Sheikh Fathullah Varqānisī is a Sufi ʻālim who lived in Bitlis in the last quarter of the 19th century. Varqānisī, who also engaged in educational activities, has authored many works in different fields. Among these works, the risāle of ādāb is important for Khālidiyya. because many branches of the Naqshbandi-Khālidiyya, that are active today apply the rules of the order by taking this work as an example. Varqānisī, a Sufi who paid attention to sharia, took the rules of sharia as a measure in his work in the balance between sharia and tariqah. He defines the aim of the tariqa as "to strive to muhabbt-i zati in order to attain sincerity in action." According to him, the elimination of heedlessness originating from the nafs can only be achieved through muhabbat. However, this muhabbat should not be excessive and should not exceed the limits of the Sharia. In this context, Varqānisī criticizes the shathiyas of some Sufis that stem from sakr or muhabbat. According to Varqānisī, who argues that Sufi training must definitely be received from a murshid, the disciple must be attached to his murshid with muhabbat and submit to him loyally. Varqānisī explained in detail the conditions required for a disciple to join the order, and these rules were applied in the following silsila of Khālidiyya. He gave information about the daily dhikr of the disciple, especially detailed the spiritual connections of the latāif, and explained the nafy u isbāt in a formal way.
Sheikh Fathullah Varqānisī is a Sufi ʻālim who lived in Bitlis in the last quarter of the 19th century. Varqānisī, who also engaged in educational activities, has authored many works in different fields. Among these works, the risāle of ādāb is important for Khālidiyya. because many branches of the Naqshbandi-Khālidiyya, that are active today apply the rules of the order by taking this work as an example. Varqānisī, a Sufi who paid attention to sharia, took the rules of sharia as a measure in his work in the balance between sharia and tariqah. He defines the aim of the tariqa as "to strive to muhabbt-i zati in order to attain sincerity in action." According to him, the elimination of heedlessness originating from the nafs can only be achieved through muhabbat. However, this muhabbat should not be excessive and should not exceed the limits of the Sharia. In this context, Varqānisī criticizes the shathiyas of some Sufis that stem from sakr or muhabbat. According to Varqānisī, who argues that Sufi training must definitely be received from a murshid, the disciple must be attached to his murshid with muhabbat and submit to him loyally. Varqānisī explained in detail the conditions required for a disciple to join the order, and these rules were applied in the following silsila of Khālidiyya. He gave information about the daily dhikr of the disciple, especially detailed the spiritual connections of the latāif, and explained the nafy u isbāt in a formal way.
Sheikh Fathullah Varqānisī (d. 1317/1899) is a sufi ʻālim who lived in Bitlis in the last quarter of the 19th century. Varqānisī, who also engaged in educational activities, has authored many works in different fields. Among these works, the risāle of ādāb is important for Khālidiyya. Because many branches of the Naqshbandi-Khālidiyya, that are active today apply the rules of the order by taking this work as an example. Varqānisī, a sufi who paid attention to sharia, took the rules of sharia as a measure in his work in the balance between sharia and tariqah. He defines the aim of the tariqa as "to strive to muhabbt-i zatī in order to attain sincerity in action." According to him, the elimination of heedlessness originating from the nafs can only be achieved through muhabbat. However, this muhabbat should not be excessive and should not exceed the limits of the sharia. In this context, Varqānisī criticizes the shathiyas of some sufis that stem from sakr or muhabbat. According to Varqānisī, who argues that sufi training must definitely be received from a murshid, the disciple must be attached to his murshid with muhabbat and submit to him loyally. Varqānisī explained in detail the conditions required for a disciple to join the order, and these rules were applied in the following silsila of Khālidiyya. He gave information about the daily dhikr of the disciple, especially detailed the spiritual connections of the latāif, and explained the nafy u isbāt in a formal way.
Şeyh Fethullah Verkânisî (ö. 1317/1899), XIX. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde Bitlis’te yaşamış alim bir sûfîdir. Tedris faaliyetlerinde de bulunan Verkânisî, farklı alanlarda birçok eser telif etmiştir. Bu eserler içerisinde Âdâb risalesi Hâlidîlik açısından önem arz etmektedir. Zira Nakşî-Hâlidîliğin günümüzde aktif olan birçok kolu, tarikatın âdâbını bu eseri örnek alarak uygulamaktadır. Müteşeriʻ bir sûfî olan Verkânisî, eserinde şeriat-tarikat dengesinde, şeriatın kurallarını ölçü almıştır. Bu bağlamda selefleri gibi o da tarikatın esasını şeriatın temelleri üzerine bina eder. Tarikatın amacını ise, “amelde ihlası kazanmak için muhabbet-i zâtiyyeyi elde etmeye çalışmak” olarak belirler. Ona göre nefisten kaynaklanan gafletin giderilmesi, ancak muhabbet ile gerçekleşebilir. Fakat bu muhabbette aşırıya gidip şeriatın sınırı aşılmamalıdır. Verkânisî, bu kapsamda bazı sûfîlerin sekr veya muhabbetten kaynaklı şathiyelerini eleştirir. Tasavvufi eğitimin mutlaka bir mürşid nezdinde alınması gerektiğini savunan Verkânisî’ye göre mürid, mürşidine muhabbetle bağlanıp sadık bir biçimde teslim olmalıdır. Verkânisî, müridin tarikata intisâb ederken lazım olan şartları detaylıca anlatmış ve bu âdâb, ondan sonraki silsilelerde uygulanagelmiştir. Ona göre intisâb eden mürid, itikadını ehl-i sünnete göre tashih etmeli ve bidatlerden sakınarak dört mezhepten birine tabi olmalıdır. Müridin günlük virdleri hakkında da bilgi veren Verkânisî, özellikle letâifin manevi bağlantılarını detaylandırmış ve nefy u isbâtı formel bir biçimde izah etmiştir.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Sufism |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Early Pub Date | January 15, 2025 |
Publication Date | January 15, 2025 |
Submission Date | November 6, 2024 |
Acceptance Date | January 7, 2025 |
Published in Issue | Year 2025 Volume: 11 Issue: 1 |
İhya Uluslararası İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2017'den bu yana TR DİZİN ULAKBİM tarafından taranmaktadır.