Aim & Scope

Hagia Sophia Journal of Geometry (HSJG) aims to contribute to the advancement of mathematics and promote high-quality research in all areas of geometry.  Editors and referees examine the submitted papers on the basis of scientific merit regardless of authors' nationality and gender, country of residence, institutional affiliation and political views. Following the ethical guidelines set by COPE, the journal upholds the highest standards in research integrity and academic excellence.

Hagia Sophia Journal of Geometry (HSJG), primarily focuses on publishing high-quality original research in the field of geometry and its interdisciplinary applications. The journal welcomes contributions that explore geometric methods, investigate geometrical structures, and provide innovative solutions to problems in mathematics and related fields. HSJG covers the following main areas:

  • Differential geometry: Studies on the geometry of curves, surfaces, and higher-dimensional manifolds, including their applications in physics and engineering.

  • Manifolds: Research on the topology, geometry, and analysis of manifolds, including Riemannian, pseudo-Riemannian, and complex manifolds.

  • Lie groups: Investigations into the structure and applications of Lie groups, Lie algebras, and their representations.

  • Geometric algebra: Works exploring Clifford algebras and their applications in mathematics, physics, and computer science.

  • Finite geometries: Research on combinatorial and algebraic structures in finite geometries and their applications.

  • Combinatorial geometry: Studies on configurations of points, lines, and other geometrical objects in discrete settings.

  • Kinematic geometry: Papers on the geometry of motion, including applications in robotics and mechanical systems.

  • Euclidean and Non-Euclidean geometries: Research on classical and modern approaches to Euclidean, hyperbolic, elliptic, and projective geometries.

  • Matrix theory: Works addressing geometric interpretations and applications of matrices.

  • Quantum groups and Hopf algebra: Research on algebraic structures arising in geometry and their connections to quantum theory.

  • Clifford algebra: Studies on these versatile tools for geometric computations and their applications across disciplines.

Research in these subjects has been very lively recently, and the interplay between individual areas has enriched them all. The journal seeks high-quality original papers of both research and expository nature.

Period Months
June December
Last Update Time: 12/29/24, 6:31:07 PM