If, scientists!
Articles to be sent to our journal must comply with the spelling rule and be uploaded to sample article format.
Click here for sample article format: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/30644
The article acceptance and evaluation process in the Journal of Young Thinkers is carried out in two different ways, both through the dergipark system and outside the system. Since the authors who submit their articles from abroad send their articles to our journal with other acceptance methods without uploading their articles to the system, and the referees who evaluate these articles during the evaluation process evaluate the articles outside the system, the article process statistics of Dergipark are not sufficient to show the article publication information of our journal. You are respectfully requested to take this into account when reviewing the statistics. In accordance with the rule, our journal accepts article acceptance from the dergipark system. Our authors, who encounter difficulties in submitting articles from abroad, send their articles to us via e-mail. In article submissions by e-mail, all author information must be written in the article template (gnmder2020@gmail.com) Respectfully.