Aim & Scope

Environmental Research & Technology is a peer-reviewed, free of charge, International multidisciplinary Journal. The Journal offers complete coverage of environmental issues with original contributions such as Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Papers, Book Reviews, Editorial Discussions, and Conference Papers. Suggestions for Special Issues are also welcomed. 

The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for researchers and academicians in order to promote, discuss, and share new issues and developments in various areas of environmental research. The Editorial Board will consider papers for publication based on novelty, impact on environmental problems, and contribution to environmental research advancement.

Topics of interest are including but not limited to;

  • Air Pollution
  • Water Pollution
  • Soil and Land Pollution
  • Waste Treatment and Disposal
  • Wastewater Treatment and Disposal
  • Climate Change
  • Global Warming
  • Natural Resource Depletion
  • Light and Noise Pollution
  • Agricultural Pollution
  • Public Health Issues
  • Loss of Biodiversity
  • Ozone Layer Depletion
  • Nuclear Issues

Environmental Research & Technology provides an Open Access platform to publish the latest contributions in the field of environmental engineering. The journal has an interdisciplinary and multinational Editorial Board which reflects the composition of the research community the journal will serve. The open access format of the journal will provide the availability of all articles freely, and immediately upon publication.

Some of the important advantages of publishing in Environmental Research & Technology are listed below:

  •  The journal is open access, means that the articles are accessible to everyone, and free of charge.
  •  Papers can be submitted at any time, and all submissions are processed immediately with strict deadlines for  reviewers, authors, and editors. 
  • We start with four cycles per year, but hope to increase it in the near future.
  • The reviewing process is designed to take three months between the start of the reviewing and final decision.
  • The open access format will enables the public to become acquainted with the advance of environmental science and technology.
  • The knowledge access through the academia will be accelerated without any limitations.

Once more, on behalf of the editorial board members, we welcome you to this journal. We look forward to your submissions and to publish your manuscripts.

Period Months
March June September December
Last Update Time: 2/25/25, 6:53:58 PM