Research Article
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Saf Gliserol İlavesinin Kuzu Besi Performansı, Bazı Kan Parametreleri, Karkas Randımanı ve Et Rengi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 62 Issue: 2, 117 - 126, 31.12.2021


Amaç: Diyetlere karıştırılan 100 ve 200 g saf gliserolün; kuzuların besi performansı, kan parametreleri, karkas randımanı ve Musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) rengi üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır.

Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmada 24 adet sütten kesilmiş 3-3.5 aylık yaşta erkek kuzular kullanılmıştır. Kuzular rastgele 3 gruba ayrılmış ve bireysel bölmelerde beslenmişlerdir. Hayvanlara, gliserolsüz kontrol diyeti (Kontrol grubu); 100 (G100 grubu); 200 g (G200 grubu) gliserol içeren diyetler (kaba + kuzu besi yemi) verilmiştir. Kuzu besi yemi ad libitum olarak, kaba yem ise (buğday samanı) 130 g/hayvan/gün verilmiştir. Deneme 56 gün sürmüştür.

Bulgular: G100 grubun besi süresince günlük canlı ağırlık artışı ve 0-28 günlük kuru madde tüketimi diğer gruplara göre artmıştır (P<0.05). Besi süresince, G100 grubunun yemden yararlanma oranı diğer gruplardan daha iyidir (P<0.05). Deneme sonunda kuzuların serum glukoz ve toplam protein değerleri arasında istatistiksel fark gözlenmemiştir. Gliserol katkılı yemleri tüketen kuzuların; sıcak karkas randımanı, MLD kasının L* ve a* değerleri kontrol grubuna göre artmıştır (P<0.05).

Sonuç: Bu çalışmada, kuzu diyetlerine 100 g üstü gliserol katkısı yem tüketimini olumsuz etkilediğinden, diyete en fazla 100 g gliserol katkısının kuzu besi performansına daha olumlu yansıdığı görülmüştür

Supporting Institution

Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi

Project Number



Aydın BAP ve TARBİYOMER yetkililerine teşekkür ederiz.


  • AOAC., 1997. Official methods of analysis, 16th edition. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Avila-Stagno, J.,Chaves,AV.,He, ML., Harstad, OM.,Beauchemin, KA., McGinn, SM., McAllister, TA. 2013. Effects of increasing concentrations of glycerol in concentrate diets on nutrient digestibility, methane emissions, growth, fatty acid profiles, and carcass traits of lambs. Journal of Animal Science 91:829–837.
  • Avilla-Stagno, J.,Chaves, A., V., He, M., L., Harstad, O., M., Beauchemin, K., A., McGinn, S., M., McAllister, T., A., 2012. Effects of increasing concentrations of glycerol in concentrate diets on nutrient digestibility, methane emissions, growth, fatty acid profiles, and carcass traits of lambs. Journal of Animal Science, 91:829-837.
  • Carvalho E.R, Schmelz-Roberts N.S., White H.M., Wilcox C.S., Eicher S.D., Donkin S.S., 2012. Feeding behaviors of transition dairy cows fed glycerol as a replacement for corn. Jourunal of Dairy Science 95:7214-7224.
  • Chanjula, P.,Pakdeechanuan, P., Wattanasit, S. 2014. Effects of Dietary Crude Glycerin Supplementation on Nutrient Digestibility, Ruminal Fermentation, Blood Metabolites, and Nitrogen Balance of Goats. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 27:365-374.
  • Chanjula, P.,Pakdeechanuan, P., Wattanasit, S. 2015. Effects of feding crude glycerin on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics in finishing goats. Small Ruminant Research. 123 (2015):95–102.
  • Chanjula, P.,Raungprim, T., Yimmongkol, S., Poonko, S., Majarune, S., Maitreejet,W. 2016. Effects of Elevated Crude Glycerin Concentrations on Feedlot Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Finishing Steers. Asian Australas. Journal of Animal Science 29:80-88.
  • Coşkun B., Polat E.S., Gürbüz E., İnal F. 2010. Farklı saflıktaki gliserolün kuzularda besi performansı üzerine etkisi. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 26(2):75-79.
  • Coşkun, B., İnal, F., Gürbüz, E., Polat, E. S., Alataş, M. S., 2012. Süt İneklerinde Farklı Yem Formları ile Gliserol İlavesinin Etkileri, Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18(1): 115-120.
  • Dias, JC.,Finkler da Silveira, AL., Lançanova, JAC., Hill, JAG., Moletta, JL. 2016. Crude glycerin in meat goat diets: intake, performance and carcass traits. Ciência Rural 46(4):719-724.
  • Donkin, S., S., 2008. Glycerol from Biodiesel Production: The New Corn for Dairy Cattle, Revista Brasileira Zootecnia, suplemento especial 37:(280-286).
  • Drouillard, 2008. Utilization of crude glycerin in feedlot cattle. Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference, 10-11 April 2008, Texas, USA. page: 80-89.
  • Egea, M.,Linares, MB., Garrido, MD., Villodre, C., Madrid, J., Orengo, J., Martínez, S., Hernández, F.2014. Crude glycerine inclusion in Limousin bull diets: Animal performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality. Meat Science 98 (2014):673–678.
  • Françozo, M. C.,Prado, I. N., Cecato, U., Valero, M. V., Zawadzki, F., Ribeiro, O. L., Prado, R.M., Visentainer, J. V. 2013. Growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of finishing bulls fed crude glycerine-supplemented diets. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 56(2): 327–336.
  • Gomes, MAB., Moraes, GV., Mataveli, M., Macedo, FAF., Carneiro, TC., Rossi, RM. 2011. Performance and carcass characteristics of lambs fed on diets supplemented with glycerin from biodiesel production. Revista Brasileira Zootecnia 40(10): 2211-2219.
  • Gunn, P., J., Neary, M., K. , Lemenager, R., P., Lake, S., L., 2010. Effects of crude glycerin on performance and carcass characteristics of finishing wether lambs. Journal of Animal Science 88:1771-1776.
  • İpçak, H.H.,Özüretmen, S., Alçiçek, A., Özelçam, H. 2018. Alternatif protein kaynaklarının hayvan beslemede kullanım olanakları. Journal of Animal Production 59 (1):51-58.
  • Lage, J.F.,Paulino, P.V.R., Pereira, L.G.R., DuarteM.S., Valadares, FilhoS.C., Oliveira, A.S.,Souza, N.K.P., Lima,J.C.M. 2014a. Carcass characteristics of feedlot lambs fed crude glycerin contaminated with high concentrations of crude fat. Meat Science 96 (2014):108-113.
  • Lage, JF.,Berchielli, TT., San Vito, E., Silva, R.A., Ribeiro, AF., Reis, RA., Dallantonia, EE., Simonetti, LR., Delevatti, LM., Machado,M. 2014b. Fatty acid profile, carcass and meat quality traits of young Nellore bulls fed crude glycerin replacing energy sources in the concentrate. Meat Science 96(2014):1158–1164.
  • Mach N., Bach A., Devant M., 2009. Effects of crude glycerin supplementation on performance and meat quality of Holstein bulls fed high-concentrate diets. Journal of Animal Science 87:632–638.
  • Maciel, RP.,Neiva, JNMN., Restle, J., Miotto, FRC, Sousa, LF, Cunha, OFR, Moron, SE., Parente, RRP. 2016.Performance and carcass characteristics of dairy steers fed diets containing crude glycerin. Revista Brasileira Zootecnia 45(11):677-685.
  • Meale, S. J.,Chaves, A. V., Ding, S., Bush, R. D., &McAllister, T. A. 2013. Effects of crude glycerin supplementation on wool production, feding behavior, and body condition of Merino ewes. Journal of animal science 91(2): 878-885.
  • NRC., 1985. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep. Sixth revised edition, National Research Council. National Academy Press., Washington, DC, USA.
  • Owens, F. N.,Gardner, B. A. 2000. A review of the impact of feedlot management and nutrition on carcass measurements of feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science 77:(1-18).
  • Önenç, S.S., Özdoğan, M., Ataç, F.E., Taşkın, T. 2012. Fattening performance and carcass traits of Chios male lambs fed under traditional and intensive feding conditions. Tropical Animal Health and Production 44:1057–1062.
  • Özen, N. 1995. Hayvan Besleme Fizyolojisi ve Metabolizması. 2. Baskı. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü. No:6. Antalya. S. 58-82.
  • Rego, FCA.,Françozo, MC., Ludovico, A., Lima, LD., Lopes, FG., Belan, L., Santos, MD., Zundt, M., Filho, LFCC., Constantino, C. 2015. Development, economic viability and attributes of lamb carcass from confned animals fed on different amounts of crude glycerin. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, 36(5): 3445-3454.
  • Rosa, H.J.D.,Rego, O.A., Evangelho, L.R., Silava, C.C.G., Borba, A.E.S. andBessa, R.J.B., 2009. Growth performance and carcass characteristics of Holstein bulls reared exclusively on grass or finished with ground maize. 60 th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, EAAP 2009 Sessions 24-27 August 2009, Barcelona, Spain. p. 40,
  • Schoonmaker, JP.,Fluharty, FL., Loerch, SC. 2004. Effect of source and amount of energy and rate of growth in the growing phase on adipocyte cellularity and lipogenic enzyme activity in the intramuscular and subcutaneous fat depots of Holstein steers. Journal of Animal Science, 82(1), 137–148.
  • SPSS., 1999. SPSS for Windows, Advanced Statistics Release 10. SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA.
  • Terré, M., Nudda, A., Casado, P., Bach, A. 2011. The use of glycerine in rations for light lamb during the fattening period. Animal Feed Science and Technology 164 (2011) 262–267.
  • Van Soest, P.J.,Robertson, J.B., Lewis, B.A., 1991. Method for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition, Journal of Dairy Science, 74, 3583–3597.
  • Yaşar, S., Tanrıverdi, H. 2008. Delignifikasyon işlemi sonucu kalıntı lignin miktarının elde edilen holoselülozun renk değerleri üzerine etkisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi. A(2):170-176.

Effect of Supplementation of Pure Glycerol on Fattening Performance, some Blood Parameters, Carcass Yield and Meat Colour of Lambs

Year 2021, Volume: 62 Issue: 2, 117 - 126, 31.12.2021


Objective: The effects of 100 and 200 g pure glycerol mixed to diets on fattening performance, blood parameters, and carcass yield and Musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) colour of lambs and were investigated.

Material and Methods: Twenty-four Kivircik male lambs, weaned at 3-3.5 months of age were used. Lambs were randomly divided into 3 groups and were fed in individual pens. Animals were assigned to experimental diets containing 0 (Control group), 100g (G100 group) and 200 g (G200 group) glycerol/animal/day. Lamb feeds were given ad libitum, and also wheat straw was given 130 g / animal/ day. The trial lasted 56 days.

Results: Daily weight gain during the fattening period and dry matter intake at the 0-28 days of G100 group were increased compared to the other groups (P<0.05). During the fattening period, the G100 group has better feed conversion ratio (FCR) than the other groups (P<0.05). At the end of the experiment, there was no statistical difference serum glucose and total protein values of lambs among the groups. The hot carcass yields, L* and a* values of MLD in the groups feeding diets with glycerol increased compared to the control group (P<0.05).

Conclusion: In this study, it was observed that the addition of 100 g glycerol to the diet of lambs had a more positive effect on fattening performance, since the addition of 100 g glycerol to lamb diets negatively affected feed consumption.

Project Number



  • AOAC., 1997. Official methods of analysis, 16th edition. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Avila-Stagno, J.,Chaves,AV.,He, ML., Harstad, OM.,Beauchemin, KA., McGinn, SM., McAllister, TA. 2013. Effects of increasing concentrations of glycerol in concentrate diets on nutrient digestibility, methane emissions, growth, fatty acid profiles, and carcass traits of lambs. Journal of Animal Science 91:829–837.
  • Avilla-Stagno, J.,Chaves, A., V., He, M., L., Harstad, O., M., Beauchemin, K., A., McGinn, S., M., McAllister, T., A., 2012. Effects of increasing concentrations of glycerol in concentrate diets on nutrient digestibility, methane emissions, growth, fatty acid profiles, and carcass traits of lambs. Journal of Animal Science, 91:829-837.
  • Carvalho E.R, Schmelz-Roberts N.S., White H.M., Wilcox C.S., Eicher S.D., Donkin S.S., 2012. Feeding behaviors of transition dairy cows fed glycerol as a replacement for corn. Jourunal of Dairy Science 95:7214-7224.
  • Chanjula, P.,Pakdeechanuan, P., Wattanasit, S. 2014. Effects of Dietary Crude Glycerin Supplementation on Nutrient Digestibility, Ruminal Fermentation, Blood Metabolites, and Nitrogen Balance of Goats. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 27:365-374.
  • Chanjula, P.,Pakdeechanuan, P., Wattanasit, S. 2015. Effects of feding crude glycerin on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics in finishing goats. Small Ruminant Research. 123 (2015):95–102.
  • Chanjula, P.,Raungprim, T., Yimmongkol, S., Poonko, S., Majarune, S., Maitreejet,W. 2016. Effects of Elevated Crude Glycerin Concentrations on Feedlot Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Finishing Steers. Asian Australas. Journal of Animal Science 29:80-88.
  • Coşkun B., Polat E.S., Gürbüz E., İnal F. 2010. Farklı saflıktaki gliserolün kuzularda besi performansı üzerine etkisi. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 26(2):75-79.
  • Coşkun, B., İnal, F., Gürbüz, E., Polat, E. S., Alataş, M. S., 2012. Süt İneklerinde Farklı Yem Formları ile Gliserol İlavesinin Etkileri, Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18(1): 115-120.
  • Dias, JC.,Finkler da Silveira, AL., Lançanova, JAC., Hill, JAG., Moletta, JL. 2016. Crude glycerin in meat goat diets: intake, performance and carcass traits. Ciência Rural 46(4):719-724.
  • Donkin, S., S., 2008. Glycerol from Biodiesel Production: The New Corn for Dairy Cattle, Revista Brasileira Zootecnia, suplemento especial 37:(280-286).
  • Drouillard, 2008. Utilization of crude glycerin in feedlot cattle. Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference, 10-11 April 2008, Texas, USA. page: 80-89.
  • Egea, M.,Linares, MB., Garrido, MD., Villodre, C., Madrid, J., Orengo, J., Martínez, S., Hernández, F.2014. Crude glycerine inclusion in Limousin bull diets: Animal performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality. Meat Science 98 (2014):673–678.
  • Françozo, M. C.,Prado, I. N., Cecato, U., Valero, M. V., Zawadzki, F., Ribeiro, O. L., Prado, R.M., Visentainer, J. V. 2013. Growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of finishing bulls fed crude glycerine-supplemented diets. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 56(2): 327–336.
  • Gomes, MAB., Moraes, GV., Mataveli, M., Macedo, FAF., Carneiro, TC., Rossi, RM. 2011. Performance and carcass characteristics of lambs fed on diets supplemented with glycerin from biodiesel production. Revista Brasileira Zootecnia 40(10): 2211-2219.
  • Gunn, P., J., Neary, M., K. , Lemenager, R., P., Lake, S., L., 2010. Effects of crude glycerin on performance and carcass characteristics of finishing wether lambs. Journal of Animal Science 88:1771-1776.
  • İpçak, H.H.,Özüretmen, S., Alçiçek, A., Özelçam, H. 2018. Alternatif protein kaynaklarının hayvan beslemede kullanım olanakları. Journal of Animal Production 59 (1):51-58.
  • Lage, J.F.,Paulino, P.V.R., Pereira, L.G.R., DuarteM.S., Valadares, FilhoS.C., Oliveira, A.S.,Souza, N.K.P., Lima,J.C.M. 2014a. Carcass characteristics of feedlot lambs fed crude glycerin contaminated with high concentrations of crude fat. Meat Science 96 (2014):108-113.
  • Lage, JF.,Berchielli, TT., San Vito, E., Silva, R.A., Ribeiro, AF., Reis, RA., Dallantonia, EE., Simonetti, LR., Delevatti, LM., Machado,M. 2014b. Fatty acid profile, carcass and meat quality traits of young Nellore bulls fed crude glycerin replacing energy sources in the concentrate. Meat Science 96(2014):1158–1164.
  • Mach N., Bach A., Devant M., 2009. Effects of crude glycerin supplementation on performance and meat quality of Holstein bulls fed high-concentrate diets. Journal of Animal Science 87:632–638.
  • Maciel, RP.,Neiva, JNMN., Restle, J., Miotto, FRC, Sousa, LF, Cunha, OFR, Moron, SE., Parente, RRP. 2016.Performance and carcass characteristics of dairy steers fed diets containing crude glycerin. Revista Brasileira Zootecnia 45(11):677-685.
  • Meale, S. J.,Chaves, A. V., Ding, S., Bush, R. D., &McAllister, T. A. 2013. Effects of crude glycerin supplementation on wool production, feding behavior, and body condition of Merino ewes. Journal of animal science 91(2): 878-885.
  • NRC., 1985. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep. Sixth revised edition, National Research Council. National Academy Press., Washington, DC, USA.
  • Owens, F. N.,Gardner, B. A. 2000. A review of the impact of feedlot management and nutrition on carcass measurements of feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science 77:(1-18).
  • Önenç, S.S., Özdoğan, M., Ataç, F.E., Taşkın, T. 2012. Fattening performance and carcass traits of Chios male lambs fed under traditional and intensive feding conditions. Tropical Animal Health and Production 44:1057–1062.
  • Özen, N. 1995. Hayvan Besleme Fizyolojisi ve Metabolizması. 2. Baskı. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü. No:6. Antalya. S. 58-82.
  • Rego, FCA.,Françozo, MC., Ludovico, A., Lima, LD., Lopes, FG., Belan, L., Santos, MD., Zundt, M., Filho, LFCC., Constantino, C. 2015. Development, economic viability and attributes of lamb carcass from confned animals fed on different amounts of crude glycerin. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, 36(5): 3445-3454.
  • Rosa, H.J.D.,Rego, O.A., Evangelho, L.R., Silava, C.C.G., Borba, A.E.S. andBessa, R.J.B., 2009. Growth performance and carcass characteristics of Holstein bulls reared exclusively on grass or finished with ground maize. 60 th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, EAAP 2009 Sessions 24-27 August 2009, Barcelona, Spain. p. 40,
  • Schoonmaker, JP.,Fluharty, FL., Loerch, SC. 2004. Effect of source and amount of energy and rate of growth in the growing phase on adipocyte cellularity and lipogenic enzyme activity in the intramuscular and subcutaneous fat depots of Holstein steers. Journal of Animal Science, 82(1), 137–148.
  • SPSS., 1999. SPSS for Windows, Advanced Statistics Release 10. SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA.
  • Terré, M., Nudda, A., Casado, P., Bach, A. 2011. The use of glycerine in rations for light lamb during the fattening period. Animal Feed Science and Technology 164 (2011) 262–267.
  • Van Soest, P.J.,Robertson, J.B., Lewis, B.A., 1991. Method for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition, Journal of Dairy Science, 74, 3583–3597.
  • Yaşar, S., Tanrıverdi, H. 2008. Delignifikasyon işlemi sonucu kalıntı lignin miktarının elde edilen holoselülozun renk değerleri üzerine etkisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi. A(2):170-176.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Ömer Berber This is me 0000-0002-7183-880X

Mürsel Özdoğan 0000-0002-5981-9155

Project Number ZRF-16012
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date October 8, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 62 Issue: 2


APA Berber, Ö., & Özdoğan, M. (2021). Saf Gliserol İlavesinin Kuzu Besi Performansı, Bazı Kan Parametreleri, Karkas Randımanı ve Et Rengi Üzerine Etkisi. Journal of Animal Production, 62(2), 117-126.


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