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Erzurum İlinde İçme Suyu İçin Ödeme İstekliliği Üzerine Etkili Olan Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi

Year 2019, Autumn, 153 - 163, 09.12.2019


topluma daha hijyenik, daha güvenilir içme sularını ulaştırmaları yıllar
geçtikçe daha fazla önem arz etmektedir. Ancak bu amacı gerçekleştirmek
belediyelerin çok büyük yatırımlar yapmasını gerektirmektedir. Bu yatırımları
yerine getirmesinde toplumun katkısı da önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu
çalışmadaki amaç içme suyunda toplumun belediye hizmetlerinin iyileştirmesine
yönelik katkıda bulunup bulunmayacağını araştırmaktır. Çalışmada hanelerin %65.7’sinin
belediye suyunun 1 litresine 50-80 kuruş ödemeye istekli olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Ayrıca hanelerde meyve suyu tüketimi arttıkça içme suyu için ödeme istekliliği
artmaktadır. Bunun dışında hanelerdeki birey sayısı arttıkça, hane reisinin
eğitim yılı azaldıkça, hane reisinin mesleği esnaflık olunca, çeşme suyunun
maliyeti arttıkça ve tüketicilere sunulan ödeme istekliliği fiyatı arttıkça
tüketicilerin içme suyu için ödeme istekliliği azalmaktadır. Tüketiciler
güvenilir içme sularına ödedikleri su faturasına yaklaşık 3.2 katı kadar
ödemeye razıdırlar. Bu nedenle belediyeler tüketicilere daha hijyenik ve tadı daha
güzel suları ulaştırmak için altyapı hizmetlerini iyileştirmesinde toplumun
desteğini alabilir.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



  • Alaş, A, Tunç, T, Kışoğlu, M. and Gürbüz, H. (2009). An investigation on prospective teachers’ conscious water consumption: Atatürk university sample. Journal of Education Faculty, 11 (2), 37-49.
  • Bilgic, A. (2010). Measuring willingness to pay to improve municipal water in southeast Anatolia, Turkey. Water Resources Research, 46 (12), DOI: 10.1029/2009WR009010.
  • Bilgic, A., Eren, G. and Florkowski, W. J. (2008). Willingness to pay for potable water in the southeastern Turkey: an application of both stated and revealed preferences valuation method. The Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting February 2-6, Teksas, USA.
  • Brouwer, R., Job, F. C., van der Kroon, B. and Johnston, R. (2015). Comparing willingness to pay for improved drinking-water quality using stated preference methods in rural and urban Kenya. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 13 (1), 81-94.
  • Chatterjee, C., Triplett, R., Johnson, C. K. and Ahmed, P. (2017). Willingness to pay for safe drinking water: A contingent valuation study in Jacksonville, FL. Journal of Environmental Management, 203, 413-421.
  • Del Saz-Salazar, S., García-Rubio, M. A., González-Gómez, F. and Picazo-Tadeo, A. J. (2016). Managing water resources under conditions of scarcity: on consumers’ willingness to pay for improving water supply infrastructure. Water Resources Management, 30 (5), 1723-1738.
  • Del Saz-Salazar, S., González-Gómez, F. and Guardiola, J. (2015). Willingness to pay to improve urban water supply: the case of Sucre, Bolivia. Water Policy, 17 (1), 112-125.
  • Eren, G., Bilgiç, A., Karli, B. and Miran, B. (2008). GAP bölgesi'nde kaliteli içme suyunun fiyatlandırılmasına etki eden faktörler. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Economics, 14 (2), 67-74.
  • Gschwandtner, A., Jang, C. and McManus, R. (2018). Improving drinking water quality in South Korea: a choice experiment. Conference of International Association of Agricultural Economists. July 28-August 2 Vancouver, Canada.
  • Guilfoos, T., Hayden, S., Uchida, E., Oyanedel-Craver, V. (2019). WTP for water filters and water quality testing services in Guatemala. Water Resources and Economics (In Press, 100139).
  • Haab, T. C., and McConnell, K. E. (2003). Valuing environmental and natural resources: the econometrics of non-market valuation. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, USA.
  • Jianjun, J., Wenyu, W., Ying, F. and Xiaomin, W. (2016). Measuring the willingness to pay for drinking water quality improvements: results of a contingent valuation survey in Songzi, China. Journal of Water and Health, 14 (1), Doi: 10.2166/wh.2016.247.
  • Karahan, F. and Angın, İ. (2008). Yeşil alan uygulamalarında su tüketiminin asgariye indirilmesi için Sukkulent bitki türlerinden yararlanma, TMMOB 2. Su Politikaları Kongresi 20-22 Mart, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Lee, P. Y., Lusk, K., Mirosa, M. and Oey, I. (2015). An attribute prioritization-based segmentation of the Chinese consumer market for fruit juice. Food Quality and Preference, 46: 1-8.
  • Lyytimäki, J., and Assmuth, T., 2015. Down with the flow: public debates shaping the risk framing of artificial groundwater recharge. GeoJournal, 80 (1), 113-127.
  • Manju, S. and Sagar, N. (2017). Yenilenebilir enerji entegre tuzdan arındırma: Hindistan'da gelecekteki tatlı su kıtlığının üstesinden gelmek için sürdürülebilir bir çözüm. Yenilenebilir ve Sürdürülebilir Enerji İncelemeleri, 73, 594-609.
  • Mezgebo, G. K. and Ewnetu, Z. (2015). Households willingness to pay for improved water services in urban areas: A case study from Nebelet town, Ethiopia. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 7 (1), 12-19.
  • Newbold, P., (1995). Statistics for business and economics. Prentice- Hall International, New Jersey, USA.
  • Parveen, S. Ahmad, J. Rahman, M. U. (2016). Estimating willingness to pay for drinking water quality in Nowshera: a domestic study for public health. Journal of Economics, 19: 48-56.
  • Rananga, H. T. and Gumbo, J. R. (2015). Willingness to pay for water services in two communities of Mutale local municipality, South Africa: a case study. Journal of Human Ecology, 49 (3), 231-243.
  • Rauf, S., Bakhsh, K., Hassan, S., Nadeem, A. M. and Kamran, M. A. (2015). Determinants of a household’s choice of drinking water source in Punjab, Pakistan. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24 (6), 2751-2754.
  • Rodríguez-Tapia, L., Revollo-Fernández, D. and Morales-Novelo, J. (2017). Household’s perception of water quality and willingness to pay for clean water in Mexico City. Economies, 5 (12), 1-14.
  • Sezgin, A., Bilgic, A., Demir, O., (2016). Analysis of factors affecting willingness to pay for agricultural advisory service: the case of Erzurum province. The 12th Agricultural Economics Congress, 25-27 May, Isparta, Turkey.
  • Tanellari E, Bosch D, Boyle K, Mykerezi E. (2015). On consumers' attitudes and willingness to pay for improved drinking water quality and infrastructure. Water Resources Research, 51 (1), 47-57.
  • Twerefou, D. K., Tutu, K. A., Botchway, E. and Darkwah, S. (2015). Willingness-to-pay for potable water in the Accra-Tema metropolitan area of Ghana. Modern Economy, 6 (12), 1285-1296.
  • Uzundumlu, A.S., (2011). Erzurum ilinde işlenmiş ve işlenmemiş içme sütü tüketim davranışlarının incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum.
  • Van Houtven, G. L., Pattanayak, S. K., Usmani, F. and Yang, J. C. (2017). What are households willing to pay for improved water access? Results from a meta-analysis. Ecological Economics, 136, 126-135.
  • Vondolia, G. K. and Asenso‐Boadi, F. M. (2015). Private sector participation in the provision of quality drinking water in urban areas of Ghana: what do households want and can afford?. South African Journal of Economics, Doi: 10.1111/saje.12099.
  • Wahid, N. A. and Hooi, C. K. (2015). Factors determining household consumer's willingness to pay for water consumption in Malaysia. Asian Social Science, 11 (5), 26-32.
  • Yacob, M. R., Dauda, S. A., Radam, A. and Samdin, Z. (2013). Household’s willingness to pay for drinking water quality service improvement in Damaturu, Nigeria. Current World Environment, 8 (3), 381-389.

Determining of the Effective Factors on Willingness to Pay for Drinking Water in Erzurum Province

Year 2019, Autumn, 153 - 163, 09.12.2019


Over the years,
it has been more important for municipalities to supply more hygienic and
reliable drinking water to the public. However, municipalities need to make
huge investments for achieving this objective. The contribution of society in
carrying out these investments has an important place. The aim of this study to
investigate whether the community can contribute to the improvement of
municipal services in drinking water. In the study, it has been found that
65.7% of households are willing to pay 50-80 cents per 1 liter of municipal
water. In addition, like fruit juice consumption increases, willingness to pay
for drinking water increases. Also, increase of household size, decrease of the
education level of household head, increase of fountain water cost and increase
of water price that consumers are willing to pay cause consumer to decrease
willingness to pay for drinking water. 
Besides, having a profession as artisan decrease consumers’ willingness
to pay for drinking water, too. Consumers are willing to pay about 3.2 times
more for water bill to have reliable drinking water. Therefore, municipalities
can get the support of society in improving infrastructure services for
providing consumers with more hygienic and tastier waters.

Project Number



  • Alaş, A, Tunç, T, Kışoğlu, M. and Gürbüz, H. (2009). An investigation on prospective teachers’ conscious water consumption: Atatürk university sample. Journal of Education Faculty, 11 (2), 37-49.
  • Bilgic, A. (2010). Measuring willingness to pay to improve municipal water in southeast Anatolia, Turkey. Water Resources Research, 46 (12), DOI: 10.1029/2009WR009010.
  • Bilgic, A., Eren, G. and Florkowski, W. J. (2008). Willingness to pay for potable water in the southeastern Turkey: an application of both stated and revealed preferences valuation method. The Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting February 2-6, Teksas, USA.
  • Brouwer, R., Job, F. C., van der Kroon, B. and Johnston, R. (2015). Comparing willingness to pay for improved drinking-water quality using stated preference methods in rural and urban Kenya. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 13 (1), 81-94.
  • Chatterjee, C., Triplett, R., Johnson, C. K. and Ahmed, P. (2017). Willingness to pay for safe drinking water: A contingent valuation study in Jacksonville, FL. Journal of Environmental Management, 203, 413-421.
  • Del Saz-Salazar, S., García-Rubio, M. A., González-Gómez, F. and Picazo-Tadeo, A. J. (2016). Managing water resources under conditions of scarcity: on consumers’ willingness to pay for improving water supply infrastructure. Water Resources Management, 30 (5), 1723-1738.
  • Del Saz-Salazar, S., González-Gómez, F. and Guardiola, J. (2015). Willingness to pay to improve urban water supply: the case of Sucre, Bolivia. Water Policy, 17 (1), 112-125.
  • Eren, G., Bilgiç, A., Karli, B. and Miran, B. (2008). GAP bölgesi'nde kaliteli içme suyunun fiyatlandırılmasına etki eden faktörler. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Economics, 14 (2), 67-74.
  • Gschwandtner, A., Jang, C. and McManus, R. (2018). Improving drinking water quality in South Korea: a choice experiment. Conference of International Association of Agricultural Economists. July 28-August 2 Vancouver, Canada.
  • Guilfoos, T., Hayden, S., Uchida, E., Oyanedel-Craver, V. (2019). WTP for water filters and water quality testing services in Guatemala. Water Resources and Economics (In Press, 100139).
  • Haab, T. C., and McConnell, K. E. (2003). Valuing environmental and natural resources: the econometrics of non-market valuation. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, USA.
  • Jianjun, J., Wenyu, W., Ying, F. and Xiaomin, W. (2016). Measuring the willingness to pay for drinking water quality improvements: results of a contingent valuation survey in Songzi, China. Journal of Water and Health, 14 (1), Doi: 10.2166/wh.2016.247.
  • Karahan, F. and Angın, İ. (2008). Yeşil alan uygulamalarında su tüketiminin asgariye indirilmesi için Sukkulent bitki türlerinden yararlanma, TMMOB 2. Su Politikaları Kongresi 20-22 Mart, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Lee, P. Y., Lusk, K., Mirosa, M. and Oey, I. (2015). An attribute prioritization-based segmentation of the Chinese consumer market for fruit juice. Food Quality and Preference, 46: 1-8.
  • Lyytimäki, J., and Assmuth, T., 2015. Down with the flow: public debates shaping the risk framing of artificial groundwater recharge. GeoJournal, 80 (1), 113-127.
  • Manju, S. and Sagar, N. (2017). Yenilenebilir enerji entegre tuzdan arındırma: Hindistan'da gelecekteki tatlı su kıtlığının üstesinden gelmek için sürdürülebilir bir çözüm. Yenilenebilir ve Sürdürülebilir Enerji İncelemeleri, 73, 594-609.
  • Mezgebo, G. K. and Ewnetu, Z. (2015). Households willingness to pay for improved water services in urban areas: A case study from Nebelet town, Ethiopia. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 7 (1), 12-19.
  • Newbold, P., (1995). Statistics for business and economics. Prentice- Hall International, New Jersey, USA.
  • Parveen, S. Ahmad, J. Rahman, M. U. (2016). Estimating willingness to pay for drinking water quality in Nowshera: a domestic study for public health. Journal of Economics, 19: 48-56.
  • Rananga, H. T. and Gumbo, J. R. (2015). Willingness to pay for water services in two communities of Mutale local municipality, South Africa: a case study. Journal of Human Ecology, 49 (3), 231-243.
  • Rauf, S., Bakhsh, K., Hassan, S., Nadeem, A. M. and Kamran, M. A. (2015). Determinants of a household’s choice of drinking water source in Punjab, Pakistan. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24 (6), 2751-2754.
  • Rodríguez-Tapia, L., Revollo-Fernández, D. and Morales-Novelo, J. (2017). Household’s perception of water quality and willingness to pay for clean water in Mexico City. Economies, 5 (12), 1-14.
  • Sezgin, A., Bilgic, A., Demir, O., (2016). Analysis of factors affecting willingness to pay for agricultural advisory service: the case of Erzurum province. The 12th Agricultural Economics Congress, 25-27 May, Isparta, Turkey.
  • Tanellari E, Bosch D, Boyle K, Mykerezi E. (2015). On consumers' attitudes and willingness to pay for improved drinking water quality and infrastructure. Water Resources Research, 51 (1), 47-57.
  • Twerefou, D. K., Tutu, K. A., Botchway, E. and Darkwah, S. (2015). Willingness-to-pay for potable water in the Accra-Tema metropolitan area of Ghana. Modern Economy, 6 (12), 1285-1296.
  • Uzundumlu, A.S., (2011). Erzurum ilinde işlenmiş ve işlenmemiş içme sütü tüketim davranışlarının incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum.
  • Van Houtven, G. L., Pattanayak, S. K., Usmani, F. and Yang, J. C. (2017). What are households willing to pay for improved water access? Results from a meta-analysis. Ecological Economics, 136, 126-135.
  • Vondolia, G. K. and Asenso‐Boadi, F. M. (2015). Private sector participation in the provision of quality drinking water in urban areas of Ghana: what do households want and can afford?. South African Journal of Economics, Doi: 10.1111/saje.12099.
  • Wahid, N. A. and Hooi, C. K. (2015). Factors determining household consumer's willingness to pay for water consumption in Malaysia. Asian Social Science, 11 (5), 26-32.
  • Yacob, M. R., Dauda, S. A., Radam, A. and Samdin, Z. (2013). Household’s willingness to pay for drinking water quality service improvement in Damaturu, Nigeria. Current World Environment, 8 (3), 381-389.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Articles

Ahmet Semih Uzundumlu 0000-0001-9714-2053

Özden Fakıoğlu 0000-0003-2015-7446

Mine Köktürk This is me 0000-0003-4722-256X

Project Number PRJ2013/370
Publication Date December 9, 2019
Acceptance Date October 19, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Autumn


APA Uzundumlu, A. S., Fakıoğlu, Ö., & Köktürk, M. (2019). Erzurum İlinde İçme Suyu İçin Ödeme İstekliliği Üzerine Etkili Olan Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi. IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(5), 153-163.