Turkish Journal of Entomology
Information for Authors
Turkish Journal of Entomology (TJE) has been indexed in SCI-E since the first issue of 2009. Papers published in national journals which are indexed in SCI-E are given a DOI number by TUBITAK-ULAKBIM. According to a protocol between our Society and ULAKBIM, Turkish Journal of Entomology has been added to the DergiPark project and has been included in the national online journal system (UDS). According to TJE rules, biological observations made in one location in only one-year, short notes in which the first record of a single species in Turkey is announced, and research which is older than five years will not be accepted for publication unless it forms part of a longitudinal study. Only one article can be published from an MSc or PhD thesis or projects supported by national and international organizations.
New article submissions to TJE should be made using the online service DergiPark UDS (Ulakbim Journal System) (https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/entoted). For details about the system please refer to the UDS usage videos prepared by the DergiPark team at the link https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/page/egitim-dokumanlari. The UDS technical support team (https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/page/dergipark-calisma-grubu) provides services and solutions for the problems that may be experienced at the relevant stages.
Manuscripts that do not comply with the publication principles and guidelines, and that have not been prepared according to the sample article draft are rejected without further consideration. Re-submission of previously rejected manuscripts is not accepted. For this purpose, manuscripts must be prepared considering to the “Editorial Principles”, “Publication Guidelines”, and “References Guidelines” using the “Article Draft” as pattern and then should be submitted online using the relevant web page.
There is € 135 / $ 150 charge “Submission Fee” for manuscript submissions to TJE.
The receipt of submission fee must be uploaded in pdf format by clicking the "Upload Supplementary File" button in the "Submission" files stages.
For payments in ₺ from within Turkey:
Please deposit to the Entomological Society of Turkey and Turkish Journal of Entomology Bank Account.
Akbank, Özkanlar Branch (746) Account No: 2590
IBAN: TR55 0004 6007 4688 8000 0025 90
For international payments in $ US or €:
Please use the Western Union Money Transfer System.
Send money on behalf of “Hasan BALCI”, and give details and MTCN number to the Treasurer of Entomological Society of Turkey (hasan.balci@ege.edu.tr).
Please direct any questions related to Turkish Journal of Entomology to the Editor Prof. Dr. Galip KAŞKAVALCI (galip.kaskavalci@ege.edu.tr).
It is important and worthwhile for you to review all the information on our web page, and if you wish to make any suggestions, please send them to the Journal’s email address (entomolojidernek@gmail.com).
We thank you for your all past and future contributions to Entomological Society of Turkey and Turkish Journal of Entomology.