We would like to share important news with you. International e-journal of Educational Studies indexed in EBSCO Education Full Text Database Coverage List H.W. Wilson Index since January 7th, 2020.
IEJES has been indexed in the Education Source Ultimate database, which is the upper version of the Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson) and Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson) database, from 2020 to the present.
IEJES started accepting manuscripts only in English. (Starting from Volume 4 Issue 8 in 2020)
International e-journal of Educational Studies (IEJES) is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed, international online academic research journal accepting educational articles in all social and science fields. For the purpose of gathering research in the field of education.
IEJES aims to provide a forum for original and theoretical and research-oriented studies in education to improve the quality of research and to encourage the mutual sharing of national and international academic research. It publishes original quantitative and qualitative studies in the fields of educational sciences and teacher education in English. IEJES is published every March, July, and October since 2023. Authors who submit scientific articles for publishing in the journal should confirm that the manuscripts have not been fully or partly published before or have not been evaluated for publishing elsewhere.
All published articles are also being archived in dergipark database and are available for access.
All content of IEJES is subjected to peer review and all articles published in IEJES have undergone rigorous peer review (double-blind peer review), by members of the editorial board and the review panel.
IEJES is is a peer-reviewed and international open-access journal available in electronic formats.
Journal name : International e-Journal of Educational Studies
Abbreviation : Int e Jour Edu Studies
e-ISSN : 2602-4241
Founded : 2017
Article link :
Abstracting and Indexing: EBSCO, H.W. Wilson Data Education Full Text Database Coverage List, IndexCopernicus, DRJI, ASCI, KOAR, CrossRef, Harvard Library, EuroPub, World CAT, Index of Academic Journals, SOBIAD,
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You can download our "Manuscript Template" in order to prepare your submission.
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We would like to share important news with you. International e-journal of Educational Studies indexed in EBSCO Education Full Text Database Coverage List H.W. Wilson Index since January 7th, 2020.
IEJES started accepting manuscripts only in English. (Starting from 2020 Volume 4 Issue 8)
IEJES is indexed by EBSCO
ICV 2021 = 92.45
We would like to share important news with you. International e-journal of Educational Studies indexed in EBSCO Education Full Text Database Coverage List H.W. Wilson Index since January 7th, 2020.
IEJES has been indexed in the Education Source Ultimate database, which is the upper version of the Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson) and Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson) database, from 2020 to the present.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.