Hitit Journal of Social Sciences (formerly known as the Journal of the Social Sciences Institute of Hittite University), which began its publication life in 2008, is an academic, international, and peer-reviewed scientific journal that is indexed in national/international field indexes and published three issues a year (in April, August, and December) with a double-blind peer review process. Since 2018, it has been published electronically only.
Before submitting an article, please ensure that all requirements specified in the publication policies and writing rules are met. All necessary information is available under the relevant menu titles. To proceed to the Editor's preliminary review without being rejected in the pre-check, it is recommended to "DEFINITELY use the article template and carefully fulfill all specified requirements completely.
As the Hitit Journal of Social Sciences, we exclusively accept original research articles and do not consider the following types of submissions for review:
1. Review articles/literature reviews,
2. Quantitative or qualitative studies lacking in-depth analysis.
Research Article
Destinasyon İmajı, Algılanan Değer, Turist Tatmini ve Davranışsal Niyet Arasındaki ilişki: Safranbolu ÖrneğiResearch Article
The Relationship between Environmental Performance of Firms and Stock Returns: An Analysis in the Energy SectorResearch Article
Maliye Bölümü Öğrencilerinin Yeşil Muhasebe ve Çevre Bilinci Algıları ve FarkındalıklarıResearch Article
Bütüncül Eğitim Yaklaşımından Hareketle Beden Eğitimine Felsefenin Penceresinden Bakabilmek Milaslı Gad Franko ÖrneğiResearch Article
Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Dijital Eşitsizlik DeneyimleriResearch Article
Evaluation of the Impact of Women’s Employment on GDP per Capita Using Seemingly Unrelated RegressionHitit Journal of Social Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).