Click for English Word template
Click for the Copyright Form. (Must be uploaded to the system in PDF format after signed by the authors)
SIMILARITY RATIO FILE: The Full Text of your article, including the references section, should be scanned with "iThenticate" or "Turnitin" programs. The similarity ratio result you will receive from the relevant program must be uploaded to our system in PDF format.
Articles submitted for publication in our journal must be prepared according to the journal article writing format. General information about literary rules is summarized below.
• First Presentation Format
Articles must be prepared electronically using the Word template file offered by our journal and sent in Word format via the DergiPark system. The following 3 documents must be uploaded to the system during article submission. If any of these documents are missing, the article WILL BE REJECTED.
-Article File (Word format)
-Copyright Transfer Form
-Similarity Report
• Similarity Ratio
Articles sent to the journal should be scanned with "iThenticate" or "Turnitin" programs. The overall similarity rate should not exceed 20% after removing references, addresses, proper names, chemical compound names and taxon names in biology (scientific names). Each similarity rate should not exceed 5%. The similarity ratio result you will receive from the relevant program must be uploaded to our system in PDF format.
• Reviewers Process
The articles you send to our journal will be examined by our editors in terms of compliance with the template and similarity rate. Articles deemed suitable to be sent to referees by our editors will be sent to at least 2 reviewers . Reviewers can vote for acceptance, major correction, minor correction, or rejection of the article. If the article has received a major revision or minor revision by a reviewer, the author must make the corrections suggested by the reviewer for the article and upload the corrected version of the article to the system within 1 month at the latest. Changes made in line with the recommendations of the reviewers must be stated in the article. After the author edits the article according to the reviewer's suggestions and sends it back, if the referee casts an acceptance vote and the article receives an acceptance vote by the reviewer majority or union, it will be placed in the publication order according to the acceptance date. If the article receives a rejection vote by the majority or unity of the reviewers, it will be rejected. Double blindness is applied in the reviewer process of our journal. In other words, reviewers cannot see author information and authors cannot see reviewer information.
• Page Structure and Layout
Letter (216x279mm) size paper should be used for the article. In addition, margins in the page layout should be set to 1.78cm for Top-Bottom and 1.65cm for Right-Left. The full texts in the study should be written in 10-point font, justified Times New Roman font, and there should be 1 space between paragraphs. In texts, the interline spacing should be selected as 1, and the spacing value before and after should be set to 0. When each new paragraph starts, the first line value should be 0.36cm.
There is no page limit in our magazine. No corrections will be made to full texts by the journal boards. Therefore, the authors are responsible for spelling and semantic errors. There should be a space after each paragraph. In addition, the headings in the article should be without indentation, spacing should be 6nk first, then 3nk, and line spacing should be 1.05.
• Article Main Title
English: The article title should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 points, with only the initials capitalized (Excluding Conjunctions), justified on both sides, and in bold font.
• Author Names
Author names should be written in Times New Roman font, justified on both sides, bold and 8 points. There should be no space between author names and address. In addition, during the article upload, ORCID links should be added to the ORCID link of each author and the ORCID icons in the article template from the system (This section is written by the relevant editor after the article is accepted. It will not be written by the authors).
• Addresses
Addresses should be written in Times New Roman font, justified on both sides, and in 8-point italics. The e-mail addresses of all authors should be written in parentheses next to the address lines, in the same font and size (This section is written by the relevant editor after the article is accepted. It will not be written by the authors).
• Abstract
The Abstract title should be written in bold, Time New Roman font, 10 points and capital letters. The abstract content should be written in Times New Roman font, 9 point size, with a single paragraph of at least 100 words and not exceeding 200 words.
• Keywords
The abstract should be written in the keywords section to the left of the text in Times New Roman font, 9 points. At least 3 and at most 6 keywords should be written in lowercase letters.
• Article Titles
The main headings and subheadings, if any, in the article should be clear and numbered. All main text headings should be left-aligned, the first letters should be capitalized, the rest should be lowercase, 10 points and bold. Subheadings should be written in 10 point font. The full texts in the study should be written in 10-point font, justified Times New Roman font, and there should be 1 space between paragraphs. In texts, the interline spacing should be selected as 1, and the spacing value before and after should be set to 0. When each new paragraph starts, the first line value should be 0.36cm. The entire article must be written in Times New Roman font.
The main headings of the study (For example; 1. INTRODUCTION) should be written in CAPITAL LETTERS, bold and justified on both sides, using Times New Roman font, 10 points. In the 1st level subheadings (For example; 1.2. Sections of the Article), the first letters should be written in capital letters, using 10 point Times New Roman font, bold and justified on both sides.
For Level 2 and higher subheadings (For example; 1.2.1. Classification of titles of article sections), they should be written in 10-point Times New Roman font, bold and justified on both sides, using the Sentence layout type.
• Sections of the Article
Authors are free to divide the content of the work as they wish. In general, widely used
It is recommended to use the order. Under each section, there should be explanatory texts, figures and graphics related to the relevant section.
• Introduction
In this section, an adequate literature review regarding the study should be given, and the aims of the study and its place in the literature should be emphasized. Detailed literature reviews and summaries of results should be avoided.
• Materials and Methods
For the reproducibility of the study, the method should be given in detail and clearly. The methods used should be supported by previously published references. Changes that contribute to the study-related method should be described in detail.
• Results and Discussion
The results obtained should be included in this section, and the results should be supported with figures and tables if necessary. The findings obtained can be compared with the relevant literature if necessary. The findings should be sufficiently clear and concise. In the discussion section, the remarkable results of the study should be highlighted and excessive citations and literature discussions should be avoided.
• Conclusion
In this section, the purpose of the study and its remarkable results should be briefly given in a concrete manner, and suggestions and opinions that would be conveyed to the readers regarding the results of the study may be stated.
• Thanks
If deemed necessary or for a project etc. If it is a study within the scope of; The person(s), institutions and organizations that helped with the study should be thanked for their help and support.