ISSN: 2149-2344
e-ISSN: 2149-2344
Founded: 2015
Publisher: Mehmet Ayhan
Cover Image

IHYA  is a peer-reviewed Journal published  twice a year as July and January. The Journal aims to contribute religious, theological, and social studies by publishing original academic works meeting international scientific criteria. The Journal publishes articles in Turkish, English, and Arabic.

All articles sent to Ihya are subject to the double-blind peer-review process. Also, all the articles are checked by a plagiarism software (iThenticate) to preclude any academic dishonesty. Moreover, Ihya does not charge for publications and submissions.

The Scope of the Journal:

Basic Islamic Sciences: The Quran, Hadith, Exegesis, Islamic Jurisprudence, Kalam, History of Islamic Sects, Sufism, and Arabic Language and Literature;

Philosophy and Religious Sciences: Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Logic, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Education of Religion, and History of Religions;

Islamic History and Arts: Islamic History, History of Islamic Arts, Turkish-Islamic Literature, and Religious Music.

Our authors who have difficulties in article submission can click on the link to view the Article Submission video.

2025 - Volume: 11 Issue: 1

İhya Uluslararası İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2017'den bu yana TR DİZİN ULAKBİM tarafından taranmaktadır. 

