Journal of Islamic Law Studies is a peer-reviewed, and academic journal that is published online and in print twice a year. When necessary, special or additional issues can be published. It publishes scientific researches such as research article, translation about Islamic Law field. The scope of the journal includes the studies in the Islamic Law field.
The articles submitted to the journal should not be previously published or accepted for publication from elsewhere. Articles produced from post-graduate theses and symposium reports can be uploaded to the journal system along with the ethical statement at the beginning of the article.
Example: This article is grounded on my master thesis/doctorate dissertation titled “…”, (Master Thesis/PhD Dissertation, ….. University, Afyonkarahisar/Turkey, 2021).
It should be stated the ethical committee approval on the first page and in the method part of the study for the studies requiring ethical committee approval (as board name, date, and issue no). Please see The Ethical Principles and Publication Policy of the journal for the studies requiring ethical committee approval.
Turkish, Arabic and English articles can be published in the journal. Just one study of an author can be published in an issue.
The length of articles should be at least 4.000 words and no more than 10.000 words (excluding Turkish and English abstracts, bibliography, and appendix). Articles exceeding 10.000 words are included in the referee process if deemed appropriate by the Editorial Board. At the beginning of the article, there should be Turkish and English abstracts consisting of 250-300 words, at least 5 Turkish and English keywords, and Turkish and English titles. The first keyword must be the name of the field of science (such as Islamic Law, Fiqh). Keywords should be ordered from general to specific.
Turkish/English abstract should be written in a single paragraph. In the part of Turkish abstract, for spelling proper names (religion, sect, person, surah, and so on), book name, and terms that are not Turkish, the usage in the Religious Foundation of Turkey Encyclopaedia of Islam (see should be followed. For spelling proper names, book names, and terms in the English texts (abstract and keywords), the 3rd edition of the Encyclopaedia of Islam should be considered.
The resources cited in the text should be added at the end of the text under the title of Bibliography in the format given below. The bibliography should be in accordance with the Isnad Citation Style 2nd version. Click here for the Isnad Citation Style.
Isnad Citation Style 2nd version (Arabic) should be taken into attention in footnotes of Arabic articles. Although there is an Arabic bibliography at the end of these articles, there should be a bibliography in Latin letters in accordance with the Isnad Citation System 2nd Edition.
The studies having more than one author should include declarations of the contribution rate, if there are, support and acknowledgment and conflict at the end of the study completing the peer-review process. Additionally, the conflict of interest declaration form should be filled and uploaded to the system. Click here for the the conflict of interest declaration form.
Journal of Islamic Law Studies suggests using Zotero, Mendeley, or Endnote in terms of international coherence in article writing.
Articles should be organised according to the features while they are uploaded to the journal system:
1. Articles should be written in Microsoft Word program.
2. Text fonts should be in ISNAD Font for Turkish and English, Tradational Naskh for Arabic.
3. There should not be details such as page number, header, and footer.
4. The citation system used in articles should be in accordance with the Isnad Citation Style 2nd version (with footnotes). Click here for the Isnad Citation Style.
5. Click here for sample article writing template.
Paper Size
Width | 16,5 cm |
Height | 24 cm |
Top | 2,25 cm |
Bottom | 2,25 cm |
Right | 2 cm |
Left | 2 cm |
Special Indentation | None |
Spacing | Before 0 pt, After 0 pt |
Line Spacing | Single |
Font Size | 10 pt |
Special Indentation | Firs Line 1 cm |
Spacing | Before 6 pt, After 6 pt |
Line Spacing | Single |
Font Size | 10 pt |
Special Indentation | Hanging 0,5 cm |
Spacing | Before 0 pt, After 0 pt |
Line Spacing | Single |
Font Size | 8 pt |
Special Indentation | Hanging 1 cm |
Spacing | Before 0 pt, After 0 pt |
Line Spacing | Single |
Font Size | 10 pt |