
Adopting non-profit publication policy, Education Reform Journal, established in 2015, is an international peer-reviewed journal and aims debate and discussion on any planned changes in the education system, from learning-teaching process to administrative processes. Within the need for improvement in the current education paradigm, it is aimed also to help education policymakers with reform choices.  

The journal therefore welcomes manuscripts about a range of topics associated with past, current or planned educational reforms, implementations or policies. These topics can be related to teaching and learning process, students, teachers, parents, curriculum development, education technology, creativity and innovation, comparative education, life-long learning, educational administration, education and development, international education, leadership, teacher quality and professional development.

Important Notice: Papers contributors may kindly note that they do not pay any processing fee or submission fee or any fee whatsoever to publish his or her paper in Education Reform Journal.

Also, there is no fast-publication process, as each submission is subject to double-blind peer review.