If you are asked to review a manuscript for JIVS you will receive an invitation by e mail that includes the manuscript title, abstract, and invitation response links. Please let us know if you accept or decline our invitation to review as soon as possible (within 7 days at most), to minimise the delay for the authors.
1. If you accept to review the manuscript please click the link below, than log into the system as a referee with the username and password sent to you. https://dergipark.org.tr/journal/1432/article-workflow/3949
2. After logging in to the Dergipark system as a referee, click on the "Submissions in progress" button on the left side of the page, then you will see the title of the submitted article. When you click on the title you will be able to access the article files (text, tables, etc.), and the manuscript evaluation form. You can start to evaluate the manuscript by downloading the files to your computer.
3. When you are done with the evaluation process, you can access your report by logging into the Dergipark system with the same username and password.
4. When you enter the system, you can mark the "Manuscript Evaluation Form" online and submit your comments by typing in the box at the bottom of the form. You can also send your detailed comments or markings you made on text as an attached file.
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