Journal of Science, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship and Technology Education, aiming to contribute to especially interdisciplinary studies on science, mathematics, entrepreneurship and technology in the field of educational sciences (preschool, primary education, secondary school, high school, education faculty and other education stakeholders) is a refereed and international journal in which original research and review articles are published.
The journal is published online three times a year (in January, May and September). Articles submitted for publication in the journal can be written in Turkish and English. Articles submitted to the journal must not have been previously published in another journal or submitted for publication in another journal. After the submission the manuscripts have blind review proceess. The referees are going to review the manuscripts blind and make their decisions about the paper.
In order for the articles to be published in the journal, they must be accepted by the referees.
If the articles are accepted for publication, the Journal of FMGT Education has all publishing rights.
The Journal of FMGT Education is an open access journal that uses Dergipark journal system.
The Journal of FMGT Education does not charge for article processing fee (evaluation fee or printing fee) and access to articles.