Hayrullah KAHYA

Scientific Journals Coordinator Hayrullah Kahya
E-Mail hkahya@yildiz.edu.tr
Phone +90 212 383 48 67
Institution Web Site https://avesis.yildiz.edu.tr/hkahya/iletisim
City İstanbul
Address Yildiz Technical University Davutpaşa Campus Education Faculty Turkish Language and Social Sciences Department Office no: A-116 P.K. 34230 Esenler-İstanbul TÜRKİYE
Description IBAD Journal of Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed, fully open access, and academic e-journal that publishes scientific articles focusing on the social and cultural characteristics of Turks and Turkiye, as well as their historical and contemporary realities. The journal also addresses these issues by proposing potential solutions. The journal is published semiannually in August and December, featuring original research articles, review papers, scientific translations, and book reviews. Adopting a double-blind peer review process, it accepts submissions in both Turkish and English. The journal organizes or supports academic conferences, symposiums, workshops, etc., both nationally and internationally.
Total Journal Number 1
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10th Year
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