The ethical principles and rules in ETUT Journal have been prepared according to the guidelines of the
Committee on Publication Ethics' (COPE (
Council of Science Editors (CSE)
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
European Association of Science Editors (EASE)
It is formatted in accordance with the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) guidelines.
It is conducted in accordance with the principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Academic Publishing (DOAJ Best practice).
ETÜT Journal follows the flowchart proposed by Dergipark and which is in line with the processes of other directories.AUTHOR(S)
* The author(s) should not submit a study that they have published or submitted for publication in any other journal to the ETÜT Journal.
* Although the author(s) are expected to submit original works to ETÜT Journal, they should cite all sources utilized in their studies in accordance with ethical principles.
* The author(s) should indicate the people who contributed to the study. It should not be recommended that people who do not contribute to the study (especially for the study about to be published) should not be added as authors.
* If the author(s) have any conflict of interest or community of interest regarding the study, this situation must be reported to the editor(s).
* The author(s) should cooperate with the editor(s) (such as informing, withdrawing or correcting the study) about the errors they notice in their published, previewed or evaluated studies.
* The author(s) should upload the ethics committee approval they have obtained for research requiring ethics committee approval to the system during the article application. In addition, the author(s) should provide a citation on the first and last page of the study and in the method section. You can also access the Tr Index Ethical Principles Flowchart by clicking here.
* If the author(s) are requested to provide raw data about their research, they are obliged to send the necessary data and information to the editorial board and scientific board.
All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of ETÜT are evaluated by double blind refereeing. This review process aims for an unbiased, objective and independent evaluation process, while the information of the author(s) and referee(s) will remain confidential.
* Referee(s) should only accept studies related to their field of expertise.
* Referee(s) should evaluate the study in accordance with scientific principles, impartiality and confidentiality.
* Referee(s) are required to fill out the Referee Evaluation Form and state their opinions about the study in detail in the Opinions on the Article section under this form.
* Referee(s) should refuse the evaluation by informing the editor when they realize that there is a conflict of interest or conflict of interest.
* Reviewer(s) should make their evaluations in an academic language. Personal comments containing hostility and insults should be avoided. Reviewer(s) who make unscientific comments may be asked to reconsider and correct their comments. Despite this, referee evaluations that do not meet the required standards will not be taken into consideration.
* Referee(s) are required to complete the work under review within the specified time frame and comply with the ethical responsibilities stated above.
General Duties and Responsibilities
* The editor(s) should endeavor to meet the information needs of reviewers, authors and readers about the process.
* The editor(s) should strive to ensure that the publication quality and process of ETÜT Journal are carried out and developed following the determined rules.
* The editor(s) should enable processes to improve the quality of studies within the framework of publication policies, respect freedom of thought, and strive to ensure academic integrity.
* The editor(s) should protect the personal data of authors, referees, and readers within the framework of the publication policy of the ETÜT Journal.
* The editor(s) must protect the intellectual property rights of all manuscripts submitted to ETÜT Journal. In case of violation, they should defend the rights of the study and the author(s).
* The editor(s) should constantly update the referee pool and send the manuscripts to referees according to their areas of expertise.
* The Editor(s) should communicate effectively with everyone involved in the review of all manuscripts submitted to ETÜT Journal and take precautions against misconduct.
*The Editorial Board follows the relevant flowchart of COPE to minimize peer review manipulation. If there is a suspicion of peer review manipulation after publication, the Editorial Board will follow COPE's appropriate flowchart.
Relations with Reader(s)
* The editor(s) should pay attention to ensure that the studies published in the Journal of ETÜSBE contribute to the scientific literature and are original.
* The editor(s) are obliged to provide explanatory and informative answers, considering the feedback.
Relations with Author(s)
* The editor(s) should organize the publication policy and writing rules on sample templates in line with the expectations of the authors.
* The editor(s) should provide the necessary information to the authors upon their request in a way that will not affect the refereeing process.
* Unless there are serious problems with the manuscript, the editor(s) should advance the process by considering the referee's suggestions.
Relations with Referee(s)
* The editor(s) should ask the reviewers to evaluate articles appropriate to their knowledge and expertise.
* The editor(s) are responsible for providing helpful resources such as information, guides, and forms that reviewers will need.
* The editor(s) should create a database of reviewers and update this database according to the performance of the reviewers.
* The editor(s) should remove referees from the database who behave in a manner far from academic language and do not comply with the specified deadlines.
* The editor(s) should encourage the reviewers to evaluate the manuscript impartially and scientifically.
All manuscripts submitted to ETÜT Journal are scanned with iThenticate ( software program in the pre-control phase. Studies with a similarity rate of less than 25%, which comply with the spelling rules and receive the approval of the language editor, are included in the evaluation process. In addition, if the following unethical behaviors are detected, the study will be rejected.
* The presence of people who have not contributed intellectually among the authors of the study.
* Failure to indicate if the study is produced from any of the studies such as master's / doctorate/project / academic presentation.
* The study is divided into parts and converted into more than one study.
* Failure to declare the conflict of interest or conflict of interest of the study.
* Interfering with the refereeing process of the study.
* Citation Manipulation: Manipulation by the author, another journal, or other publication by citing, self-citing, or incorporating chunks of citations into the study for the purpose of manipulation.
Conflict of Interest Statement
The conflict of interest form should be filled out in cases with multiple authors or in cases that may create a conflict of interest and should be added when the article is uploaded.
ICMJE Form is used as a form. Click to download....
Declaration of Financial Support
ETÜT Journal requests information about the financial support received by the authors and shares information about the financial support such as the institution and project number on the last page of the article.
Statements or opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal do not represent the views of the editors, editorial board and/or publisher, but those of the author(s).
The editors, editorial board and publisher accept no responsibility or liability for such material.
ETUT Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.