Review articles must have at least 50 references, at least 75% of which are from the last 5 years.
Survey-based articles will not be included in the evaluation process.
Manuscripts should be submitted to
Responsibility for the accuracy of the manuscript content lies entirely with the authors.
Editorial Office: e-mail:
Authors are invited to suggest three reviewers with names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mails, on a separate page (cover page) at the time of submitting their manuscript but Editors reserve the right to select reviewers of their choice.
"THE JOURNAL OF FOOD" has a severe policy of manuscript evaluation. All submitted manuscripts will be checked for appropriateness for the journal and general scientific quality by the Editor. Those comply with the author instructions and the scope of the journal are sent to an expert at least two reviewers, as indicated by the Editor. Each manuscript is reviewed independently. The suggestions and recommendations of the reviewers and/ or the Editor will be forwarded to the corresponding author, who should return the reviewed and revised manuscript to the Editor within the stipulated date, via email. Also, the corresponding author should explain or comment each modification introduced in the manuscript. Reviewers' comments are also reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and he advises the Editor to either accept or reject the manuscript. Then the Editor informs the corresponding author of the final decision.
Membership in the Association of Food Technology-Turkey is not a prerequisite for submission of a manuscript for publication. Non-member scientists from Turkey and other countries are invited to submit manuscripts.
All manuscripts must be accompanied by the "Manuscript Submission and Copyright Release Form" and "Final Checklist".
After the completion (with the signatures of all authors) of the "Manuscript Submission and Copyright Release Form" given at the address, it must be scanned and submitted to as an electronic file. Copies of this form may be submitted independently by various authors if, for example, they are located at different institutions. If the manuscript is not accepted for publication, this affidavit shall have no legal effect and will be considered void.
Authors will hereby be relinquishing to the Association of Food Technology-Turkey all control over this manuscript such as rights to make or authorize reprints, to reproduce, to distribute or to use of it or part of it.
"THE JOURNAL OF FOOD" strongly recommends that you compile your manuscript by using Times New Roman font in MS Word. It is the authors' responsibility to ensure that manuscripts are written in clear and comprehensive English or Turkish. Manuscripts should be typewritten with double-spacing and line numbering (including title pages, abstracts, tables and figures) and 2.5 cm margins on all sides of white A4 paper. A font size of 12 pt is required. The right hand margin justification should be switched off. Artificial word breaks and enter at the end of lines within a paragraph must be avoided. Authors should leave a line blank after the headings and paragraphs. Original research papers and review articles should consist of maximum 22 pages but the short communications should be restricted to 8 pages, including maximum two figures or two tables, or one figure and one table. The Editors reserve the right to require authors to reduce the length of their manuscript. Other than the cover page, every page of the manuscript, including the title pages, abstracts, tables and figures should be numbered; however, in the manuscript no reference should be made to page numbers.
Please follow this order when typing your manuscript; Title & Abstract and Keywords, Title &
Abstract and Keywords (also in Turkish[1]), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and
Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (optional), References, Tables, Figures. Major headings (except Titles) should begin at the left margin, all uppercase and in boldface. First subheadings should also begin at the left margin, the first letter of only the first word should be capitalized, and the headings should be in boldface. Second subheadings should begin in the first line of a paragraph; the first letter of only the first word should be capitalized, and followed by a period.
The title pages of the manuscript should comprise (a) the title, running title (b) name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s), (c) abstract and keywords, (d) full postal address, e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author to whom all correspondence should be addressed and who will check the proofs.
The title should be centered; all uppercase, and boldface, and should contain words or phrases used for indexing the article but not abbreviations. Under the title, name(s) of author(s) should be all uppercase but only the first letters of the affiliation(s) of the author(s) should be capitalized. The abstract will not normally exceed 150 words. It should concisely review important objectives, methods, results, conclusions, and significance of the study. References and uncommon abbreviations should be avoided. After the abstract, 2-7 keywords should be listed. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk (*) and footnote (an e-mail address is mandatory). All other footnotes (except for table footnotes) should be identified with superscript Arabic numbers.
The text should contain Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (optional), References, Tables, Figures. Introduction should provide the reader with sufficient background information to evaluate the results of the study but should not contain a summary of the results or a comprehensive literature survey. Materials and methods must give sufficient information which allows the work to be independently repeated and verified. Suppliers and manufacturers of materials (company, city, and country) should be included in the text. Information provided in tables and figures should not be repeated in the text. Results and the interpretation of them in relation to known information should be provided in the text, and the text should be concluded. Results of statistical tests should be presented wherever possible as evidence for conclusions. Authors should indicate probability with a capital italic P and space around signs of operation (e.g. P <0.05). Collaborations, sources of research funds, and other acknowledgments should be listed in a separate section at the end of the text ahead of the References.
Abbreviations should be defined and introduced in parentheses the first time they are used. All equations should be centered and sequentially numbered. The SI (Systeme International d' Unites) system should be used for all scientific data. The form for units is mg/ml and not mg. ml-1. mg/kg or μg/kg should be used instead of ppm or ppb. Decimal fractions should be indicated by decimal points and not commas throughout the manuscript (e.g. 9.86; not 9,86). Multiplication of numbers should be indicated by a multiplication sign without spaces on either side (e.g. 3.5x105). Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius.
The authors’ surnames and the year of publication of the references should be given in the references used in the text. Unknown references should be given as "Anonymous". If there are more than two authors in the cited reference, "et al." must be written after the first author’s surname. For example:
... (Colmenero et al., 1996; Tabarestani and Tehrani, 2014; Kılıncceker, 2015). According to Anonymous (2015) and AOAC (2014) .....
Responsibility for the accuracy of bibliographic citations lies entirely with the authors. All references given in the list should be cited in the text and all references mentioned in the text should be included in the list. The citation of a reference as "in the press" implies that the item has been accepted for publication. References citing "personal communication" or "unpublished data" are discouraged, although it is recognized that sometimes they must be used. In these cases, they should be cited in the text and not in the list of references.
The list of references should follow the order of their citation and should be typewritten with double-spacing. References to journals should contain the names and initials of all authors, year of publication, the title of the paper, and the italicized abbreviation of the title of the periodical according to the style of BIOSIS. These should be followed by the volume and issue number, the first and the last page numbers, and if possible the doi number. References to books should include the italicized title of the book, the year of publication, the publishing company, the place of publication, and if possible the ISBN number. The following is an example of order and style to be used in the manuscript:
Publication with no identifiable author
Anonymous (2000). Türk gıda kodeksi. Et ürünleri tebliği (2000/4). Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı. 10 Şubat 2000 tarih ve 23960 sayılı Resmî Gazete, Ankara.
Anonymous (2007). On emergency measures suspending the use of E 128 Red 2G as food color. L 195/8 EN Official Journal of the European Union, Commission Regulation (EC) No 884/2007 of 26 July 2007.
Paper in a journal
Yüce, S., Tahtacı, S., Gülden Başyiğit Kılıç G. (2017). Halofilik laktik asit bakterilerinin ürettiği hidrolitik enzimler. GIDA 42(3): 242-251, doi: 10.15237/gida.GD16088.
Wang, X., Li, S.H., Min, W.H. (1997). Effect of HVEF on the biological reaction of Oenothera biennis L. seed during their sprouting period. Acta Biophysica Sinica, 13(4): 668-670 [in Chinese].
Book by the author(s)
Tunail, N. (2009). Mikrobiyoloji. Pelin Ofset Tipo Matbaacılık, Ankara, Türkiye, 434 s. ISBN: 978605-603-62-0-0.
Ashurst, P.R. (2005). Chemistry and technology of soft drinks and fruit juices. 2nd Edition, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, the UK, 374 p.
Heperkan, D. (transleting ed.). 2016. Temel gıda mikrobiyolojisi. Fundamental food microbiology. Translete from the 5th ed, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti., Ankara, Türkiye, 610 s. ISBN: 978605-320-543-2.
Boulton, R.B. (ed.), Singleton, V.L., Bisson, L.F., Kunkee, R.E. (1998). Principles and practices of winemaking. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Massachusetts, the USA, 604 p.
Erdem, B. (1999). Enterobacteriaceae/ Salmonella. Temel ve klinik mikrobiyoloji, Ustaçelebi, Ş. (baş ed.), Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti., Ankara, Türkiye, s. 489-502.
Fratamico, P.M., Crawford, C.G. (1999). Detection by commercial particle-based assays. In: Encyclopedia of food microbiology, Robinson, R. K. (chief ed.), Volume 2, Academic Press, the UK, pp. 655-661.
Kırca, A. (2001). Kan portakalı antosiyaninlerinin termal degradasyonu. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, Türkiye, 50 s.
Banerjee, P. (2008). Mammalian cell based biosensor for rapid screening of pathogenic bacteria and toxins. Ph.D. Dissertation, Purdue University, Indiana, the USA, 191 p.
Kösem, A., Sakallı, Ş., Kaya, F., Kuzuimamlar Ş. (2016). İş sağlığı ve iş güvenliğinin gıda sanayisindeki yeri ve uygulamaları. Türkiye 12. Gıda Kongresi, 05-07 Ekim 2016, Edirne, Türkiye, 573 s.
Taban, B., Aytac S.A. (2008). Application of immunomagnetic beads and PCR assay for detection of Salmonella spp. in chicken meats. XII. International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, 5-9 August, İstanbul, Turkey, 253 p.
Hussong, R.V., Marth, E.H., Vakaleris, D.G. (1964). Manufacture of cottage cheese. US Patent 3, 117, 870.
Web page
ISO (2001). How conformity assessment works. (Accessed: 16 December 2001).
Eyigör, A., Çarlı, K.T., Ünal, C.B. (2004). Kümes hayvanlarının Salmonella Analizinde Real-Time PZR uygulaması. (Erişim tarihi: 01.04.2004).
Basrur, S. V. (2001). Genetically Engineered Foods. (Accessed 26 March 2001).
Publication by an Association
AOAC (1990). Official methods of analysis. 15th Edition, Washington DC, the USA.
Tables must be prepared using MS Word. Authors should only use the font Times New Roman. They should be numbered consecutively and given a short descriptive caption. The captions of tables should be placed above tables. They should not be imported into the text and each of them should be compiled on a separate page. Tables should not include ruled vertical lines with the exception of headers and a footer. Explanatory footnotes to tables should be typed below the table with a font size of 10 pt. They should not duplicate results presented in the text. The tables should be prepared on the vertical page.
If all or parts of previously published tables are used, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder concerned. It is the author's responsibility to obtain these in writing and provide copies to the Association of Food Technology-Turkey.
Photographs, diagrams, and charts are all to be referred to as "Figure(s)". They should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred and given a short descriptive legend. The legends of figures should be placed below figures. They should not be imported into the text and each of them should be compiled on a separate page. Dimensions of figures must be maximum of 16×18 cm and a minimum 8 cm wide. Photographs should be high-resolution images, preferably in TIFF format at minimum 800 dpi at print dimensions. They should not duplicate results presented in the text. In the research articles in Turkish, the title of the figures and the words in Turkish written on the figures with all the bottom notes should also be written in English in italic form. Authors are advised that poor-quality figures may delay the online printing of their manuscripts.
If all or parts of previously published figures are used, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder concerned. It is the author's responsibility to obtain these in writing and provide copies to the Association of Food Technology-Turkey. The Editorial Board may ask the authors to remove any figure from the article.
Proofs will be sent as a PDF file by e-mail to the corresponding author, to be checked for typesetting. Page proofs are considered to be the final version of the manuscript therefore with the exception of minor clerical errors, no changes will be allowed at this stage. Proofreading is solely the authors' responsibility. Please return minor corrections of receipt of the proofs with a signature in each page, by cargo or fax (+90 312 3178711). Should there be no minor corrections, please also confirm this. The Editors reserve the right to adjust style to certain standards of uniformity.
Starting in 2017, THE JOURNAL OF FOOD will be published electronically only.
FOOD Journal ended its paper-printed form with the 6th Issue of Volume 41 of the year 2016.
From the year 2017, the journal will only be printed in electronic media at
This "Author Instructions" was accepted, unanimously, in General Board Meeting on January 22, 2017 and will be valid after the announcement in at and
[1] The Association of Food Technology-Turkey will provide the translation into Turkish for non-Turkish speakers.