The individual investment decision is expressed as the transformation of savings into values such as gold, foreign exchange, stocks or mutual funds within the framework of risk and return expectation of the consumers. It is possible to talk about the effect of many factors on this behavior pattern, which is called individual investment decision. In particular, it can be stated that the behavior of investment instrument selection has gained a different dimension during the current pandemic process. From this point on, determining this investment tool for research in Turkey in determining whether the investment instruments buying behavior in Turkey differed according to the preferences of investment instruments and demographic factors has been identified as a major goal in this study. In the light of the data obtained from the country in general, it has been determined that the most preferred investment instruments in investment instruments’ selection are gold, foreign currency, real estate and private pension funds, respectively. It has been determined that gold is included in 60 of 98 portfolios created by 590 individual investors. In addition, it was concluded that the choice of investment tools differ in terms of risk, especially in the investment tool selection, in terms of all demographic factors within the scope of the research.