Writing Rules

1- Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is a refereed journal, especially on the field of Veterinary Medicine, that publishes original clinical and experimental researches, case reports, reviews (at least 3 research articles related to the review subject of the invited or responsible author should be in the reference list), short scientific articles and letters to the editör. It is prepared in English covering human and animal health. Priority is given to the publication written in English in the journal. The journal is published every 6 months, twice a year. No fee is charged for the published articles.
2- Publications accepted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere. It should not be sent to other journals for simultaneous review. All kinds of legal and criminal liability arising from the published articles belong to the authors. Publishing right fee is not paid to the authors. Submitted articles and their attachments are not returned whether the article is published or not.
3- Studies previously published in congresses and their published abstracts are accepted when they are indicated in cover page. However, if the publication was produced from the thesis and there is a supporting institution, it should be stated in the publication. When uploading the publications produced from the thesis, the file specifying the "Thesis Jury" should be uploaded as an additional file.
4- The article received by the Journal Editor is subjected to preliminary evaluation by the journal editor. The editor has the right to reject the article according to the result of the preevaluation or to request a correction before sending it to the referee evaluation.
5- Articles are sent to at least two referees for evaluation. During the article acceptance process, if the views of the two referees differ, the editor might decide to take the opinion of a third referee or advisory board.
6- In the framework of respect to ethical principles, Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine makes a preliminary evaluation in all articles, case reports and reviews through the "ithenticate" plagiarism detection program, which is supplied to all universities in Turkey by TUBİTAK ULAKBİM, and sends this report with the article. According to these preliminary evaluation results, the similarity ratio of articles, case reports or reviews with other sources should not excee  15% (excluding abstract, abstract and references). Otherwise, articles, case reports or reviews sent to our journal for publication will not be evaluated.
7- At least 20% of the references of any submitted article (for all article categories) must include references published in the last five years. Anonymous sources should be kept as minimum.
8- If the article is accepted for publication, the Copyright Transfer Agreement, which includes the declarations that all publishing rights have been transferred, must be signed by all authors and sent to the editor of the journal electronically before printing. Articles for which the Copyright Transfer Agreement is not submitted will not be published even if they are accepted for publication.
9- Article, case report, review etc. should be sent using the link https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/huvfd before to be taken evaluation process. The account of the corresponding author of the article should be used in the submissions. All correspondence regarding the application is sent to the corresponding author via e-mail sent through the system. For this reason, the account of authors other than the corresponding author or someone else who is not included as an author in the study should not be used.
10- Articles, case reports, reviews etc. to be sent to Harran University Journal of Veterinary Faculty should be in MS Word format and all photographs (pictures) should be at a resolution of at least 300 dpi, in TIFF or JPEG format.
11- The following files should be uploaded to the system:
1- Cover Page
2- Main Text
3- Ethics related document (Ethics Committee Report, Informed Consent Form, Ethics
4- Copyright Transfer Agreement
5- Similarity Report
6- Additional Files (if any)
Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word format, in Times New Roman font, 12 pt., double line spacing and 2.5 cm margins from each side. Line numbers (starting from the second page of the article, continuously) should be added to the article. Such articles should not exceed 15 pages in original scientific research and reviews, and 5 pages in short scientific articles and case reports, including figures and tables.
International Standard units (SI-system) should be used for units and measures.
Research Articles: Original research articles should be listed according to the following main subject order:  English title, Abstract and Keywords,  Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, References with Acknowledgments or Information. Each Table and Figure should be placed on separate pages.
WRITING ORDER (The Main Text File should be arranged in the following order. First of all, the title, abstract and keywords are included in the language of the article, then the title, abstract and keywords are written in the second language.)
Abstract: The number of words should not exceed 250 in original research articles while they should be under 200 words in other types of articles.
Keywords: They should be 6 at maximum and should be given in alphabetical order at the bottom of the abstracts of English. For selection of keywords, Turkey Science Terms internet address (http://www.bilimterimleri.com) should be utilized.
Introduction: In order to understand and interpret the results, information about the studies in question should be included. The hypothesis of the study should be stated in the Introduction. The purpose of the study should be clearly stated at the end of this section.
Materials and Methods: In this section, experimental studies should be given in sufficient details to be replicated by other researchers. When using a technique described in an article published in internationally indexed journals, it is necessary to explain the method very briefly and to refer to the relevant original article. Whether the ethics committee permission and / or legal / special permission is required in the article should be stated in this section. In original research articles (clinical, experimental, field studies, etc.) using animals as material, ethics committee approval should be obtained. Explanatory information including the name, number and date of the ethics committee from which the ethics committee approval / consent document was obtained should be written in the material and method section. The editorial board has the right to request the ethics committee approval document.
Results: Research results should be given in a clear and understandable way. Results should be supported with tables and figures when necessary and they should be presented concisely.
Discussion and Conclusion: Results should be discussed in the light of the literature without going into unnecessary details and the importance of the results should be emphasized. It should end with a conclusion or suggestion sentence.
Acknowledgment: Personal contribution and financial support to the study or article should be stated here.

Review: If articles contain innovations and current sources in the fields of publication of the journal and if the authors have at least 3 studies directly related to the subject and they are used in the compilation, these reviews can be accepted for publication. Corresponding author should send the credential information of the articles related to the subject to the editor of the journal while sending the review (article tags should be presented on the last page of the article text).
The reviews evaluated and published in the Journal of the Harran University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine consist of invited reviews. Authors wishing the publish a review article should seek prior approval from Editor-in-Chief.  There should be Summary, Introduction, Conclusion and References sections in the reviews.
Case Reports: These are the works that contain information of scientific value and deal with new or rarely observed cases that the authors have encountered. Maximum 15 sources should be used and care should be taken to keep these sources up to date. Case reports should be consist of Summary, Introduction, Case Description, Discussion, Conclusion and References sections.
Short Scientific Article: New informations and results handled narrowly should be presented in these types of articles. It should be prepared in the format of a research article and should have a maximum of 5 pages. It should contain at most 2 tables or figures.
While citing in the text;
1. The publication year of the source should be specified in parentheses after the author or authors' surname; By Adams (1998); By Wilkie and Whittaker (1997); Doyle et al. (2007) by….
2. When cited at the end of the sentence, the name of the author and the year of publication should be indicated in parentheses; ... has been reported (Adams, 1998); .... reported (Wilkie and Whittaker, 1997); ..... has been reported (Doyle et al., 2007).
3. In case of citing more than one source, they should first be alphabetically, then chronologically;
…. has been reported (Adams, 1998)
The reference list should be prepared as follows:
1. The list of references should be listed alphabetically according to the surname of the author.
2. Journal names to be included in the references should be shortened and written in italics according to the ISI web of Science.
3. The text format of references should be as follows.
Article; Sullivan JC, Sasser JM, Pollock JS, 2007: Sexual dimorphism in oxidant status in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Am J Phsiol Integr Comp Physiol, 292 (1), 64-68.
Book; Cadenas E, Packer L, 2001: Handbook of Antioxidants. 2nd ed., Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, USA.
Excerpt from the book: Bahk J, Marth EH (1990). Listeriosis and Listeria monocytogenes In: Foodborne Diseases, Cliver DO (Ed), 248-256, Academic Press, San Diego.
Web page: Anonymous (1) http://www.emea.europa.eu, Date of access; 01.04.2010.
Thesis: Er A, 2009: The effect of macrolide group antibiotics on cytokine levels in endotoxemia. Doctoral dissertation, SU Institute of Health Sciences, Konya.
Paper presented at the scientific meeting: Allen WR, Wilsher S, Morris L, Crowhurst JS, Hillyer MH, Neal HN, 2006: Re-establishment of oviducal patency and fertility in infertile mares. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Equine Reproduction, Kerkrade, Holland, pp. 27-28.

Tables and Figures: Each table and figure should be placed on separate pages. It should be numbered according to the order of use, expressed in short titles and referred to in the text by giving the table number. Table titles should be written in the writing language of the article at the top of the table. The abbreviations used in the table and the necessary explanations should be given under the table. Figure titles should be written in the writing language of the article in the lower part of the figure.

Last Update Time: 2/7/25, 12:28:16 PM