Statistics are to be presented on Journal Board pages The inclusion of journal board members via DergiPark accounts will facilitate the generation of statistics based on Organization, Country, and gender.
A continuous publication feature will be added A development will be made for journals interested in transitioning to continuous publication. This option will be extended to journals that currently only utilize the DOI service.
The edition will be presented on the Editor Board edition page, and statistical data will be added When an edition is published, the editor will be able to choose the contributing editors. The publication page for that edition will provide statistics concerning the organization, country, and gender of the selected users for user reference.
The article process management will be renewed The process configuration will undergo renewals in parallel with user feedbacks, end-user testing, and the results of the DergiPark user survey.
A range of optional themes will be offered for journals A range of journal themes will be made available by DergiPark to cater to the specific interests and emphases of various journals, providing options for journals looking to highlight particular areas.
Journals that publish articles using process or solely upload archives will be regulated in terms of their authorizations Certain regulations will be implemented concerning peer-reviewing for journals that publish articles using process. Conversely, pertinent details regarding the article submission process will be omitted from the panels of journals that do not utilize processing but instead only upload archives. Visual differentiation will be activated to provide guidance to readers and writers within the user interface.
Videos will be created to facilitate the user-friendly navigation of DergiPark Guiding videos will be offered on each page to facilitate easy and fast user transactions.
Journals that do not advertise will not be able to publish special editions When the journal advertises for a special edition, no articles will be considered for inclusion in the special edition, except for associated papers.
A Latex-based database will be added During the publishing process, editors will have the chance to upload article layout files in Latex format rather than PDF format. This will provide the option to display the entire text content on the article page.
Enhancements Made
The Journal Application Method is to be modified The Editorial Coordinator will handle journal Application Submissions, while the editor-in-chief will oversee the completion of journal articles from accepted applications.
Board pages prepared in the former configuration are to be removed The Journal Boards configuration has been updated to allow for the addition of members through the DergiPark account, replacing the previous text-based page preparation method. This modification streamlines the approval process for board members and enables the collection of data for future statistical analysis.
Publisher Page is to be added The terms of application on international authority indexes and open access platforms now include publisher page information. Previously, journal pages only featured the Publisher’s name. However, it has been decided to create a dedicated page for each Publisher.
Editorial Coordinator and Editor-in-Chief Roles are to be added The relevant publishing body will designate one person to serve as the “Editorial Coordinator” for the Publisher Page. The Editorial Coordinator will then appoint an Editor-in-Chief for each journal.
Participation Agreement is to be renewed It has become necessary to update the Participation Agreement signed by and between DergiPark and journals in response to the changing academic publishing conditions. Once the new Participation Agreement is finalized, all journals will be required to sign it. Journals that fail to sign within six months will be delisted from DergiPark.
The e-signature obligation is to be imposed The Participation Agreement, previously requiring signatures from editors or publishers, will now necessitate an e-signature exclusively from the Publisher.
The rules for the request for change in periods will be revised Upon approval by Dergipark, the requested period change will be applicable from the following year, rather than the current year.
Interface preference will be offered in a single language This option is designed to address challenges faced by journals that have a preference for publishing in English or Turkish with respect to indexing. Journals that so desire, will have the option to continue using pages in both interfaces.
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