Ozcan Buckley is a professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration. Her research focus is on climate change planning, local governance, ecological politics, urban policies, ecological planning etc. She is recently working on climate change planning experiences in the USA and also university climate action planning and urban energy planning in Michigan.
Arshi Khan teaches Political Science now and taught International Relations in the past. He is in the Advisory Board of five Peer-Reviewed Journals published from foreign countries. His M.Phil dissertation is about Turkey-Greece Relations with reference to Cyprus and Ph.D thesis about Turkish Democracy and Political Parties in Turkey from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He studied Political Science (Aligarh Muslim University), Human Rights (Hyderabad University), Democracy and Federalism (Institue of Federalism, University of Fribourg, Switzerland). He learnt Turkish language in TOMER, Ankara University, Turkey. He was at the New York University, USA as Fulbright Fellow. He has been Resource person to national and international institutions. Since 1989 he has been writing on the several issues related to democracy, human rights, state system, political stability, security and conflicts in Middle East and South Asia. In February 2013, he delivered two Lectures on Federalism and Fundamental Rights in India: Religious and Linguistic Rights, at the Faculty of Law and School of Political Science and Sociology, Leopold-Franzens University, Innsbruck, Austria on the invitation of the international School of Federalism and Governance 2013, (European Academy, Italy) under the auspices of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr Thorbjørn Jagland. Earlier, he was associated with the Centre for Federal Studies, New Delhi. He worked on India's federal polity, the issue of the Muslim minority community, violence and discrimination. He has also contributed to newspapers as a political analyst on different aspects of International Relations. He edited two books--Federalism, Democracy and Conflict Resolution (New Delhi: Macmillan, 2012). Arshi Khan, ed., Exclusion of Muslims in India Participation, Tolerance and Legitimacy of the State (New Delhi: Genuine Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd., 2018). His papers are published in over 14 Books edited in India and in over 14 Books edited in USA, UK, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Cyprus, Turkey, UAE, and Iraq. He is accredited with 4 Monographs, over 18 refereed and indexed National and International Journals, over 33 long and research articles in the Mainstream, over 180 articles/analyses in The Telegraph, The Pioneer, The Hindu, The Indian Express and Jordan Times (Amman). He was columnist in Daily Rashtriya Sahara (New Delhi) for two years. He presented over 16 papers in conferences in India and 17 papers abroad. He has delivered over 90 Lectures in India and over 15 Lectures in Switzerland, UAE, Iraq, Thailand and Malaysia. He contributed to TV channels and Radio (India and Abroad, including the BBC Asia Network) over 550 times. He also visited Turkey under the Cultural Exchange Programme of the UGC, and visited the US as a Short-term Fulbright Fellow. He has visited 22 countries.