Research Article
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Year 2020, Issue: 29, 391 - 408, 16.05.2020


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Schelling’in Özdeşlik Felsefesi’ni kimi yorumlar eşliğinde irdelemektir. Bu amaçla makale üç bölüme ayrılmıştır. Birinci bölümün hemen başında, Schelling’in Kant ve Fichte’ye yönelik eleştirilerinden ve dahası felsefesini nasıl özne ve nesne arasındaki ikiliğin bir çözümü olarak sunduğundan bahsedilmiştir. Sonrasında Schelling’in varlık anlayışındaki başlıca kavram, “Mutlak” ayrıntılı biçimde açıklanmaktadır. Böylece ikinci bölümde özne ve nesne, dahası bilme ve eyleme ilişkisini tartışmak için de yeterli bir zemin hazırlanmıştır. Bu tartışmaların tamamlanmasının ardından, üçüncü bölümde, tümel ve tikel sorunu ele alınırken, “idea”, “öz”, “görünüş”, “doğa”, “oluş” kavramları da Özdeşlik Felsefesi uyarınca açıklanmaktadır. Makalenin sonunda Özdeşlik Felsefesi’nin mekanizması, çalışmanın bütün bir özetiyle beraber sunulmaktadır.


  • Andrew Bowie, Schelling and Modern European Philosophy, London & New York: Routledge, 1993.
  • Daniel Breazeale, “Exhibiting the Particular in the Universal: Philosophical Construction and Intuition in Schelling’s Philosophy of Identity (1801-1804), Interpreting Schelling: Critical Essays içinde, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, ss. 91-120.
  • Friedrich Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, çev. A. V. Miller, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977.
  • Friedrich Schelling, Bruno, or the On the Natural and Divine Principle of Things, çev. M. G. Vater, Albany: SUNY Press, 1984.
  • Friedrich Schelling, “Further Presentations from the System of Philosophy”, çev. M. G. Vater, The Philosophical Forum, 32 (4), 2001, ss. 373-397.
  • Friedrich Schelling, Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature, çev. E. E. Harris & P. Heath, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • Friedrich Schelling, “On the Relationship of the Philosophy of Nature to Philosophy in General”, çev. G. di Giovanni & H. S. Harris, Between Kant & Hegel: Texts in the development of post-Kantlan Idealism içinde, Indianapolis & Cambridge: Hackett Publishing, 2000, ss. 363-383.
  • Friedrich Schelling, Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom, çev. J. Love & J. Schmidt, Albany: SUNY Press, 2006.
  • Friedrich Schelling, Philosophy and Religion, çev. K. Ottmann, Putnam: Spring Publications, 2010.
  • Friedrich Schelling, “Presentation of My System of Philosophy”, çev. M. G. Vater, The Philosophical Forum, 32 (4), 2001, ss. 339-371.
  • Friedrich Schelling, “System of Philosophy in General and of the Philosophy of Nature in Particular”, çev. T. Pfau, Idealism and the End Game of Theory içinde, Albany: SUNY Press, 1994, ss. 139-195.
  • H. S. Harris, “The Cows in the Dark Night”, Dialogue, 26 (4), 1987, ss. 627-644.
  • James Lindsay, “The Philosophy of Schelling”, The Philosophical Review, 19(3), 1910, ss. 259-275.
  • Manfred Frank, The Philosophical Foundations of Early German Romanticism, çev. E. Millan-Zaibert, New York: SUNY Press, 2004.
  • Michael Vater, “Bringing Nature to Light: Schelling’s Naturphilosophie in the Early System of Identity”, Analecta Hermeneutica, cilt 5, 2013, ss. 7-15.


Year 2020, Issue: 29, 391 - 408, 16.05.2020


The main aim of this study is to examine the Identity Philosophy of Schelling with several interpretations. For that purpose, the article is separated into three parts. At the beginning of the first part, the critique of Schelling to Kant and Fichte, and how Schelling offers his philosophy as a solution to the dualism of subject and object are referred. After that, the main concept of Schelling’s understanding of being, the “Absolute” is explained in detail. Then an adequate ground to discuss the relation of subject and object, moreover of knowing and acting, is also prepared for the second part. After completing these discussions, in the third part, the concepts, “idea”, “appearance”, “essence”, “nature”, “existence” are explained according to the Identity Philosophy, while dealing with the problem of universal and particular in Schelling. By the end of the article, the mechanism of the Identity Philosophy is shown along with a brief of the whole work.


  • Andrew Bowie, Schelling and Modern European Philosophy, London & New York: Routledge, 1993.
  • Daniel Breazeale, “Exhibiting the Particular in the Universal: Philosophical Construction and Intuition in Schelling’s Philosophy of Identity (1801-1804), Interpreting Schelling: Critical Essays içinde, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, ss. 91-120.
  • Friedrich Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, çev. A. V. Miller, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977.
  • Friedrich Schelling, Bruno, or the On the Natural and Divine Principle of Things, çev. M. G. Vater, Albany: SUNY Press, 1984.
  • Friedrich Schelling, “Further Presentations from the System of Philosophy”, çev. M. G. Vater, The Philosophical Forum, 32 (4), 2001, ss. 373-397.
  • Friedrich Schelling, Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature, çev. E. E. Harris & P. Heath, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • Friedrich Schelling, “On the Relationship of the Philosophy of Nature to Philosophy in General”, çev. G. di Giovanni & H. S. Harris, Between Kant & Hegel: Texts in the development of post-Kantlan Idealism içinde, Indianapolis & Cambridge: Hackett Publishing, 2000, ss. 363-383.
  • Friedrich Schelling, Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom, çev. J. Love & J. Schmidt, Albany: SUNY Press, 2006.
  • Friedrich Schelling, Philosophy and Religion, çev. K. Ottmann, Putnam: Spring Publications, 2010.
  • Friedrich Schelling, “Presentation of My System of Philosophy”, çev. M. G. Vater, The Philosophical Forum, 32 (4), 2001, ss. 339-371.
  • Friedrich Schelling, “System of Philosophy in General and of the Philosophy of Nature in Particular”, çev. T. Pfau, Idealism and the End Game of Theory içinde, Albany: SUNY Press, 1994, ss. 139-195.
  • H. S. Harris, “The Cows in the Dark Night”, Dialogue, 26 (4), 1987, ss. 627-644.
  • James Lindsay, “The Philosophy of Schelling”, The Philosophical Review, 19(3), 1910, ss. 259-275.
  • Manfred Frank, The Philosophical Foundations of Early German Romanticism, çev. E. Millan-Zaibert, New York: SUNY Press, 2004.
  • Michael Vater, “Bringing Nature to Light: Schelling’s Naturphilosophie in the Early System of Identity”, Analecta Hermeneutica, cilt 5, 2013, ss. 7-15.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Philosophy
Journal Section Articles

Önder Kulak

Publication Date May 16, 2020
Submission Date December 27, 2019
Acceptance Date April 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 29


Chicago Kulak, Önder. “SCHELLING’İN MUTLAK ÖZDEŞLİK DÜŞÜNCESİ”. FLSF Felsefe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 29 (May 2020): 391-408.

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