According to the decision of the Gazi University Health Sciences Institute Board of Directors dated December 5, 2024, and numbered 47/18, starting from 2025, the acceptance of review articles submitted to our journal will be limited, and priority will be given to the publication of research articles.
Journal of Gazi University Health Sciences Institute (GUHES) is a publication of Gazi University Institute of Health Sciences and publishes qualified clinical and experimental research, case reports, reviews and letters to the editor. It is an international peer-reviewed journal published in English with three issues per year (April, August, December). GUHES provides an interdisciplinary scientific publishing environment where all those working in different fields of medicine, dentistry, nutrition, dietetics, nursing, audiology, biochemistry, microbiology, physiology, pharmacy and health sciences can present their work.
Our journal only accepts articles through the DergiPark online system provided by TÜBİTAK-Ulakbim. Our journal uses a double blind review process and articles are evaluated by at least two reviewers. Our journal adopts the Open Access Policy. There is no charge for publishing and accessing the published articles. No fee is paid to the authors and referees for the articles accepted for publication.
Our journal aims to present original and scientific studies to national and international academicians, researchers, students and science enthusiasts. Great sensitivity is shown in author information areas and article review and acceptance processes and it is aimed to increase the quality level in each issue.
e-ISSN: 2687-6353
Start Date: 2019
Publication Interval: 3 issues per year (April, August, December)
Publication Language: English
Journal of Gazi University Health Sciences Institute © 2019 by Gazi University is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International