e-ISSN: 3062-0317
Founded: 2024
Cover Image

GISTU Journal of Islamic Studies is an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal published twice a year, in June and December, by the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at Gaziantep Islamic Science and Technology University. Its aim is to contribute to the fields of theology and social sciences by publishing scientific works at both national and international levels.

Scope: GISTU  Journal of Islamic Studies publishes articles, book reviews, research, translations, and symposium reviews related to religious studies, social and human sciences, and religious topics.

Publication Period: The journal is published twice a year, in June and December, by the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at Gaziantep Islamic Science and Technology University.

Target Audience: The target audience of the GISTU Journal of Islamic Studies includes professionals conducting research in the fields of Basic Islamic Sciences, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Islamic History and Arts, and Religious Culture and Ethics Education, as well as students, readers, and institutions interested in these fields.

Research Article

Şâz Kıraatler ve Fıkhî Hükümlere Etkisi

Research Article

Mukâtil’in Vücûh Anlayışının Kur’an Meâllerine Yansıması

Research Article

Necmeddîn el-Gazzî (ö. 1061/1651) ve Biyografi Yazıcılığındaki Yeri


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