Journal Boards

Editor in Chief

Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÖZCANLI Çukurova University Türkiye Web
Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Internal Combustion Engines, Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering

Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Erdogan MADENCİ The University of Arizona College of Engineering United States Web

Erdogan Madenci, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Arizona. With a rich academic background, including a Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from UCLA and multiple degrees from Lehigh University, Dr. Madenci has held various esteemed positions such as Visiting Faculty at MIT and Visiting Scientist at NASA. He is a Fellow of ASME, an Associate Fellow of AIAA, and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling. His research focuses on engineering mechanics, multiphysics simulations, and nonlocal modeling, earning him numerous awards, including the IEEE Electronic Packaging Society's Outstanding Sustained Technical Contribution Award.

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Mathematics, Solid Mechanics, Composite and Hybrid Materials
Prof. Dr. Raul CAMPİLHO Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Portugal Web

Prof. Dr. Raul Campilho received his Habilitation (Título de Agregado) in Mechanical Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto in 2020. He completed his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 2009, his M.Sc. in 2006, and his Graduation in 2003, all from the same institution. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto.

Prof. Campilho's research interests include material characterization, polymers, composite materials, material joining processes, adhesive joints, finite element method, and fracture mechanics. He also works on advanced manufacturing systems, automation and robotics, industrial design, and underwater robotics.

He has published 320 journal articles, 136 book chapters, and 23 books. Additionally, he has supervised 5 Ph.D. theses and 167 M.Sc. dissertations. His contributions to the field have been recognized with 16 awards. He has also been involved in various national and international research projects.

Solid Mechanics, Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering, Machine Design and Machine Equipment, Material Design and Behaviors
Prof. Dr. Iulian ANTONİAC University Politecnica of Bucharest Romania Web
Dental Materials and Equipment, Biofabrication, Biomaterials in Biomedical Engineering, Medical Devices, Biomaterial , Functional Materials, Metals and Alloy Materials
Prof. Dr. Sandra PASZKİEWİCZ West Pomeranian University of Technology Poland Web
Materials Engineering (Other), Micro and Nanosystems
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tomasz GARBOWSKİ Poznań University of Life Sciences Poland Web
Solid Mechanics, Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering, Computational Material Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ana PİLİPOVİć University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Croatia Web

Ana Pilipović start to work at University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in the Chair of Polymer Processing, Department of Technology in 2008. and done her doctoral thesis on October 2012., with the topic of the additive manufacturing: Influence of processing parameters on the properties of polymer prototype. From 2008 she is participated in several science international and domestic project like FP7, H2020, IPA, IRI, IRI2, Eco-Innovation, Croatian science foundation and projects from Croatian Ministry of Science and Education. Her special interest lies in additive manufacturing, polymer processing, composite processing, recycling of polymers, mechanical testing of polymers, biopolymers, etc. Up to now she has published as author and co-author 242 scientific and professional papers in journals and conference proceedings in Croatia and abroad. She was a visiting professor at Tecnologico de Monterrey Santiago de Queretaro, San Luis Potosi and Guadalajara, Mexico, Çukurova University Adana, Turkey, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Maribor, Slovenia and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has published chapters in 3 books, mentored 40 master and baccularius theses, 2 rector's award, and is currently mentoring 8 doctorates in the fields of medicine, dentistry and mechanical engineering. In addition to teaching at her home university, she gives lectures at the Polytechnic of Zagreb (Zagreb University of Applied Sciences) and the University of Lyon, France. She won the award "Vera Johanides" for young scientists in 2014 in the field of additive manufacturing awarded by the Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ). She is now associate professor and head of Chair of Polymer Processing in University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.

Polymer Technologies, Polymers and Plastics
Prof. Dr. Murat DEMİRAL American University of the Middle East Kuwait Web
Solid Mechanics
Mechanical Engineering, Biomechanic, Solid Mechanics, Numerical Modelling and Mechanical Characterisation
Prof. Dr. Nadir YILMAZ Howard University United States Web

Nadir Yilmaz is a professor and the department chair of Mechanical Engineering at Howard University, as well as, a licensed professional engineer (P.E.) and consultant. He received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University, Bradley University and New Mexico State University, respectively. He is a Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE International). He has been a noted author of many publications in the fields of combustion, CFD, rocket propulsion and automotive engineering. He was a NASA Academic Mission Services (NAMS) Faculty Researcher, and a U.S. Department of Energy Visiting Faculty at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories. He has educated and mentored many underrepresented minority and female students via various STEM programs including the NSF-funded AMP (Alliance for Minority Participation) program.

Dr. Yilmaz serves as the Editor-In-Chief for the SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants and as a member of the editorial board of numerous international journals. In addition, he serves on SAE Foundation Board of Trustees, NSPE Education Foundation Board of Trustees, New Mexico AMP Advisory Board and the Board of Directors of Society of Automotive Engineers of Turkey. Dr. Yilmaz has also served as the Past Chair of SAE Education Board, NSPE Higher Education Executive Board, ASEE Aerospace Division, SAE Washington DC Section and ASME New Mexico Section. In a Governor-appointed position, Dr. Yilmaz previously served on the New Mexico State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors.

Computational Methods in Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (Incl. Computational Fluid Dynamics), Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Internal Combustion Engines, Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Ezree ABDULLAH Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Malaysia Web


Civil Construction Engineering, Transportation and Traffic, Transportation Engineering

Technical Editors

Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Automotive Engineering (Other)
Automotive Engineering, Automotive Safety Engineering, Automotive Engineering Materials, Automotive Engineering (Other)
Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Automotive Engineering Materials, Automotive Engineering (Other)

Language Editorial Board

British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture
Last Update Time: 12/9/24, 3:36:22 AM

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