: In the first citation (Higher Education Council [YÖK], 2017) and in subsequent citations YÖK (2017) or (YÖK, 2017)
When there is more than one citation by the same author (in chronological order): Doğan (2014; 2015a; 2015b; 2016) or (Doğan, 2014; 2015a; 2015b; 2016)
When there is more than one citation (in alphabetical order): (Arcagök, 2017; Çelik & Pabuçcu, 2016; Telli, Şahin, & Elkıran, 2015; Zümrüt et al., 2014) – Arcagök (2017), Çelik and Pabuçcu (2016), Telli, Şahin and Elkıran (2015) and Zümrüt et al. (2014)
Examples for the References List
Explanation 1: Leave one line space between the references, it provides convenience in "copy-paste" for the Dergipark Application System entry.
Explanation 2: Arrange the references in 11 points Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing, 1 cm hanging format.
Explanation 3: Give the sources in alphabetical order.
Explanation 4: Name all authors in studies with 1 to 7 authors.
Explanation 5: In studies with 8 or more authors, give the first 7 authors, use … for the next authors, and give the last author.
Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2017). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı: İstatistik, araştırma deseni, SPSS uygulamaları ve yorum (23. baskı). Pegem.
Etzkowits, H., & Leydesdorff, L. (1997). Universities and the global knowledge economy. A triple helix of university-industry-government relations. Pinter.
Translated Book
Rousseau, J. J. (1992). Discourse on the origin of inequality (Trans: D. A. Cress). Hackett Publishing.
Salmi, J. (2010). Dünya çapında üniversiteler kurmanın zorluğu (Çev: K. Yamaç). Eflatun.
Edited Book
Altbach, P. G., & Salmi, J. (Eds.). (2011). The road to academic excellence: The making of worldclass research universities. The World Bank.
Bakioğlu, A. (Ed.). (2016). 4+4+4 yapılanmasına ilişkin kapsamlı bir çalışma. Nobel.
Book Chapter
Yücesoy-Özkan, Ş., Kaya, F., & Gülboy, E. (2017). Uygun davranışları arttırma. D. Erbaş & Ş. Yücesoy-Özkan (Ed.). Uygulamalı davranış analizi içinde (ss. 274-335). Pegem.
Zeleza, P. T. (2007). Knowledge, globalization, and Hegemony: Production of knowledge in the twenty-first century. In S. Sörlin & H. Vessuri (Eds.), Knowledge society vs. knowledge economy: Knowledge, power, and politics (pp. 79-106). Palgrave Macmillan.
Journal Article
Liversage, L., Naudé, L., & Botha, A. (2018). Vectors of identity development during the first year: Black first-generation students’ reflections. Teaching in Higher Education, 23(1), 63.
Yıldırım, K., Rasinski, T., & Kaya, D. (2017). 4-8. sınıflarda Türk öğrencilerin bilgi verici metinlerde akıcı okuma ve anlamaları. Eğitim ve Bilim, 42(192), 87.
Arcagök, S. (2016). Dördüncü sınıf öğrencilerinin sosyal bilgiler dersindeki özerklik desteği algılarının motivasyon, girişimcilik ve yaratıcılık ile ilişkisi (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Çanakkale.
Hire, V. C. (2007). Academic libraries, student expectations, and college admissions (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA.
Conference Proceedings
Uğurlu, C. T., Ağıroğlu-Bakır, A., Köybaşı, F., Özyazıcı, K., & Yazıcı, S. (2017). Aday öğretmenlerin yetiştirilme sürecine ilişkin görüşler. 12. Uluslararası Eğitim Yönetimi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı (ss. 17-18). Pegem.
Nicol, D. M., & Liu X. (1997). The dark side of risk (what your mother never told you about time warp). In proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (pp. 188-195). IEEE Computer Society.
OECD. (2014). OECD Factbook 2014: Economic, environmental and social statistics. Access:
TÜBİTAK. (2004). Ulusal Bilim ve Teknoloji Politikaları 2003-2023 Strateji Belgesi. Erişim:
WEB Resource
EU. (2005). A framework for qualifications of the European Higher Education Area. Access:
YÖK. (2018). Yükseköğretim istatistikleri. Erişim:
News Report
Strauss, V. (2017, August 17). U.S. News’s College Rankings face competition and criticism. The Washington Post. Access:
Tamer, M. (2015, 26 Haziran). E-ticaret hamle yapmak için tüketiciyi bekliyor. Milliyet. Erişim: