History Studies is an international peer-reviewed journal published quarterly in February, May, August and November. The publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English. Additionally, articles submitted in French and German are also considered for evaluation. All submitted manuscripts are pre-reviewed by the editors and, after editorial approval, are evaluated by at least two independent referees using a double-blind review process. The journal focuses on publishing articles that examine political, social, military and economic developments in the field of history.
Manuscripts are evaluated solely on the basis of their academic quality and original contribution to the literature. All authors and articles are evaluated with the same rigour and impartiality.
A similarity rate report is mandatory for each study submitted for evaluation (Articles with a similarity rate exceeding 12% will not be evaluated).
Manuscripts that do not comply with the article writing template on the Writing Rules page are rejected during the pre-review process.
Due to the high number of manuscripts submitted to the journal and the lack of return from the referees assigned to evaluate the manuscripts, there may be delays in the evaluation of the manuscripts.
See Publication Evaluation Processes (Average 12 Weeks)
Research Article
I. Dünya Savaşı’nda Göç ve İskân: İzmit Sancağı ÖrneğiResearch Article
Yeni Dünya’da Osmanlı İzleri: Şilili Benedicto Chuaqui’nin Hatıratında Göç, Kimlik ve Uyum SüreciResearch Article
Rus Modernleşme Sürecinde Coğrafyanın Rolü: I. Petro ve II. Katerina DönemleriResearch Article
Antik Hellen Diplomasisinde Uzlaşmazlıkların Çözümünde Tahkim Uygulaması: Ortaya Çıkış, Gelişim ve UygulanışResearch Article
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Kavaslar (Yeni Belgeler ve Görsellerle)Research Article
Eski Mısır Devleti’nin Doğuşunun Nişanesi: Narmer Paleti ve AnlattıklarıResearch Article
Sultanın Musahibi: Bir Devlet Adamı, Entelektüel ve Hami Olarak Kuloğlu Mustafa PaşaResearch Article
Arşiv Belgelerine Göre Osmanlı Antalya'sında Eski Eserlerin Durumu: Defineciler, Koleksiyonerler, Eski Eser Kaçakçıları ve İdarecilerResearch Article
Barışta ve Savaşta Neferin Karnını Tok, Sırtını Pek Tutmayı Hedefleyenlerin Mecmuası: Levazım Mecmuası (1931-1955)