e-ISSN: 2458-9624
Founded: 2014
Publisher: Gazi University
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Since our Journal is in the process of aplication for TR Index, the following applications have been implemented for the articles to be sent to our journal as of 13.02.2021.

1. It is compulsory for the papers requiring ethics committee approval to upload Ethics Committee Approval Form.
2. Plagiarism Report is requested for the research submitted to the journal. Plagiarism/Similarity score (except references) is expected to be under 20%.
3. All the authors stated on the paper are obliged to have “ORCID number”.

Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) published by Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences is a scientific, open access and refereed journal which publish the authentic research and compilation papers which are prepared as appropriate for research and publication ethics in the field of educational sciences by using double blind peer review in evaluation process. The journal release the full text scientific articles on electronical environment two times a year (June and December). The language of the journal is Turkish or English. The prospective articles submitted to journal should be neither published elsewhere nor submitted to anywhere to be published. The copyright of the articles submitted to journal belongs to Journal of Research in Education and Society, and also the legal liability about the content of the articles belongs to the authors. 

2024 - Volume: 11 Issue: 2

Research Article

Online Piyano Eğitimi Sürecinde Karşılaşılan Sorunlar ve Memnuniyet Durumunun Öğretim Elemanı Görüşleri Doğrultusunda İncelenmesi

Attention to Authors

Dear Authors,

The article should be placed in the template and do not make any formal changes on the template.