Research Article
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Examining the Learning Styles of Teacher Candidates in Terms of Different Variables

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 15, 548 - 554, 21.10.2023


Every individual is different from each other, and learning processes can also differ from each other. Therefore, individuals' learning styles may differ from other individual to individual. The purpose of this research is to investigate the learning styles of pre-service teachers in terms of gender, department and class level variables. The survey model, one of the non-experimental research designs, was used in the research. “Kolb Learning Style Inventory” was used as the data collection tool in the research. The sample of the research consists of 328 pre-service teachers who are studying in the 1st, 2nd, 3th and 4th classs of elemantary school teaching (n = 172) and mathematics teaching (n = 156). The data obtained by the Kolb Learning Style Inventory were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square test. As a result of the findings, it was observed that the differentiation of pre-service teachers' learning styles according to their departments, genders and class levels was not statistically significant.


  • Akgün, İ. (2002). Learning styles of the students in private English courses, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Altun, H., & Yılmaz, S. (2016). İlköğretim matematik öğretmenliği lisans öğrencilerinin türev konusundaki akademik başarıları ile öğrenme stilleri arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi [Investigation of the relationship between academic achievement with learning styles towards the derivative of elementary mathematics teaching undergraduate students]. Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(13), 161-182.
  • Arsal, Z. & Özen, R. (2007). Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının öğrenme stratejileri ve öğrenme biçimi tercihlerinin incelenmesi [Examining the learning strategies and learning style preferences of candidate classroom teachers]. AİBÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2),151-164.
  • Aşkar, P. & Akkoyunlu, B. (1993). Kolb öğrenme stili envanteri, [Kolb learning style inventory]. Eğitim ve Bilim, 87, 37–47.
  • Biggs, J. (2001). Enhancing learning: A matter of style or approach?. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002). Faktör analizi: Temel kavramlar ve ölçek geliştirmede kullanımı [Factor analysis: Basic concepts and using to development scale]. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 32(32), 470-483.
  • Can, Ş. (2011). Investigation of the relationships between the learning styles and preservice elementary teachers and some variables. Hacettepe University Journal of Education Faculty, 41, 70-82.
  • Durdukoca, Ş. F. & Arıbaş, S. (2010). İnönü üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi sınıf öğretmenliği öğretmen adaylarının sahip oldukları öğrenme stillerinin farklı değişkenlere göre değerlendirilmesi [The evaluation of the learning styles that the teacher candidates of Inonu university, faculty of education, department of prımary school teaching have according to different variables ]. Bildiriler kitabı (s:517-523), 9. Ulusal Sınıf Öğretmenliği Eğitimi Sempozyumu, Elazığ.
  • Ekici, G. (2003). Öğrenme stiline dayalı öğretim ve biyoloji dersi öğretimine yönelik ders planı örnekleri [Course plan examples for learning style-based teaching and biology course teaching] (1. Baskı). Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Given, B. K. (1996). Learning styles: A synthesized model. Journal of Accelerated Learning and Teaching. Special Issue 21, (11- 44).
  • Gregorc, A. F., & Butler, K. A. (1984). Learning is a matter of style. VocEd, 59(3), 27-29.
  • Güneş, C. (2004). Learning styles of Gazi University preparatory class, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
  • Kaf-Hasırcı, O. (2006). Sınıf öğretmenliği öğrencilerinin öğrenme stilleri: Çukurova üniversitesi örneği. [Learning styles of prospective primary school teachers: Çukurova university case]. Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama Dergisi 2(1), 15-25.
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi [Scientific research methods]. Ankara, Nobel Yayın.
  • Kolb, D. A., Boyatzis, R. E., & Mainemelis, C. (2001). Experiential learning theory: Previous research and new directions. Perspectives on thinking, learning, and cognitive styles, 1(8), 227-247.
  • Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experimential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall.
  • Kolb, D. A. (1985). Learning style inventory: Self-scoring inventory and interpretation booklet. Boston: McBer and Company.
  • Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. (2005) The kolb learning style inventory-version 3.1 2005 Thecnical Specification, Boston, MA:Hay Group Resources Direct.
  • Kılıç, E. (2002). Baskın öğrenme stilinin öğrenme etkinlikleri tercihi ve akademik başarıya etkisi. [The effect of the dominant learning style on learning activities preference and academic achievement]. Eğitim Bilimleri ve Uygulama, 1(1), 1-15.
  • Özbay, M. (2006). Türkçe özel öğretim yöntemleri I. [Turkish Private Teaching Methods I]. Ankara: Öncü Kitap.
  • Özer, B. (1998). Eğitim bilimlerinde yenilikler. [Innovations in educational sciences]. (Ed. H. Ayhan), Öğrenmeyi öğretme [Teaching learning]. (s.146-164), Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Özgür, H. (2013). Learning styles of distance education students: Trakya university sample. Trakya University Journal of Education Faculty, 3(2), 85-91.
  • Özsoy, N., Yağdıran, E. & Öztürk, G. (2004). Onuncu sınıf öğrencilerinin öğrenme stilleri ve geometrik düşünme düzeyleri. [Tenth grade students’ learning styles and their geometric thinking levels]. Eğitim Araştırmaları, 16, 50-63.
  • Stice, J. E. (1987). Using kolb's learning cycle to improve student learning. Engineering Education, 77(5), 291-96.
  • Vural, B. (2004). Eğitim-öğretimde planlama-ölçme ve stratejiler. [Planning, measurement and strategies in education]. İstanbul: Bilge Matbaacılık.
  • Whitcomb, R. M. (1999). The relationship between student cognitive development and learning style preference. Unpublished doctoral thesis The University of Maine.
  • White, J. (1994). Individual characteristics and social knowledge in ethical reasoning, Psychological Reports, 75, 627-649.

Examining the Learning Styles of Teacher Candidates in Terms of Different Variables

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 15, 548 - 554, 21.10.2023


Every individual is different from each other, and learning processes can also differ from each other. Therefore, individuals' learning styles may differ from other individual to individual. The purpose of this research is to investigate the learning styles of pre-service teachers in terms of gender, department and class level variables. The survey model, one of the non-experimental research designs, was used in the research. “Kolb Learning Style Inventory” was used as the data collection tool in the research. The sample of the research consists of 328 pre-service teachers who are studying in the 1st, 2nd, 3th and 4th classs of elemantary school teaching (n = 172) and mathematics teaching (n = 156). The data obtained by the Kolb Learning Style Inventory were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square test. As a result of the findings, it was observed that the differentiation of pre-service teachers' learning styles according to their departments, genders and class levels was not statistically significant.


This study was previously presented as an oral presentation in International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME-2018).


  • Akgün, İ. (2002). Learning styles of the students in private English courses, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Altun, H., & Yılmaz, S. (2016). İlköğretim matematik öğretmenliği lisans öğrencilerinin türev konusundaki akademik başarıları ile öğrenme stilleri arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi [Investigation of the relationship between academic achievement with learning styles towards the derivative of elementary mathematics teaching undergraduate students]. Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(13), 161-182.
  • Arsal, Z. & Özen, R. (2007). Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının öğrenme stratejileri ve öğrenme biçimi tercihlerinin incelenmesi [Examining the learning strategies and learning style preferences of candidate classroom teachers]. AİBÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2),151-164.
  • Aşkar, P. & Akkoyunlu, B. (1993). Kolb öğrenme stili envanteri, [Kolb learning style inventory]. Eğitim ve Bilim, 87, 37–47.
  • Biggs, J. (2001). Enhancing learning: A matter of style or approach?. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002). Faktör analizi: Temel kavramlar ve ölçek geliştirmede kullanımı [Factor analysis: Basic concepts and using to development scale]. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 32(32), 470-483.
  • Can, Ş. (2011). Investigation of the relationships between the learning styles and preservice elementary teachers and some variables. Hacettepe University Journal of Education Faculty, 41, 70-82.
  • Durdukoca, Ş. F. & Arıbaş, S. (2010). İnönü üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi sınıf öğretmenliği öğretmen adaylarının sahip oldukları öğrenme stillerinin farklı değişkenlere göre değerlendirilmesi [The evaluation of the learning styles that the teacher candidates of Inonu university, faculty of education, department of prımary school teaching have according to different variables ]. Bildiriler kitabı (s:517-523), 9. Ulusal Sınıf Öğretmenliği Eğitimi Sempozyumu, Elazığ.
  • Ekici, G. (2003). Öğrenme stiline dayalı öğretim ve biyoloji dersi öğretimine yönelik ders planı örnekleri [Course plan examples for learning style-based teaching and biology course teaching] (1. Baskı). Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Given, B. K. (1996). Learning styles: A synthesized model. Journal of Accelerated Learning and Teaching. Special Issue 21, (11- 44).
  • Gregorc, A. F., & Butler, K. A. (1984). Learning is a matter of style. VocEd, 59(3), 27-29.
  • Güneş, C. (2004). Learning styles of Gazi University preparatory class, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
  • Kaf-Hasırcı, O. (2006). Sınıf öğretmenliği öğrencilerinin öğrenme stilleri: Çukurova üniversitesi örneği. [Learning styles of prospective primary school teachers: Çukurova university case]. Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama Dergisi 2(1), 15-25.
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi [Scientific research methods]. Ankara, Nobel Yayın.
  • Kolb, D. A., Boyatzis, R. E., & Mainemelis, C. (2001). Experiential learning theory: Previous research and new directions. Perspectives on thinking, learning, and cognitive styles, 1(8), 227-247.
  • Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experimential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall.
  • Kolb, D. A. (1985). Learning style inventory: Self-scoring inventory and interpretation booklet. Boston: McBer and Company.
  • Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. (2005) The kolb learning style inventory-version 3.1 2005 Thecnical Specification, Boston, MA:Hay Group Resources Direct.
  • Kılıç, E. (2002). Baskın öğrenme stilinin öğrenme etkinlikleri tercihi ve akademik başarıya etkisi. [The effect of the dominant learning style on learning activities preference and academic achievement]. Eğitim Bilimleri ve Uygulama, 1(1), 1-15.
  • Özbay, M. (2006). Türkçe özel öğretim yöntemleri I. [Turkish Private Teaching Methods I]. Ankara: Öncü Kitap.
  • Özer, B. (1998). Eğitim bilimlerinde yenilikler. [Innovations in educational sciences]. (Ed. H. Ayhan), Öğrenmeyi öğretme [Teaching learning]. (s.146-164), Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Özgür, H. (2013). Learning styles of distance education students: Trakya university sample. Trakya University Journal of Education Faculty, 3(2), 85-91.
  • Özsoy, N., Yağdıran, E. & Öztürk, G. (2004). Onuncu sınıf öğrencilerinin öğrenme stilleri ve geometrik düşünme düzeyleri. [Tenth grade students’ learning styles and their geometric thinking levels]. Eğitim Araştırmaları, 16, 50-63.
  • Stice, J. E. (1987). Using kolb's learning cycle to improve student learning. Engineering Education, 77(5), 291-96.
  • Vural, B. (2004). Eğitim-öğretimde planlama-ölçme ve stratejiler. [Planning, measurement and strategies in education]. İstanbul: Bilge Matbaacılık.
  • Whitcomb, R. M. (1999). The relationship between student cognitive development and learning style preference. Unpublished doctoral thesis The University of Maine.
  • White, J. (1994). Individual characteristics and social knowledge in ethical reasoning, Psychological Reports, 75, 627-649.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Social and Humanities Education (Excluding Economics, Business and Management)
Journal Section Research Article

Betül Küçük-demir 0000-0002-6752-6803

Demet Deniz Yılmaz 0000-0001-9310-5482

Early Pub Date October 7, 2023
Publication Date October 21, 2023
Submission Date June 8, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 15


APA Küçük-demir, B., & Deniz Yılmaz, D. (2023). Examining the Learning Styles of Teacher Candidates in Terms of Different Variables. International E-Journal of Educational Studies, 7(15), 548-554.

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