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Karabuğday ununun Fatayer’in (zahter karışımlı börek) kalite özelliklerine etkisi

Year 2023, , 489 - 498, 27.12.2023


Bu çalışmada, Suriye'de geleneksel olarak üretilen ve üst dolgu malzemesi olarak kahvaltılık Zahter karışımını içeren bir fırın ürünü olan Fatayer'in karabuğday unu kullanımının bazı kalite özelliklerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Fatayer fizikokimyasal, tekstürel ve duyusal kalite özellikleri üzerine farklı oranlarda karabuğday ununun etkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışmada karabuğday unu oranları % (g/g) 0, 30, 50, 70 ve 100 5 farklı Fatayer çeşidi üretilmiştir. Kontrol olarak % 100 (g/g) buğday unu ile üretilen Fatayer hamuru kullanılmıştır. Fatayerlerde karabuğday oranı arttıkça nem oranı ve ağırlık kaybı sırasıyla 17.16'dan % (k.m.) 14.74'e ve % (g/g) 26.61'den 14.92'ye düşerken, yağ oranı ise % (k.m.) 18.66'dan 20.17'ye artmıştır. Karabuğday unu oranının artması Fatayeryerlerde çap (mm) ve kalınlık (mm) değerlerini düşürmüştür. Karabuğday unu oranının artmasının sertlik, esneklik, sakızımsılık, çiğnenebilirlik ve elastikiyet gibi yapısal değerlerinde artışa, yapışkanlık değerlerinde ise azalmaya neden olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Fatayerlerin görünüş, şekil, renk, sertlik/yumuşaklık, tat, koku, kırılganlık, iç yapı, çiğnenebilirlik ve genel kabul edilebilirlik gibi duyusal puanları sırasıyla 2.50-7.50, 2.30-7.70, 2.5-7.70, 2.30-8.40, 2.40-7.80, 4.30-7.30, 4.00-6.80, 40-7.60, 3.30-8.40 ve 3.00-7.66 aralıklarında tespit edilmiştir. Örneklerin


  • AACC, (2000). Approved Methods of American of Cereal Chemists (10th ed.). (44-16.01, 08-01, 46-10,30-10.01). Published by American Association of Cereal Chemists, Ins. Saint Paul, Minnesota, US.
  • Akubor, P.I. & Badifu, G.I.O. (2001). Chemical composition, functional properties and baking potential of African bread fruit kernel and wheat flour blends. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 39, 223-229.
  • Azizi, S., Azizi, M. H., Moogouei, R., & Rajaei, P. (2020). The effect of Quinoa flour and enzymes on the quality of gluten‐free bread. Food science & nutrition, 8(5), 2373-2382.
  • Baljeet, S. Y., Ritika, B. Y., & Roshan, L. Y. (2010). Studies on functional properties and incorporation of buckwheat flour for biscuit making. International Food Research Journal, 17(4).
  • Bilgiçli, N., & İbanoğlu, Ş. (2015). Effect of pseudo cereal flours on some physical, chemical and sensory properties of bread. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52, 7525-7529.
  • Bojnanska, T., Francakova, H., & Gazar, R. (2009). Influence of buckwheat addition on technological and nutrition quality of bread. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica–Mimoriadne Císlo, 12, 57-63.
  • Dalkılıç, S., Dalkılıç, L. K., & Korkmaz, İ. (2020). Geleneksel Khalilah Zahterin Antimikrobiyal Etkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 128-133.
  • Dizlek, H., Özer, M.S., İnaç, E., & Gül, H. (2009). Karabuğday’ın (Fagopyrum esculentum moench) bileşimi ve gıda sanayinde kullanım olanakları. Gıda, 34(5), 317-324.
  • Dvorakova, P., Buresova, I., & Kracmar, S. (2013). Quality of gluten-free buckwheat-rice bread. Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 2(Special issue 1), 1758-1768.
  • Emmanuel, K., & Sackle, A. (2013). Nutritional and sensory analysis of millet based sponge cake. International Journal of Nutrition and Food Science, 2 (6), 287-293.
  • FAO. (2003), “Food energy – methods of analysis and conversion factors”, FAO Food and Nutrition Paper 77, FAO, Rome, available at:
  • Hassan, A. S., Kashlan, N. B., Al‐mousa, Z. A., Shubber, K. M., Srivstava, V. P., Nawaz, S. P., & Mohana, N. E. A. (1991). Proximate and mineral compositions of local Kuwaiti fast foods. Ecology of food and nutrition, 26(1), 37-45.
  • Hayıt, F., & Hülya, G. Ü. L. (2015). Karabuğday'ın Sağlık Açısından Önemi ve Unlu Mamüllerde Kullanımı. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(1), 123-132.
  • Hayıt, F., & Hülya, G. Ü. L. (2017). Tam karabuğday unu ve transglutaminaz ilavesinin kısmi pişirilerek dondurulmuş ekşi mayalı ekmeklerin fiziksel ve tekstürel özellikleri üzerine etkisi. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 30(2), 113-119.
  • Hayoğlu, I., Basyigit, B., Hayoglu, G., & Atasoy, A. F. (2016). Cream zahter: a functional food some chemical and sensory properties. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 4(Special Issue), 32-36.
  • Iflazoglu, N., & Sarper, F. (2021). Zahtar and its place in culinary culture: Sample of Hatay Cuisine. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 23, 100302.
  • Karaoğlu, M. M., Kotancilar, H. G., & Gercekaslan, K. E. (2008). The Effect of Parbaking and Frozen Storage Time on the Quality of Cup Cake. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43 (10), 1778-1785.
  • Köten, M., & Satouf, M. (2019). Farklı Formülasyonlarda Kahvaltılık Zahter Üretimi ve Bazı Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Gıda, 44 (3), 513-522.
  • Lorenz, K., & Coulter, L. (1991). Quinoa flour in baked products. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 41, 213-223.
  • Mahmood, S., Pasha, I., Iqbal, M. W., Riaz, T., Adnan, M., Chitrakar, B., & Azam, M. (2019). Rheological and sensory attributes of wheat, quinoa and buckwheat composite flour and their use in bakery products. Journal of Food Science and Technology Nepal, 11, 25-31.
  • Makpoul, K. R., & Ibrahem, A. A. (2015). Improving biscuit nutritional value using quinoa flour. Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences, 6(12), 771-780.
  • Mariotti, M., Pagani, M. A., & Lucisano, M. (2013). The role of buckwheat and HPMC on the breadmaking properties of some commercial gluten-free bread mixtures. Food Hydrocolloids, 30, 393-400.
  • Mohajan, S., Munna, M. M., Orchy, T. N., Hoque, M. M., & Farzana, T. (2019). Buckwheat flour fortified bread. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 54(4), 347-356.
  • Pereira, B. L. C., Carneiro, A. D. C. O., Carvalho, A. M. M. L., Colodette, J. L., Oliveira, A. C., & Fontes, M. P. F. (2013). Influence of chemical composition of Eucalyptus wood on gravimetric yield and charcoal properties. BioResources, 8(3), 4574-4592.
  • Sanz-Penella, J. M., Wronkowska, M., Soral-Smietana, M., & Haros, M. (2013). Effect of whole amaranth flour on bread properties and nutritive value. LWT-Food science and technology, 50(2), 679-685.
  • Sedej, Q., Sakac, M., Mandic, A., Misan, A., Pestoric,. M, Simurina, O., & Brunet, C. (2011). Quality assessment of gluten-free crackers based on buckwheat flour. LWT – FoodScience and Technology, 44, 694-699.
  • Selimovic, A., Milicevic, D., Jasic, M., Selimovic, A., Ackar, D., & Pesic, T. (2014). The effect of baking temperature and buckwheat flour addition on the selected properties of wheat bread. Croatian journal of food science and technology, 6(1), 43-50.
  • Turabi, E., Sumnu, G., & Sahin, S. (2010). Quantitative analysis of macro and micro- structure of gluten-free rice cakes containing different types of gums baked in different ovens. Food Hydrocolloids, 24, 755-762.
  • Turkmen, F. U., Takçı, H. A. M., & Sekeroglu, N. (2016). Total phenolic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of homemade and industrial samples of breakfast zahter, herbal mixture. Akademik Gıda, 14(3), 242-246.
  • Uçan, F., Kulak, M., Çimen, G., & Şekeroğlu, N. (2014). Kahvaltılık Zahterin Besin değeri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. 4. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, 17-19.
  • Volpını-Rapına, L. F., Sokeı, F. R., & Contı-Sılva, A. C. (2012). Sensory Profile and Preference Mapping of Orange Cakes with Addition Of Prebiotics İnulin and Oligofructose. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 48 (1), 37-42.
  • Wijngaard, H. H., & Arendt, E. K. (2006). Buckwheat. Cereal chemistry, 83(4), 391-401.
  • Wronkowska, M., Zielińska, D., Szawara‐Nowak, D., Troszyńska, A., & Soral‐Śmietana, M. (2010). Antioxidative and reducing capacity, macroelements content and sensorial properties of buckwheat‐enhanced gluten‐free bread. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 45(10), 1993-2000.
  • Yeşil, S., & Levent, H. (2022). The influence of fermented buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth flour on gluten-free bread quality. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 160, 113301.
  • Yıldız, G. & Bilgiçli, N., 2012. Effects of whole buckwheat flour on physical, chemical and sensory properties of flat bread, lavaş. Czech Journal of Food Science, 30, 534-540

Influence of buckwheat flour on the quality characteristics of Fatayer (pastry with zahter mixture)

Year 2023, , 489 - 498, 27.12.2023


In this study, the effect of the use of buckwheat flour on some quality characteristics of Fatayer which is a bakery product containing breakfast Zahter mixture as a top filling material and traditionally produced in Syria was investigated. The effect of buckwheat flour in different proportions on the physicochemical, textural, and sensory quality characteristics of Fatayer was investigated. In the study, 5 different types of Fatayers were produced with buckwheat flour ratios of 0, 30, 50, 70 and 100 % (g/g). The Fatayer produced with 100 % (g/g) wheat flour was used as a control. As the buckwheat content of Fatayers increased, the moisture content decreased from 26.61 to 14.92 % (w.b.), the fat content increased from 18.66 to 20.17 % (d.b.), and the weight loss decreased from 17.16 to 14.74 % (g/g) . The increase in the buckwheat flour ratio decreased the diameter (mm) and thickness (mm) of the Fatayers. It was observed that the increase in the buckwheat flour ratio causes an increase in hardness, flexibility, gumminess, chewiness and elasticity values, and a decrease in stickiness values. The sensory appearance, shape, color, hardness/softness, taste, smell, fragility, internal structure, chewiness and general acceptability scores of the pastries were detected in the ranges of 2.50-7.50, 2.30-7.70, 2.5-7.70, 2.30-8.40, 2.40-7.80, 4.30-7.30, 4.00-6.80, 3.40-7.60, 3.30-8.40 and 3.00-7.66, respectively. Considering the sensory properties of the samples, it was seen that the addition of 30% buckwheat flour was close to the control sample in terms of general acceptability. Considering the optimum chemical, physical, textural and sensory properties, it has been revealed that up to 50 % (g/g) Buckwheat flour can be used in the Fatayer formula.


  • AACC, (2000). Approved Methods of American of Cereal Chemists (10th ed.). (44-16.01, 08-01, 46-10,30-10.01). Published by American Association of Cereal Chemists, Ins. Saint Paul, Minnesota, US.
  • Akubor, P.I. & Badifu, G.I.O. (2001). Chemical composition, functional properties and baking potential of African bread fruit kernel and wheat flour blends. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 39, 223-229.
  • Azizi, S., Azizi, M. H., Moogouei, R., & Rajaei, P. (2020). The effect of Quinoa flour and enzymes on the quality of gluten‐free bread. Food science & nutrition, 8(5), 2373-2382.
  • Baljeet, S. Y., Ritika, B. Y., & Roshan, L. Y. (2010). Studies on functional properties and incorporation of buckwheat flour for biscuit making. International Food Research Journal, 17(4).
  • Bilgiçli, N., & İbanoğlu, Ş. (2015). Effect of pseudo cereal flours on some physical, chemical and sensory properties of bread. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52, 7525-7529.
  • Bojnanska, T., Francakova, H., & Gazar, R. (2009). Influence of buckwheat addition on technological and nutrition quality of bread. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica–Mimoriadne Císlo, 12, 57-63.
  • Dalkılıç, S., Dalkılıç, L. K., & Korkmaz, İ. (2020). Geleneksel Khalilah Zahterin Antimikrobiyal Etkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 128-133.
  • Dizlek, H., Özer, M.S., İnaç, E., & Gül, H. (2009). Karabuğday’ın (Fagopyrum esculentum moench) bileşimi ve gıda sanayinde kullanım olanakları. Gıda, 34(5), 317-324.
  • Dvorakova, P., Buresova, I., & Kracmar, S. (2013). Quality of gluten-free buckwheat-rice bread. Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 2(Special issue 1), 1758-1768.
  • Emmanuel, K., & Sackle, A. (2013). Nutritional and sensory analysis of millet based sponge cake. International Journal of Nutrition and Food Science, 2 (6), 287-293.
  • FAO. (2003), “Food energy – methods of analysis and conversion factors”, FAO Food and Nutrition Paper 77, FAO, Rome, available at:
  • Hassan, A. S., Kashlan, N. B., Al‐mousa, Z. A., Shubber, K. M., Srivstava, V. P., Nawaz, S. P., & Mohana, N. E. A. (1991). Proximate and mineral compositions of local Kuwaiti fast foods. Ecology of food and nutrition, 26(1), 37-45.
  • Hayıt, F., & Hülya, G. Ü. L. (2015). Karabuğday'ın Sağlık Açısından Önemi ve Unlu Mamüllerde Kullanımı. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(1), 123-132.
  • Hayıt, F., & Hülya, G. Ü. L. (2017). Tam karabuğday unu ve transglutaminaz ilavesinin kısmi pişirilerek dondurulmuş ekşi mayalı ekmeklerin fiziksel ve tekstürel özellikleri üzerine etkisi. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 30(2), 113-119.
  • Hayoğlu, I., Basyigit, B., Hayoglu, G., & Atasoy, A. F. (2016). Cream zahter: a functional food some chemical and sensory properties. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 4(Special Issue), 32-36.
  • Iflazoglu, N., & Sarper, F. (2021). Zahtar and its place in culinary culture: Sample of Hatay Cuisine. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 23, 100302.
  • Karaoğlu, M. M., Kotancilar, H. G., & Gercekaslan, K. E. (2008). The Effect of Parbaking and Frozen Storage Time on the Quality of Cup Cake. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43 (10), 1778-1785.
  • Köten, M., & Satouf, M. (2019). Farklı Formülasyonlarda Kahvaltılık Zahter Üretimi ve Bazı Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Gıda, 44 (3), 513-522.
  • Lorenz, K., & Coulter, L. (1991). Quinoa flour in baked products. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 41, 213-223.
  • Mahmood, S., Pasha, I., Iqbal, M. W., Riaz, T., Adnan, M., Chitrakar, B., & Azam, M. (2019). Rheological and sensory attributes of wheat, quinoa and buckwheat composite flour and their use in bakery products. Journal of Food Science and Technology Nepal, 11, 25-31.
  • Makpoul, K. R., & Ibrahem, A. A. (2015). Improving biscuit nutritional value using quinoa flour. Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences, 6(12), 771-780.
  • Mariotti, M., Pagani, M. A., & Lucisano, M. (2013). The role of buckwheat and HPMC on the breadmaking properties of some commercial gluten-free bread mixtures. Food Hydrocolloids, 30, 393-400.
  • Mohajan, S., Munna, M. M., Orchy, T. N., Hoque, M. M., & Farzana, T. (2019). Buckwheat flour fortified bread. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 54(4), 347-356.
  • Pereira, B. L. C., Carneiro, A. D. C. O., Carvalho, A. M. M. L., Colodette, J. L., Oliveira, A. C., & Fontes, M. P. F. (2013). Influence of chemical composition of Eucalyptus wood on gravimetric yield and charcoal properties. BioResources, 8(3), 4574-4592.
  • Sanz-Penella, J. M., Wronkowska, M., Soral-Smietana, M., & Haros, M. (2013). Effect of whole amaranth flour on bread properties and nutritive value. LWT-Food science and technology, 50(2), 679-685.
  • Sedej, Q., Sakac, M., Mandic, A., Misan, A., Pestoric,. M, Simurina, O., & Brunet, C. (2011). Quality assessment of gluten-free crackers based on buckwheat flour. LWT – FoodScience and Technology, 44, 694-699.
  • Selimovic, A., Milicevic, D., Jasic, M., Selimovic, A., Ackar, D., & Pesic, T. (2014). The effect of baking temperature and buckwheat flour addition on the selected properties of wheat bread. Croatian journal of food science and technology, 6(1), 43-50.
  • Turabi, E., Sumnu, G., & Sahin, S. (2010). Quantitative analysis of macro and micro- structure of gluten-free rice cakes containing different types of gums baked in different ovens. Food Hydrocolloids, 24, 755-762.
  • Turkmen, F. U., Takçı, H. A. M., & Sekeroglu, N. (2016). Total phenolic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of homemade and industrial samples of breakfast zahter, herbal mixture. Akademik Gıda, 14(3), 242-246.
  • Uçan, F., Kulak, M., Çimen, G., & Şekeroğlu, N. (2014). Kahvaltılık Zahterin Besin değeri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. 4. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, 17-19.
  • Volpını-Rapına, L. F., Sokeı, F. R., & Contı-Sılva, A. C. (2012). Sensory Profile and Preference Mapping of Orange Cakes with Addition Of Prebiotics İnulin and Oligofructose. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 48 (1), 37-42.
  • Wijngaard, H. H., & Arendt, E. K. (2006). Buckwheat. Cereal chemistry, 83(4), 391-401.
  • Wronkowska, M., Zielińska, D., Szawara‐Nowak, D., Troszyńska, A., & Soral‐Śmietana, M. (2010). Antioxidative and reducing capacity, macroelements content and sensorial properties of buckwheat‐enhanced gluten‐free bread. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 45(10), 1993-2000.
  • Yeşil, S., & Levent, H. (2022). The influence of fermented buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth flour on gluten-free bread quality. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 160, 113301.
  • Yıldız, G. & Bilgiçli, N., 2012. Effects of whole buckwheat flour on physical, chemical and sensory properties of flat bread, lavaş. Czech Journal of Food Science, 30, 534-540
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section dp

Ali Yıldırım 0000-0001-7226-1902

Zana Karaboğa 0000-0002-1836-588X

Firuze Amasyalı This is me 0009-0008-6186-9128

Early Pub Date December 26, 2023
Publication Date December 27, 2023
Submission Date August 7, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Yıldırım, A., Karaboğa, Z., & Amasyalı, F. (2023). Influence of buckwheat flour on the quality characteristics of Fatayer (pastry with zahter mixture). Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 27(4), 489-498.

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