Notes for contributors


1. European University of Lefke (EUL) Journal of Social Sciences is a double blind peer-reviewed journal published twice a year, in June and December. The scope of the journal includes all disciplines and branches of social sciences.


2. EUL Journal of Social Sciences accepts contributions in English and Turkish. Manuscripts submitted for publication should be written in these languages.


3. Copyrights of the articles appearing in the EUL Journal of Social Sciences belong to EUL. Authors may use their articles elsewhere fallowing publication, provided that a written permission is obtained from EUL.


4. Articles submitted to EUL Journal of Social Sciences should be original contributions and should not be published elsewhere or should not be under review for any other publication at the same time. In case another version of the article is being reviewed by another editorial board, has been published elsewhere, or will be published elsewhere, author(s) should clearly indicate this situation when submitting their work.


5. Manuscripts presented to EUL Journal of Social Sciences will first be examined by the journal's editorial board, before being forwarded to the referees. The name of the author(s), reader(s) and referee(s) will be kept anonymous during and after the review process. Review reports will be considered as confidential.


6. Manuscripts to be submitted should be complete, including endnotes, bibliography, author biographies and appendixes. Texts can be sent to the editorial board by e-mail as an e-mail attachment over Internet or by mail, as saved on a CD-ROM (please see addresses below). The files must be saved in MS Office Word format. Materials sent by post will not be returned.




        Adress: European University of Lefke 

              Journal of Social Sciences

                                      Faculty of Economics and Administrative

                Lefke, Gemikonağı, KKTC

         Mersin 10 TURKEY    


7. For both English and Turkish written articles, authors are invited to ensure that their work is compliant with  EUL Journal of Social Sciences style. The editiorial board of the journal also suggest that non-native English speakers ensure that their article has been read and corrected by a competent, preferably native, English speaker. The Editors of the EUL Journal of Social Sciences will not perform any re-writing or correction before publication.


8. Potential contributors are encouraged to visit EUL Journal of Social Sciences' web page (; to examine visual examples of the journal's publishing style, also described below.









1. Articles submitted to EUL Journal of Social Sciences should consist of the following main sections: Main title in English and in Turkish, author name(s), abstract in English, keywords in English, abstract in Turkish, keywords in Turkish, main text, references, author biographies in English and in Turkish, appendixes.


2. Page margins should be as follows: 3 cm from top, bottom and right and left. Gutter: 0,5 cm from left


3. All texts should be in Times New Roman font.


4. Article title in English and in Turkish should be in 14 point, bold, center-aligned, without indentation.


5. Name, title and affiliation of the author should be in 10 points, bold, italic letters. If the article has been written by a single author, the alignment should be centered (middle of the page). In case there are multiple authors, their names, titles and affiliations should be placed alphabetically by their family names, from left to right and top to bottom (first author at left, second at right, third under the first, fourth under the second, etc.) in two columns. The alignment is centered for each column.


6. After the author names, the body text should be formatted as a single column. The alignment is justified. The body text should be in 12 points, single-spaced lines. Indentation should be 0,63 cm from the left. Space between paragraphs should be 0 nk before and 6 nk after. The space between each line is 10 nk.


7. Articles will be preceded by an abstract, written both in English (first) and Turkish. Abstracts should be in bold and italic characters. Five keywords in English and in Turkish should be given respectively after each abstract. Alignment for abstracts section is justified, without indentation.


8. Subtitles should be organized as follows: Main subtitles should be in bold majuscules and will be numbered as “1., 2., 3., etc.” Main subtitles' alignment should be left.


9. First level subtitles should be in bold small letters, indicated with numbers (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.); second level subtitles should be small letters in italics (1.1.1.,, 1.2.1., 1.3.1.., etc.). All subtitles should be 12 points, with left alignment. Indentation is 0,63 from left for main subtitle, first, second and third level subtitles.


10. For relatively long citations, interviews, speeches, verbal statements, the text should be in 10 points, italic letters, separated with commas. Alignment is justified. Indentation is 0,63 cm from left.


11. When an abbreviation is used for the first time, it should be given in parenthesis following the word or word group which it replaces.


12. References should not be given as endnotes or footnotes (please see the end of this section for bibliography style).


13. Mathematical equations should be in 12 points, italic characters, center-aligned. Authors are suggested to use an equation editor.


14. Images, tables, schematics and graphics can be placed in the text, as well as in appendixes after the bibliography section. A space of two lines should be left blank before and after these visual elements, in order to separate them from the text. A legend (title) should be given under each element, including type (schematic, map, table, figure, etc.); respective number and resource or reference if needed (Table 1: …., Figure 1:). The legend should be in 10 points, bold letters. It should be left-aligned.


15. The bibliography section should come after the body text, with the same style except its alignment should be justified without indentation.


16. Author biographies should be in English (first) and in Turkish, written in 12 points, italic letters, with justified alignment. Biographies should not exceed 100 words and indicate the current academic position and research interests of the authors.






1. The contributors should use “author-date-page” system for citing other authors in their article as follows: Name of the author(s), year: page numbers, in paranthesis. Example: (Gilbert, 1997: 38).


2. All resources used for citations in the article should be given in detail in the Bibliography section, organized alphabetically with respect to the first letter of the names of the authors.


a. Books  with one author

In the text: (Mucuk, 2007: 75)

In the bibliography: Mucuk, İsmail (2007), Pazarlama İlkeleri, Türkmen Kitabevi, İstanbul.


b. Articles with one author

In the text: (Romer, 1998: 35)

In the bibliography: Romer, P. M. (1998), “Endogenous Technologies Change”, Journal of Political Economy, 98(1): 71-102.


c. Books with two authors

In the text: (Ergun and Polatoğlu, 1992: 175)

In the bibliography: Ergun, T. and Polatoğlu, A. (1992), Kamu Yönetimine Giriş, TODAIE, Ankara.


d. Articles with two authors

In the text: (Turkoz and Akyol, 2008: 150)

In the bibliography: Türköz, İ. and Akyol, A. (2008), “Internal Marketing and Hotel Performance”, Anatoli: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 19(1): 149-154.


e. Book with more than two authors

In the text: (Von König et al., 1981: 199)

In the bibliography: Von König, K., Oertzen, H.J. and Wagener, F. (1981), Öffentliche Verwaltung in der Bundesrepublik Deustchland, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden.


f. Article with more than two authors

In the text: (Erdoğan et al., 2007: 130)

In the bibliography: Erdoğan, N., Akyol, A., Ataman, B.M. And Dökmeci, V., “Comparaison of Urban Housing Satisfaction in Modern and Historical Neighborhoods in Edirne, Turkey”, Social Indicators Research (SIR), 81(1): 127-148.


g. Book with editor(s)

In the text: (Kavanagh and Seldon, 1994: 121-188)

In the bibliography: Kavanagh, D. and Seldon, A. (ed.) (1994), The Major Effect, Macmillan Publishing, London


h. Sections from books with editor(s)

In the text: (Riddell, 1994: 53)

In the bibliography: Riddell, P. (1994), “Major and Parliament”, Kavanagh, D. and Seldon, A. (eds.), The Major Effect, Macmillan Publishing, London, 46-63.


i. Publications with no author or editor stated

In the text: (DPT, 1989: 145)

In the bibliography: DPT (1989), Altıncı Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı 1990-1994, Ankara


j. Conference and other colloquium proceedings

In the text: (Asimov, 1989: 14)

In the bibliography: Asimov, I. (1989), “Science-Fiction as a Social Stimulus”, Proceedings of the XI. International Science-Fiction Convention, Boston (1988), ASFWA, New York, 12-22.


k. Articles and other texts in non-scientific periodical publishings

In the text: (Altaylı, 2000)

In the bibliography: Altaylı, F., “Deprem ve Toplum”, Hürriyet, 21 August 1999, 19.


l. Articles and other texts in non-scientific peridical publishings with no author

In the text: (Sabah, 2001)

In the bibliography: Sabah (2001), “Afet Kanunu Değiştirilecek”, Sabah, 21 September 2001, 6


m. Internet resources

In the text: (

In the bibliography:, Retreived 09.05.2000


Last Update Time: 12/16/16, 2:32:13 PM

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