Sufficiency and duality for E-differentiable vector optimization problems under generalized convexity
Year 2025,
Volume: 54 Issue: 1, 125 - 141, 28.02.2025
N. Abdulaleem
Jınxia Cen
Koushik Das
In this paper, a new class of nonconvex vector optimization problems is considered. The concepts of $E$-$B$-pseudoinvexity and $E$-$B$-quasiinvexity are introduced for $E$-differentiable functions. Then, the sufficiency of the so-called $E$-Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions is established for the considered $E$-differentiable vector optimization problems under (generalized) $E$-$B$-invexity. To illustrate the aforesaid results, a nonsmooth vector programming problem with $E$-differentiable functions is studied. For the $E$-differentiable vector optimization problem, the so-called vector Mond-Weir $E$-dual problem is defined, and several $E$-dual theorems are established under (generalized) $E$-$B$-invexity hypotheses.
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Year 2025,
Volume: 54 Issue: 1, 125 - 141, 28.02.2025
N. Abdulaleem
Jınxia Cen
Koushik Das
- [1] N. Abdulaleem, E-invexity and generalized E-invexity in E-differentiable multiobjective
programming, ITM Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences 24, 01002, 2019.
- [2] N. Abdulaleem, E-optimality conditions for E-differentiable E-invex multiobjective
programming problems, WSEAS Trans. Math. 18, 14–27, 2019.
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Control Optim. 4, 100046, 2021.
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Algebra Control Optim. 12, 427-443, 2022.
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Math 7 (100), 1601-1624, 2023.
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problems involving E-type I functions, J. Ind. Manag. Optim. 19, 1513–1527,
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vector optimization problems with inequality and equality constraints, J.
Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 12, 745–764, 2019.
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