Writing Rules


1. Erciyes University Faculty of Law Journal (ERÜHFD) is a peer-reviewed journal scanned by ULAKBİM, adhering to international research and publication ethics, and published twice a year, in the April and October issues. January 31 for the April issue of the studies requested to be published; July 30 for the October issue, it must be delivered to our faculty (Yenidogan Mah. Ahmet El Biruni Cad. Erciyes Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi 38280 Talas / KAYSERI) or sent to the e-mail address eruhukukdergisi@gmail.com.

2 . Scientific studies submitted for publication in the journal must be related to the fields of public law and private law and must not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Translations must be sent together with the original copy in the language in which they were published.

3 . The language of the journal is Turkish, English, French and German. Even if the studies are written in Turkish or any other foreign language, each study must first include a Turkish and English title, author names, and an abstract of at least 100 and at most 200 words that best expresses the purpose of the text. Abstracts must be prepared in any of the foreign languages, Turkish and English being mandatory, and if preferred, German and/or French. In addition to shorter English Abstract, there should be an extended abstract in extended summary format and must be at least 600 words (preferably a maximum of 1500 words) in length . In addition, five keywords that can fully express the study should be included in Turkish and English under the abstract sections. Authors are required to indicate their titles, Orcid ID numbers, e-mail addresses, and the institutions they work for in footnotes, with a starred footnote where the author's name is located.

4 . In the text part of the article sent for publication, the Turkish title should be in 11-point font, with the English title below it. Except for the Turkish title, the remaining part should be in Times New Roman 11-point font, with line spacing of 1.15. Footnotes should be written under the text in Times New Roman font, 9 point, single line spacing, 0.6 hanging, and 3 pt space after the paragraph. Articles prepared in this way should not exceed 50 pages.

5 . Articles “ The Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition, Notes oath Bibliography ) should be prepared based on the citation and reference system. The footnote number in the text should be given after the punctuation marks. In articles, footnote citation method should be preferred and in-text citation should not be made. A bibliography, in which the cited works and sources are listed in alphabetical order according to the author's surname, should be included at the end of the article. References should be written in the Latin alphabet, and care should be taken to ensure their format, accuracy and accessibility.

The sources to be cited and the bibliography should be prepared as follows:

Citation Examples:
Single Author Book
Name Surname , Title of the Work (City where the work was published: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.
-First Citation
İzzet Özgenç, Turkish Criminal Law General Provisions (Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık, 2021), 65.
-Next Citation
Özgenç, Turkish Criminal Law, 69.

Books with Two or Three Authors
Name Surname (first author), Name Surname (second author) and Name Surname (third author), Title of the Work (City where the work was published: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.
-First Citation
Nurettin Bilici and Begüm Dilemre Öden, Tax Law Practices (Ankara: Savaş Yayınevi, 2021), 73.
-Next Citation
Bilici ve Öden, Tax Law, 85.

Books with Four or More Authors
Name Surname (first author) et al., Name of the Work, (City where the work was published: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.
-First Citation
Veli Özer Özbek et al., Annotated – Schematic Practical Workbook – II, Criminal Procedure Law, (Ankara, Seçkin Yayıncılık, 2020), 110.
-Next Citation
Özbek et al., Annotated-Schematic, 163.

Translated Book
Name Surname , Title of Work, trans. Name Surname (City where the work was published: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, War and Peace, trans. Leyla Soykut (Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2022), 55.

A Chapter from the Edited Book
Name and surname of the chapter author, “Chapter Title”, in Book Name, ed. Name Surname , (City where the work was published: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.
-First Citation
Sedat Durmuşkaya , “Regulatory Institutions in Capital Markets”, in Capital Markets and Financial Institutions, ed. Ferudun Kaya, (Istanbul: Beta Basım, 2019), 79.
-Next Citation
Durmuşkaya , “In Capital Markets”, 82.

Printed or Electronic Article
Name Surname , “Title of the Article”, Journal Name, Volume/Issue (Year): Page number. (In the electronic article, a comma is placed and the URL is added and completed with a period.)
-First Citation
Selman Özdan , “Reform of the United Nations Security Council ”. Erciyes University Faculty of Law Journal, 6/1 (2011): 320
-Next Citation
Özdan , “Security Council ”, 10.

Name and Surname (if any), “title of the web page”, (Access Date), URL.
“European Heritage Days 2018”, (Access Date 09.10.2020), https://kvmgm.ktb.gov.tr/TR-222670/avrupa-miras-gunleri-2018.html.

Graduate Thesis
Name and Surname , “Thesis Title” (Thesis Type, University Name and Year of Publication), Page Number.
-First Citation
Numan Doğan, “The Crime of Abuse of Trust Regulated in the Capital Markets Law, (Unpublished Master's Thesis, Erciyes University, 2020), 102.
-Next Citation
Doğan, “Capital Market”, 98.

Court Decisions
Name of the Court, Decision Date, Docket Number, Decision Number, Access Source, Access Date, (If not Online Access, publication name, date, issue and page number).
-First Citation
10th Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals, 11.04.2016, E. 2013/2154, K. 2016/529, www.google.com.tr, 01.02.2019.
-Next Citation
Y.10. D., K. 2016/529.

Bibliography Examples

Single Author Book
Surname , Name. Work Name. City where the work was published: Publisher, Year of publication. URL or (DOI number), if available.
Özgenç, İzzet. Turkish Criminal Law General Provisions. Ankara: Seçkin Publishing, 2021

Books with Two or Three Authors
Surname , Name (first author), Name Surname (second author). Work Name. City where the work was published: Publisher, Year of publication.
Bilici, Nurettin and Begüm Dilemre Öden. Tax Law Practices. Ankara: Savaş Publishing House, 2021.

Books with Four or More Authors
Surname , Name (first author) etc. Work Name. City where the work was published: Publisher, Year of publication.
Özbek, Veli Özer et al. Annotated – Schematic Practical Workbook – II Criminal Procedure Law. Ankara, Seçkin Publishing, 2020.

Translated Book
Surname , Name. Name of the Work, Translator's Name and Surname , City where the work was published: Publisher, Year of publication.
Tolstoy, Lev Nikolayevich . War and Peace, Translated by Leyla Soykut , Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2022.

A Chapter from the Edited Book
Surname, Name, "Chapter Title" of the chapter author. Inside Book Name, editor Name Surname , page range. City where the work was published: Publisher, Year of publication.
Durmuşkaya , Sedat, “Regulatory Institutions in Capital Markets”. In Capital Markets and Financial Institutions, ed. Ferudun Kaya, 79-95. Istanbul: Beta Printing, 2019.

Printed or Electronic Article
Surname , Name. “Title of the Article”. Journal Name. Volume/Issue (Year): Page range. (In the electronic article, a comma is placed and the URL is added and completed with a period.)
Özdan , Selman. “Reform of the United Nations Security Council ”. Erciyes University Faculty of Law Journal. 6/1 (2011): 315-335.

Name Surname (if available) or Website publisher, “Title of the web page”, (Access Date), URL
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, “European Heritage Days 2018”, (Access Date 09.10.2020), https://kvmgm.ktb.gov.tr/TR-222670/avrupa-miras-gunleri-2018.html.

Graduate Thesis
Surname , Name. “Thesis Title”. Thesis Type, University Name, Year Where It was Published.
Dogan, Numan. “The Crime of Abuse of Trust Regulated in the Capital Markets Law”. Unpublished Master's Thesis, Erciyes University, 2020.

Court Decisions
Court Name. K. Decision Number (Decision Day Month Year). ( if any ) Access Address
(If not Online Access, publication name, date, issue and page number).
10th Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals. K. 2016/529 (11.04.2016). www.google.com.tr.

6 . Studies to be sent for publication must be written in Office 2000 or above and sent to the journal with an extension compatible with MS Word (preferably with the . docx extension). Automatic headings in Word should not be used. Main titles, summary, extended abstract , introduction, conclusion and bibliography should be written in capital letters and bold font, and other headings should be written in bold font with only the first letter capitalized. The heading order of articles sent to our journal should be as shown below.

Title Scheme

(For a sample file text that complies with our layout rules, please write your text in the file below.)

(Article title)
(English Article Title)
(Author Title, Name and Surname)

Keywords :

Keywords :

A. First Subheading
B. First Subheading
1. Second Subheading
a. Third Subheading
AA . Fourth Subheading
bb . Fourth Subheading
b. Third Subheading
2. Second Subheading
A. First Subheading
B. First Subheading

7 . When sending the article file to the journal e-mail, the authors must submit a signed statement of conflict, statement of the authors' contribution rate (in case there is more than one author), support-thank you statements and commitments, if any, in a separate file.

Example declaration:

In Articles with a Single Author ;
Conflict of Interest: The author(s) of the article declare that there is no personal or financial conflict of interest within the scope of the study; I declare and undertake that there is no financial conflict of interest with any institution, organization or person related to the study.
Acknowledgments/Financial Support:


In Articles with Multiple Authors ;
Research Contribution Rate: For example, half ( 50% / 50%) in an article with two authors
Conflict of Interest: The author(s) of the article declare that there is no personal or financial conflict of interest within the scope of the study; We declare and undertake that there is no financial conflict of interest with any institution, organization or person related to the study.
Acknowledgments/Financial Support:

Signature Signature

8 . It is accepted that the authors have checked the form and content of the studies they sent to the journal and that they are ready for publication in this form.

Click here for example article.

Click for a sample conflict of interest or acknowledgment form.

Last Update Time: 2/27/25, 12:30:09 PM

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