The Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences (p-ISSN 1300-9702, e-ISSN 2149-3243) is an international peer-reviewed journal published triannually in print and electronic formats in January, May, and September, providing a platform for researchers and scholars in the social sciences to present their scientific studies.
The primary objective of the Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences is to advance the field of social sciences by disseminating research that addresses "domestic and national" subjects in accordance with universal scientific principles, values, and methodologies. The journal serves as a platform for the publishing of innovative scientific findings at both national and international levels.
Open Access Policy
As an Open Access publication, Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences makes its published work immediately available to the public. The journal aims to enhance the advancement and support of research via its "Open Access" policy. The rights of all uses (online linking, copying, printing, duplication, distribution, etc.) are exercised through the Creative Commons Tic-Non-Commercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC), unless otherwise specified in the relevant content, provided that recognized standards are cited, excluding commercial use and modifications of the content. Permission from the journal editor is required for commercial use of the material.
Evaluation Process
1) The "Blind Referee" system is applied in the evaluation process of the articles sent to the journal. With this system, the referee makes his/her review and evaluation without seeing the name of the article author(s). The authors are also unaware of the referee names throughout the process.
2) Translation and publication evaluation studies sent to the journal are also subjected to a blind review process just like copyright works.
3) The Journal Editorial Board sends the articles it deems appropriate in terms of format and fields to referees (two referees) who are experts in the subject, and if both of the evaluations are positive, the article is accepted for publication. If one is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee.
4) Manuscripts that are decided to be corrected for publication must be submitted by their authors within 20 days at the latest. The revised text can be reviewed by the referees who request changes, if deemed necessary.
5) Submitted articles are published with the final decision of the Editorial Board, after the approval of two field experts "can be published". Authors must take into account the criticism, evaluation and corrections of the referee and the Editorial Board. In case of disagreement, the author has the right to report on a separate page with justifications.
6) Articles sent to the journal are not returned to the author, whether published or not.
7) The opinions in the articles published in Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences are the personal opinions of their authors and do not constitute the official opinion of Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences.
Publication Frequency
Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences is published twice a year in print and electronic form, in "January" and "July". Articles are not accepted for a certain issue. Authors can submit their scientific studies at any time.
Submission / Article Processing Charges
Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences is an open access journal under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Disclosure 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC). The journal does not charge authors' fees for submission and article printing, nor does it pay royalties to the author(s) for articles.
Plagiarism Detection
Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences obliges every study that has passed the "Blind Review Process" to be checked for plagiarism in order to protect its integrity. In this context, every work is passed through the plagiarism control system approved by the editorial board.
Copyright Policy
The copyright of the published articles belongs to Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences. The author (s) acknowledges that all copyrights of the manuscript approved for publication in Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences have been transferred to the journal. Articles previously published elsewhere cannot be published in Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences.
Period Months