e-ISSN: 2687-2811
Founded: 2016
Publisher: Hayrullah KAHYA
Cover Image

IBAD Journal of Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed, fully open access, and academic e-journal that publishes scientific articles focusing on the social and cultural characteristics of Turks and Turkiye, as well as their historical and contemporary realities. The journal also addresses these issues by proposing potential solutions. The journal is published semiannually in August and December, featuring original research articles, review papers, scientific translations, and book reviews. Adopting a double-blind peer review process, it accepts submissions in both Turkish and English. The journal organizes or supports academic conferences, symposiums, workshops, etc., both nationally and internationally. 

According to the WoS database, IBAD Journal of Social Sciences has received citations for nearly 162 articles, including some with over 15 citations. In the Scopus database, this number rises to approximately 280 articles. Moreover, the journal has achieved a remarkable increase in citations, surpassing 1,100 according to Crossref data.


IBAD Journal of Social Sciences is a Q1 journal in its field according to SOBIAD data. The SOBIAD Impact Factor increased from 0.132 in 2019 to 0.187 in 2020, 0.474 in 2021, and 0.750 in 2022, reaching 1.007 in 2023. As a result, IBAD Journal of Social Sciences ranks 2nd among the 520 journals in its field
According to the WoS database, IBAD Journal of Social Sciences has received citations for nearly 162 articles, including some with over 15 citations. In the Scopus database, this number rises to approximately 280 articles. Moreover, the journal has achieved a remarkable increase in citations, surpassing 1,100 according to Crossref data.
- IBAD Journal of Social Sciences has begun being indexed in several prestigious databases, including MLA Bibliography Index, and ERIHPLUS, which are recognized as field indexes by various universities.

Academical Events

May 7-9, 2025 - Istanbul

An international symposium titled From Past to Present: The Orthography of Turkish will be organized by the Faculty of Letters at Istanbul University, International Balkan University (North Macedonia), and the Turkish Language and Literature Association on May 7-9, 2025, in Istanbul.

Book of Congress


1ST IBAD-2016, Madrid, SPAIN
Abstracts Proceedings
2ND IBAD-2017, Istanbul, TURKEY
Abstracts Proceedings
3RD IBAD-2018, Skopje, MACEDONIA
Abstracts Proceedings
Bildiriler Program
4TH IBAD-2019, Uppsala, SWEDEN
Abstracts Proceedings

1ST ICES-2018, Istanbul, TURKEY
Abstracts Proceedings
Bildiriler Program
Eğitim Materyalları Tasarımı/Sergisi Yarışması Kitabı
2ND ICES-2019, Istanbul, TURKEY
Abstracts Program