ISSN: 2564-6311
e-ISSN: 2564-6311
Founded: 2016
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The main objective of the journal is to work and present evidence based scientifitic information, improve the standarts of health and health promotion in both our country and worldwide. 

The first publication year is 2016 and it is started published regularly as 3 issues per year on January, May and September by the year 2018. The languages of the journal are Turkish and English.The Turkish World Implementation and Research Center Public Health Journal is an open access journal which belongs to Eskişehir Osmangazi University and publishes clinical and experimental articles, case reports, medical news and summary reports about all fields of medical and health sciences.

The Journal is an International Peer Reviewed Journal which is indexed by ULAKBIM TR Index, Index CopernicusEBSCO, ProQuestERIH PLUS, Sherpa ROMEOCrossref, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Open AIRE, J-GATE, DRJI, Türkiye Atıf Dizini, ASOS Index, Türk Medline, WorldCat ve Google Scholar


Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Selma Metintaş
e-mail: Phone: +902222392979 / 4511

Co-editor: Public Health Specialist Dr. Emrah Atay

Co-editor and Scientifitic Secretary: Research Asisstant: Dr. Selva Dilan Gölbaşı Koç
e-mail: Tel: +902222392979 /4517

Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Eskişehir / Turkey

2025 - Volume: 10 Issue: 1

International Peer Reviewed Journal

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The journal adopts Open Access Policy and does not request article proccessing charge (APC), article publishing charge or any other charges.
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